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HTML for ISD Brown Bag Presentation Session 1 Why?

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Presentation on theme: "HTML for ISD Brown Bag Presentation Session 1 Why?"— Presentation transcript:


2 HTML for ISD Brown Bag Presentation Session 1

3 Why?

4 What will be covered? Terminology History of the Internet HTML Browsers Web environment at Selective

5 Notes?

6 Quiz Internet Time How long is one ‘web year’?

7 Answer 2.6 calendar months = 1 web year

8 Terminology Internet - A standards based public network. The Internet is a loose association of thousands of networks and millions of computers across the world that all work together to share information.

9 Terminology Intranet - A private network for internal users using Internet technology. It is a smaller version of the Internet that only the members of an organization can see.

10 Terminology Extranet - A private network for internal and external users using Internet technology. Extranets are becoming a very popular means for business partners to exchange information.

11 Terminology They all use the same technology. The difference is scope and audience not hardware and software.

12 Terminology Links:

13 Internet Timeline 1945 Vennevar Bush publishes paper on memex 1958 ARPA formed 1969 ARPANET online with 4 sites

14 1971 Telnet 1972 Email 1973 FTP 1974 TCP Internet Timeline

15 1979 Usenet 1982 TCP/IP 1984 DNS 1989 Web

16 Internet Timeline 1990 Archie, end of ARPANET 1991 Gopher, Browser 1992 Veronica 1995 Web becomes top Internet service

17 Names to Remember Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in late 1990 while working at CERN, the European Particle Physics Laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland. He wrote the first WWW client (a browser- editor running under NeXTStep) and the first WWW server along with most of the communications software, defining URLs, HTTP and HTML. He is a graduate of Oxford University.

18 First Web Browser (1990)

19 Names to Remember In 1993 Marc Andreesen was an undergraduate student at the University of Illinois working on a project for the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) when he led a team that developed the graphic interface browser called Mosaic. He left NCSA in March 1994 and formed a company later known as Netscape Communication Corporation.

20 Internet History Links

21 Terminology URL - Uniform Resource Locator "if it's out there, we can point at it”

22 Terminology HTML Hyper Text Markup Language HTML  Hyper Text Markup Language HTML is a collection of formatting commands that create hypertext documents--Web pages, to be exact.

23 Terminology HTML HTML provides a device-independent way of describing information. The elements of HTML describe what your information is, not how it should be displayed.

24 Terminology What HTML is not Not a programming language Not a publishing solution in the exact-placement, printed page sense.

25 Terminology Browser Interface to the World Wide Web  It interprets hypertext links and lets you view sites and navigate from one Internet node to another.

26 Browser Flavors  Internet Explorer  Netscape  Everyone else  Mosaic  Opera  Lynx

27 How it works Browser program running on a ‘host’ (PC) requests a web page Web server gets the page and sends it to requestor. If the page contains graphics, each file generates another request.

28 How it works Web Server Web Browser Request Service

29 How it works Once the pieces have been received, the browser renders the page.

30 Variations on a theme Internet Explorer Netscape

31 Selective’s Environment

32 Connection ServiceData Firewall Internet VPN Modem Router Switch Hub Ethernet Token Ring Web Server Application Server FTP POP3 SMTP DB2 Oracle SQL Server Silver Plume LDAP

33 Selective’s Web Servers Windows NT IIS ASP Cold Fusion Oracle Net8 DB2 Connect

34 Clients Supported Current and one prior version of Internet Explorer (5.x and 4.x) and Netscape (4.x and 3.x) Resolution of 640x480 (VGA) Internally we are using Internet Explorer 5.00.2014.0216

35 Next Session Basics of HTML What it is How to make your first page Links Text formatting Less Material in More Detail

36 Notes?

37 Survey Was this presentation paced: too fast,too slow,just right Was the material covered: too much,too little,just right List one topic you would like in a future brown-bag lunch List one web-based application you think would benefit the company Any other comments

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