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Respondents’ Locations Alabama 1%Arizona 2% California 9%Colorado 7% DC17%Florida10% Georgia 2%Indiana 1% Louisiana 2%Maine 1% Montana 2%Nebraska 5% New.

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Presentation on theme: "Respondents’ Locations Alabama 1%Arizona 2% California 9%Colorado 7% DC17%Florida10% Georgia 2%Indiana 1% Louisiana 2%Maine 1% Montana 2%Nebraska 5% New."— Presentation transcript:

1 Respondents’ Locations Alabama 1%Arizona 2% California 9%Colorado 7% DC17%Florida10% Georgia 2%Indiana 1% Louisiana 2%Maine 1% Montana 2%Nebraska 5% New Mexico 2%New York 7% North Carolina 2%Ohio 2% Pennsylvania 2%South Carolina 4% Texas 7%Vermont 2% Virginia 1%Washington12%

2 What percentage of your work is government related?

3 What percentage of your work is related to historic preservation?

4 Did your learning institution offer classes in sustainability?

5 What is your current main resource for sustainable guidelines?

6 Which do you feel costs the client more overall, sustainable or traditional design?

7 Have you researched future returns to your clients from a sustainably designed building?

8 Which areas of sustainable design have you researched?

9 Do you try to educate your clients regarding sustainable design?

10 How often do you try to educate your clients regarding sustainable design?

11 What percentage of your clients initiate sustainable design?

12 Do you design sustainable buildings only for clients who initiate it, or for all client (including apathetic ones)?

13 What percentage of your sustainable designs are actually accepted and implemented?

14 Do you charge your clients a fee for developing an ecologically sound design?

15 What type of fee structure do you use?

16 Do you feel that you have time to research different sustainable solutions?

17 What do you feel is the greatest incentive for the client in a sustainable design?

18 What do you feel is your greatest incentive for utilizing sustainable design?

19 Do you feel environmental sustainability and design excellence are incompatible?

20 Reasons why architects don’t always apply sustainable guidelines for siting issues.

21 Reasons why architects don’t always apply sustainable guidelines for Construction Waste Management.

22 Reasons why architects don’t always apply sustainable guidelines for Building Material Specifications

23 Reasons why architects don’t always apply sustainable guidelines for energy efficiency.

24 Reasons why architects don’t always apply sustainable guidelines for renewable energy.

25 Reasons why architects don’t apply sustainable guidelines for rehabilitation.

26 Reasons why architects don’t apply sustainable guidelines for Indoor Air Quality.

27 Reasons why architects don’t apply sustainable guidelines for Landscaping.

28 Reasons why architects don’t apply sustainable guidelines for exterior design.

29 Reasons why architects don’t apply sustainable guidelines for Occupant Recycling.

30 Reasons why architects don’t apply sustainable guidelines for Water Conservation.

31 Reasons why architects don’t apply sustainable guidelines for Water Quality.

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