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 Online technologies are accelerating the impact of word-of-mouth communication.  Social networking is changing the way companies and consumers interact.

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Presentation on theme: " Online technologies are accelerating the impact of word-of-mouth communication.  Social networking is changing the way companies and consumers interact."— Presentation transcript:


2  Online technologies are accelerating the impact of word-of-mouth communication.  Social networking is changing the way companies and consumers interact.  Certain people are particularly likely to influence others’ product choices.

3  Opinion leaders: influence others’ attitudes and behaviors  They are good information sources because they: › May be experts › Provide unbiased evaluation › Are socially active › Are similar to the consumer › Are among the first to buy

4  Oracle Fox— a blog created to share love for fashion and how the near environment influences style.

5  Combines social networking with highly known brand  Provides fashion trend information to everyday consumers relative to consumers with similar styles preferences  More likely to relate to Billabong products and purchase due to unbiased opinions toward brand

6  Intermediary between Billabong and the consumer  Blog represents a social networking and brand awareness through WOM  Allows for posting and following

7  Are there any blogs/social networking sites that you follow that link to a specific brand?  Do you feel that blogs are a positive source of WOM advertising?  Has teaming up with a blog helped Billabong build a stronger brand image for their products?

8  LWsD9npY   oracle-fox-billabong/  billabong-interview/

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