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1 Report on reforms in environmental policy and reconstruction Republic of Montenegro, Serbia and Montenegro 8 th REReP Task Force meeting September 23,

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Presentation on theme: "1 Report on reforms in environmental policy and reconstruction Republic of Montenegro, Serbia and Montenegro 8 th REReP Task Force meeting September 23,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Report on reforms in environmental policy and reconstruction Republic of Montenegro, Serbia and Montenegro 8 th REReP Task Force meeting September 23, 2005 Brussels, Belgium

2 2 Development of legal and policy framework Adopted (2004-2005) General strategies: Report on preparedness of SCG to negotiate a SAA with EU (2004); Montenegro EU Integration Network (2004); Action plan for Implementation of European Partnership (2005); The Communication Strategy of Montenegro in the process of Association with EU (2005); Economic Reform Agenda, revision 2 years later (2005); Millennium Development Goals Report (2005) Sectoral strategies: National Policy on Waste Management (2004); Waste management strategy (2004); Master plan and Feasibility study for wastewater treatment in the coastal region (2004) – central and northern region (2005); National Energy Policy (2005) Laws : Law on Spatial Plan and Development (2004)

3 3 Development of legal and policy framework Forthcoming (2005-2006) Strategies: Spatial Plan of Montenegro, Sustainable Development Strategy, Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Biodiversity Strategy, Climate Change Strategy Laws: EIA and SEA; IPPC and secondary legislation; Waste Management; Environmental Noise; Ambient Air Quality; Protection from ionizing radiation and nuclear safety; Environmental Fund, Environmental Protection Agency, Chemicals, Access to Information Other sectors: National Energy Efficiency Strategy, National Energy Strategy, National Transport Strategy

4 4 State of Environment Report for 2004 MoE’s website regularly Public Hearings on Draft Laws are obligatory Capacity Building Program directed toward training personnel on republic and local level for implementation of new legal framework relating to EIA, SEA and IPPC Civil Society/Public Involvement in Policy Making and Implementation

5 5 Declaration to preserve Europe's deepest Tara River Canyon adopted by the Parliament  Preventing the construction of a dam in the Tara River Numerous workshops and exchange studies in the framework of REReP, TAIEX, UNDP, UNEP, GTZ, OSCE, UNECE,…

6 6 Achievements in reducing environmental pollution Realization of main project of remediation and recultivation of Mojkovac lead and zinc tailings impoundment Starting date: 2005 Finishing date: 2009 Project budget: 7 millions euros Estimated Budget for 2006: 1,200,000 Euros 308.000 euros for 2005Government of Czech Republic 700,000 euros for 2005Government of Montenegro Project objectives: Reconstruction of sewerage system for consumed wastewater in the area of Tailings Impoundment, Construction of a waste water treatment plant in Mojkovac and Sanitation and recultivation of the tailings material Project outcomes: Identification of major environmental risks, Mitigation of environmental and security risks for local inhabitants, Mitigation of transboundary risks (River Tara), Analysis of hot spots

7 7 Achievements in reducing environmental pollution Waste Management Strategy  One of 7 planned Regional Sanitary Landfills constructed Wastewater treatment strategy  Sewerage system reconstruction and building of wastewater treatment plant in Virpazar and Rijeka Crnojevica, small towns near Skadar Lake Environmental Protection Programme  privatization of Aluminum Plant - Podgorica

8 8 Environmental regional cooperation on cross border issues REReP Projects 1.RERep 1.7 – Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Network (ECENA), II phase 2.REReP 1.3 – Assistance in Environmental Law Drafting in South Eastern Europe, II phase 3.REReP 1.2 – Assistance in the Further Development and Implementation of SEE Priority Environmental Investment Programme (PEIP), II phase 4.REReP 4.3.23 – Promotion of Cross-Border Cooperation, Networking and Exchange in SEE, III phase 5.REReP 2.2 - Support Developing Strategies for the Implementation of the Aarhus Convention in SEE, II phase

9 9 Environmental regional cooperation on cross border issues Integrated Management of Skadar Lake Ecosystem Starting date: September 2004 Finishing date: 2009 Project budget: 4,9 million dollarsGEF/World Bank Project objectives: Integrated management of natural resources of Skadar Lake between Montenegro and Albania Project outcomes: Competitive grants for promotion of management of natural resources of Skadar Lake between Montenegro and Albania Energy Community Treaty Acquis on Environment – Chapter III

10 10 Environmental regional cooperation on cross border issues Multilateral Agreement among the countries of South-East Europe for implementation of Espoo Convention Starting date: 2004 Finishing date: 2006 Swiss Government /Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation – SDC Project objectives: Draft Multilateral Agreement among the countries of South-East Europe (Croatia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, Macedonia and Serbia and Montenegro) for implementation of the Espoo Convention. Project outcomes: Ratification and implementation Multilateral Agreement.

11 11 Environmental regional cooperation on cross border issues MoE between the Ministries of the Environment and Territory of Italy and Montenegro on “Cooperation for Environmental Protection” signed on November, 11, 2004  Technical assistance to the Republic of Montenegro for the signature and ratification of the Kyoto Protocol and for the establishment of a system of renewable Energy green Certificate - Project outcomes: Draft Law on Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol with justification  National Strategy for Sustainable Development

12 12 OTHER PROJECTS National capacity self-assessment for environmental management in Serbia and Montenegro (NCSA) Starting date 2004Finishing date 2006 Project budget: $ 208.820 (for Montenegro is $62.664) GEF/UNDP Establishment of Emerald Network in Serbia and Montenegro Starting date 2005Finishing date 2005 Project budget: 9000 EUR Council of Europe Support to the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning of the Republic of Montenegro –CARDS 2005, 1,200,000 Euros, Establishment of EPA National capacity self-assessment for environmental management in Serbia and Montenegro (NCSA) Starting date 2004Finishing date 2006 Project budget: $ 208.820 (for Montenegro is $62.664) GEF/UNDP

13 13 Other Projects Biodiversity Strategy, Action Plan and National Report Starting date: 01.09.2005. Finishing date: 01.09.2006. Project budget: 315,170 USD GEF/UNDP Climate Change Enabling Activity (Self-assessment exercise) Starting date: October 2005 Finishing date: December 2005 Project budget: 15,000 USDGEF/UNDP Environmental GIS for Montenegro Starting date: June 2005 Finishing date: September 2006 Project budget: 550. 000 USD and 10 000 EurosMinistry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and Government of Montenegro

14 14 Other Projects Strengthening capacities of the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning to deal with problems of environmental management Starting date: June 2005 Finishing date December 2005 (I phase) Project budget: 464, 700 EURDutch Government/UNDP Development of the National Biosafety Framework -Draft of Law for ratification and implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety Starting date: August 2005 Finishing date: February 2006 Project budget: 30,000 USD GEF- UNDP- UNESCO Improvement of protected Area Network in Dinarides Mountain Eco-region- PDF A Project Starting date: September 2004 Finishing date: Mart 2006 Project budget: 180. 000 USDGEF/UNEP

15 15 Thank you for your attention

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