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Wesleyan Wesleyan is a small liberal arts in Middletown, Connecticut. Wes has 2,700 undergraduates, 300 graduate students, 200 students in our Graduate.

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Presentation on theme: "Wesleyan Wesleyan is a small liberal arts in Middletown, Connecticut. Wes has 2,700 undergraduates, 300 graduate students, 200 students in our Graduate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wesleyan Wesleyan is a small liberal arts in Middletown, Connecticut. Wes has 2,700 undergraduates, 300 graduate students, 200 students in our Graduate Liberal Studies Program program, 320 faculty and about 600 staff. Steve Machuga, Director of Administrative Systems Wesleyan Profile

2 Connect-Ed at Wesleyan Looked at: Honeywell “Instant Alert” NTIgroup’s “Connect-Ed”

3 Chose Connect-Ed Signed Contract December 2006 First Tests in early 2007 ITS Staff System Operational by February 2007 First Campus Wide Test: March 2007 Students only October 10, 2008 Test Students (including a parent), Faculty and Staff

4 First Steps: Data/Features For Data Selection from PeopleSoft for Students, Faculty, Staff and Parents. Nightly Process Refreshes Data / Uploads to Connect-ED site Initiate Message from Web Page or from Telephone with special card –(Public Safety, Director of Public Affairs and IT Member)

5 First Steps: Team Key Members of the Crisis Team. –Director of Public Safety –VP for Public Affairs –Dean of the College –College Registrar –Chairperson of the Business Continuity Committee

6 Testing Our Goal is to run a test each semester. Three Steps in each testing cycle. –Email constituents to announce test date and time. –Members of the Crisis Team kick off test. –Solicit feedback with a Portfolio Application.

7 Connect-Ed Statistics


9 Connect-Ed Results Results of October 10 th ’s Campus-Wide Emergency Test Broadcast Of the 4,404 primary contacts (students, faculty, and staff) included in the Test, 2,008 submitted feedback as of 10/16 Results for the 2,008 people who submitted feedback (i.e. provided a response for at least 1 of their phone numbers / email addresses) FeedbackBUSNCELLDAYHOMELOC1 Parent Gu ardi anOther Phone R es ul t T ot al s Phone R e s u l t P c t. EMAIL EMail R e s u l t P c t. Received4013784634111761507343590% 212197% Not Received175837923122483509% 603% Received with Errors 13 10283361% Feedback Total57144977231368915583821 2181 Results of October 10 th's Campus-Wide Emergency Test Broadcast 90% of the phone calls were delivered without error – based on Portfolio entered feedback. NTI’s log also showed a 90% success rate for phone calls. Email success rate was about 97%. Some emails were reported as garbled. These garbled emails were caused by embedded graphics. NTI has confirmed that the Wesleyan graphic can be removed from future emails.

10 Connect ED Limitations Wesleyan’s Internal Phone Switch Connect-ED had the ability to over-power our phone lines. International phone numbers. Once a Broadcast Message has been created and stored, the contact information is locked. HTML Email is client dependent. So, we have gone to Text E-mail.

11 Parents –Parents number is included as one of the our student’s numbers. And it was, but Public Safety has made the case that our primary responsibility is to protect lives on campus. The University had a need to keep telephone lines open during an emergency. –Solution the default load is without Parents.

12 Enhancements Enhanced Personal Profiles. Some confusion over personal emergencies and campus wide emergency. Add ability to exclude your number via the portfolio. Necessity of some low-tech (i.e. loudspeaker options) Students were concerned about being in class or otherwise away from computer or phone. Vendors: Cooper Industries, Whelen Engineering Company, Allied Communications Text Messaging – simple.

13 How do we use this Product? Work with the Business Continuity Group and Crisis Management Team. Set Procedures and Responses. In addition to Testing, Practice and Training Important. Incorporate with emergency planning including pandemic/crisis management drills.

14 Incorporating Connect-Ed? Incorporate with emergency planning including pandemic/crisis management drills. In April, we will have a table top emergency drill. The scenario will be that the University is without electrical Power.

15 Questions Steve Machuga Director of Administrative Systems Wesleyan University Middletown, CT 06457

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