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© CCHMC 1/3/06 This presentation is based on funding agencies in Ohio. It is an example of possible funding solutions. Funding a Project SEARCH Transition.

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Presentation on theme: "© CCHMC 1/3/06 This presentation is based on funding agencies in Ohio. It is an example of possible funding solutions. Funding a Project SEARCH Transition."— Presentation transcript:

1 © CCHMC 1/3/06 This presentation is based on funding agencies in Ohio. It is an example of possible funding solutions. Funding a Project SEARCH Transition program

2 High School Transition Program Adult Participants Funding the High School Transition Program (based on Ohio fees and state structure)

3 HST School Business Vocational Rehabilitation Community Rehab Partner Start Up Costs School district gives extended time to teacher for preparation/planning, student engagement, internship development, travel training, etc. Business invests in preparation of classroom, program planning, internal marketing, internship site development, etc. VR involved in program planning, opening student cases, student assessments, developing Individual Plans for Employment, selecting a job coaching/development provider. Provider pays job coaches for up-front training, developing task analyses of internships, travel training and coaching on first internships before receipt of payment for first benchmarks.

4 HST School Teacher $$ from Dept. Of Ed (FTE) Additional weighted amount for disability Count week Collaborative options Curriculum Supplies Technology Related Services (including transportation costs)

5 HST School Business Classroom Space Liaison 10 % devoted time Marketing Facilitate internships Facilitate relationships Facilitate orientation Coordinate special functions Interpret and negotiate the culture Meaningful Internships Willingness to hire by changing culture

6 HST School Business Counselor (career guidance, develop IPE, etc.) Funding for individual students to access Job Coaching and Development $4,400.00 per student (Ohio average) Benchmarks: Intake - $500.00 1 st Internship - $800.00 2 nd Internship - $800.00 3 rd Internship - $800.00 Placement - $1,000.00 Closure - $500.00 Additional needs that are necessary for student to become successfully employed Vocational Rehabilitation

7 HST School Business Job Coaches Consistent staff 1:4 ratio Can be part time Take direction from the teacher Accommodations/Adaptations Job Development Assist with internal job development Responsible for external job development Vocational Rehabilitation Community Rehabilitation Partner

8 HST School Business Job Retention / Career Advancement Consistent staff Typical caseload 1:25 1/5 person for every 5 hires Accommodations/Adaptations Vocational Rehabilitation Community Rehab Partner Long Term SE support

9 HST School Business Job Retention / Career Advancement Funding options: DD (Ohio) Regional Centers PASS / IRWE Medicaid Waivers/Infrastructure Grants Ticket To Work Could provide up to $20,000 in additional revenue for providing long- term follow along services Vocational Rehabilitation Community Rehab Partner Long Term SE support

10 HST School Business Ticket To Work Some milestone payments available based on part-time work Employee does not have to go off benefits in order for EN to receive payments Freedom to spend payments to meet consumer needs (no accounting to SSA for how payments are spent) Could receive monthly payments for up to 7 years Vocational Rehabilitation Community Rehab Partner Long Term SE support

11 HST School Business Vocational Rehabilitation Community Rehab Partner Long Term SE Support Adult Participants Adults can enter HS program in open spaces Consistent staff serves both programs Tuition example - $10,000 VR Medicaid Waiver WIA Grant PASS Plan / IRWE

12 © CCHMC 1/3/06

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