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Welcome School Improvement Advisory Committee Members We are happy youre here!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome School Improvement Advisory Committee Members We are happy youre here!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome School Improvement Advisory Committee Members We are happy youre here!

2 2 Introductions Name Organization Stakeholder Group Represented (Student, Staff, Parent, Community) Share something you hope to contribute to the group

3 3 Mission of the SIAC Group? Determination of major educational needs Review of short and long range goals Review progress toward meeting goals Development of student achievement goals and measurement processes to be used

4 4 The Plan… Session 1: Orientation to SIAC, academic achievement data review Session 2: Perception data review Session 3: District in Need of Assistance Report Review and Goal Setting Input Next Year: Reviewing data, providing input to goal setting, future strategic planning

5 ©2005, Harris Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Cedar Rapids Community School District Results - Key Overall District Findings

6 6

7 7 Stakeholder Response Rates Surveys were conducted in April 2007 Grades 3-12 All teachers and staff All parents of students in grades K-12 asked to complete one paper/pencil survey per child. Response Rates: –Elementary Students91%(n=3,276) –Secondary Students77%(n=7,518) –Teachers/Staff87%(n=1,720) –Parents20%(n=2,489) In total, 15,000 people responded to the survey!

8 8 Harris Interactive School Poll Topic Areas Teachers/Staff School Atmosphere Equipment/Facilities Computer Technology School Leadership/ Administration Communications/ Involvement Parental Support Career Students Other Staff Other Issues Parents Equipment/Facilities School Bus Computer Technology School Leadership/ Administration Communications/ Involvement Childs Teachers Curriculum/Training Budget Other Issues Students School Atmosphere Equipment/Facilities School Bus Computer Technology Main Teacher/ Teachers (five subjects) School Leadership Counselor Other Staff Other Issues

9 9 Elementary Students: School Atmosphere Harris Interactive Inc. Please give an overall rating for your SCHOOL ATMOSPHERE by filling in one oval on the A to F scale provided?

10 10 Rules of Thumb on Ratings Above 9.0: Exemplary 8.0-9.0: Strong compared to the nationwide database. 7.0-8.0: Average, in need of continuous improvement 6.0-7.0: In need of a defined focus and improvement plan. Under 6.0: Sign of a serious issue within the district. *

11 11 Sample

12 12 Sample We look for less than 10% in the D and F columns combined

13 13 Sample

14 14 Sample Classroom Engagement Issues = 27%

15 ©2005, Harris Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Cedar Rapids Community School District Results - Key Overall District Findings

16 16 Overall Satisfaction Ratings Higher than average in database Lower than data base 8.1

17 17 Elementary Students are Usually Most Satisfied with their Main Teacher; Most Critical of Bus Source: Harris Interactive School Poll Database: 2004 through 2007 and Cedar Rapids 2007 School Poll Data

18 18 Employees Tend to be Most Critical of Parental Support; Rate Upper Levels of Administration Lower Source: Harris Interactive School Poll Database: 2004 through 2007 and Cedar Rapids 2007 School Poll Data

19 19 Parents Typically Supportive of Teachers and Building Administrators; Most Critical of Districts Budget Process Source: Harris Interactive School Poll Database: 2004 through 2007 and Cedar Rapids 2007 School Poll Data

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24 24 2.A Increase elementary student overall satisfaction with school as measured by the bi-annual student satisfaction survey (Harris School Poll) Multiple 7.8N/A8.0 2.B Increase secondary student overall satisfaction with school as measured by the bi-annual student satisfaction survey (Harris School Poll) Multiple 7.5N/A7.7 3.C Increase school staff overall satisfaction as measured by the bi- annual staff satisfaction survey (Harris School Poll) N/A6.8N/A7.0 5.C Increase parent overall satisfaction with school as measured by the bi- annual student satisfaction survey (Harris School Poll) N/A7.7N/A7.9

25 25 Opportunities for Improvement The Sweet Spot!

26 26 Data Analysis Work in teams to review the key findings 3 separate groups –Students –Staff –Parents Use the Survey Data Analysis form to capture your groups thoughts

27 27 As you review the data… Identify issues of concern Group like ideas together Surprises? Confirmation? Look for areas where the Districts percent of problem is most different than comparable Refer to the data tables to look at differences among subgroups Looking at The Data

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