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B IOMATERIALS L AB I NTRODUCTION AND S AFETY Wednesday, January 18 th BME 245/445 – Lab 0.

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Presentation on theme: "B IOMATERIALS L AB I NTRODUCTION AND S AFETY Wednesday, January 18 th BME 245/445 – Lab 0."— Presentation transcript:

1 B IOMATERIALS L AB I NTRODUCTION AND S AFETY Wednesday, January 18 th BME 245/445 – Lab 0

2 P REFACE The goal of this course is to provide students with hands on experience in…  Materials synthesis  Materials characterization  Materials modification  Cell culture  Histological Analysis  Technical Writing & Data Analysis 01/18/2012

3 E XPECTATIONS  SAFETY!  arrive prepared for lab  work in TEAMS of 4-5 to complete lab  write INDIVIDUAL lab report  provide constructive feedback 01/18/2012

4 O VERVIEW  Safety  Lab Outline  Expectations  Reports 01/24/2012

5 S AFETY  Environmental Health & Safety Training for Biological/Chemical Research Labs  labs are dangerous; so be safe  if you have questions…ASK  DON’T BE STUPID 01/18/2012

6 C HEMICAL H AZARDS  Flammable / Combustible / Toxic  Respect all chemicals in lab  If you can smell it…it is bad for you!  Use a hood if specified  LABEL EVERYTHING! 01/18/2012

7 B IOHAZARDS  Biosafety Level 1 – least hazardous  Cell Culture  Media Preparation  LABELS! ( 01/18/2012

8 P ROTECTIVE E QUIPMENT  Goggles – on at ALL times!  Gloves – use them for everything  Closed-toe shoes  Safety Quiz ( 01/18/2012

9 B IOMATERIALS L ABS 1.Biomaterial Mechanics 2.Bulk vs. Surface Degradation 3.Cell-Material Interactions 4.Controlled Delivery and Release 5.Histological Analysis of Implanted Biomaterials 01/18/2012

10  Investigate how hydrogel precursors influence end-stage network mechanics 1. B IOMATERIAL M ECHANICS 01/18/2012

11  Investigate different network chemistries and how these influence degradation 2. D EGRADATION M ECHANISMS (Wikipedia - Anhydride. 2011) 01/18/2012

12 3. C ELL I NTERACTIONS  Investigate how hydrogel incorporated “RGD” peptide influences cell adhesion 01/24/2011 (U. Michigan ME – Jianping Fu. 2011)

13 4. D ELIVERY AND R ELEASE  Investigate how hydrogel properties can be modified to control drug delivery 01/18/2012 Small Mesh Size Large Mesh Size

14 5. H ISTOLOGICAL A NALYSIS OF I MPLANTED B IOMATERIALS  Investigate how tissue responds to implanted biomaterials 01/18/2012 (Heungsoo Shin et al. Biomaterials. 24(19) 2011)

15 P RE -L AB  Literature reading relevant to lab  Calculations  Brief quiz at start of lab  Introductory “lecture” 01/18/2012

16 P OST -L AB R EPORTS  Present findings in clear/concise fashion  Make connections between lab experiments and pre-lab literature reading  List team members  Error analysis  REFERENCES!  See Write-up Expectations on Blackboard 01/18/2012

17 For Lab #1  Register: Mon or Tues only  Complete safety quiz; bring to lab (104)  Read paper on Blackboard  Read lab handout  Do pre-lab calculations

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