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Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 1 GNIRS Quarterly Review August 15, 2000.

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Presentation on theme: "Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 1 GNIRS Quarterly Review August 15, 2000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 1 GNIRS Quarterly Review August 15, 2000

2 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 2 Overview Project management Systems engineering Optics design and fabrication Mechanical design and fabrication Electronics design and fabrication Software Procurement Images

3 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 3 Project Management

4 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 4 Project Management Project Summary Review Committee Concerns and Responses Status and Plans Problems and Concerns Planning Milestones, Cost and Manpower Budget and Expenditures to date Organizational Changes

5 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 5 Project Summary Current activities –Prototyping –Bench design and analysis –Mechanism design –Mechanism fabrication –Electronics design –Software coding Prototyping –Optical, Rotary and Linear Prototyping effort is complete –Enough data collected to justify proceeding with mechanism design Bench design and analysis –Bench deflection analysis is complete The manufactured bench should meet deflection requirements –Bench drawings will go to vendors this week for fabrication bids Bench fabrication is scheduled to start with the OIWFS bench on 9/5/00 All benches scheduled for release for fabrication by 9/29/00

6 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 6 Project Summary Mechanism designs in process –Filter wheel assembly Starting 2D detailing –Camera turret assembly Two of 4 camera barrels through 3D solid model design –This work is currently on hold Camera drive and hub in 3D design –Key design element requiring some development testing –Results will be propagated to the Grating and Prism Turrets –Acquisition mirror assembly 2D design, currently on hold –Focus mechanism assembly 3D design starts on August 15 –Slit/Decker assembly 2D detailing in process

7 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 7 Project Summary Mechanism fabrication –Environmental cover assembly –Motor drive assemblies –Camera turret assembly Some parts in fabrication Electronics design –Mechanism and dewar functional simulator For software debug and checkout –Dewar and mechanism wiring definition –Array interface wiring definition –TE wiring design Software coding activity –Components controller –System software (thin EPICS layer)

8 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 8 Review Committee Concerns and Responses It is premature to assume that the aggressive 0.1 pixel flexure per 15º attitude change specification will be met by this design. –The bench analysis presented here predicts low image degradation due to flexure of the pre and post slit bench structures. Further develop the fall back plan of active flexure compensation. Identify an optimal compensator in the system. Determine if adequate space/mass budget is available to retrofit a mechanism. –A fall back plan has been adopted, namely correction at the collimator (as suggested by Tom O'Brien). We are not pursuing the implementation unless and until evidence shows it is needed. Consider running ultimate lifetime tests using the prototypes. –We have decided not to run the lifetime tests on the prototypes, on the ground that the prototypes are not representative enough of the real mechanisms for the tests to be helpful. We have carried out inspections on the mechanisms (disassembly) and have seen no wear problems for use that represents >10% of a "lifetime".

9 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 9 Review Committee Concerns and Responses Go straight to rotary prototype #2. –We are working on the camera turret design, with the idea that it is not a prototype. We are accelerating fabrication and test of the camera hub to ensure we have time to detect and remedy and deficiencies. There is no need for additional prototype testing of the lens mount. We recommend contacting Klaus Hodapp to understand what difficulties he has had with this design. –We have finished these tests and are proceeding. Klaus's design is somewhat different. If NOAO wants to pursue the idea of IfA installing elements in this module and testing it as a unit, that should be explored quickly. –We are pursuing this. Klaus wants to see how NIRI does at the telescope before proceeding much further. Consider the use of invar bushings on the bolts that “permanently” connect parts of the main bench. –We are following this suggestion. We are incorporating partially compensating collars in the bench design.

10 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 10 Review Committee Concerns and Responses We expect that the (software) architecture described will meet existing ICDs and support all key functionality. (The software) must conform to all principal system interfaces. –We acknowledge these comments and are proceeding accordingly. Clarify what will be delivered in the (software) engineering system. –At this time, we do not envision delivering a system which would require any special software licenses. It may be desirable to use an improved version of the EPICS display manager, or to incorporate some new TCL code. However, we will neither deliver nor require any software that is not a part of the standard Gemini environment without approval from Gemini. Thoroughly document the S/W that operates below the proposed “thin EPICS layer” to permit long-term support. –The software maintenance manual manual will contain a thorough documentation of the software.

11 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 11 Review Committee Concerns and Responses Rectify the discrepancy between CAS and Neil’s costs, by reporting in real dollar values. Specifically, reconcile the difference between accounting for scientists’ time between the cost schedules maintained. – We are struggling to do this. We have subtracted out all scientist labor charges from our planning to better reflect what the actual charges represent. We are still working with CAS on a more permanent solution. Release some parts for fabrication to (1) test the entire off-site fabrication process with a vendor and (2) stimulate a change in the psychology of the team, from one of only designing to actually building the instrument. –The prototype fabrication was intended to "test the process". We are releasing parts as ready and have completed the environmental cover. Use an engineer independent of the GNIRS team to double check drawings that depict key interfaces between the main bench and mechanisms and optical assemblies. –We have effectively done this using our “new” mechanical engineer. Also, one of the points of the 3-D modeling is to avoid the dependence on building up the ray- trace from individual drawings.

12 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 12 Statement of Work to IFA for OIWFS integration and test Install all OIWFS components onto the provided optical bench. –This bench is especially designed to receive the Gemini provided components and to fit into the GNIRS Instrument. Perform a mechanical and optical alignment of these components. Connect and test the OIWFS using the actual electronics and boards that will be delivered to the GNIRS Project. Checkout and test the integrated OIWFS as a subsystem –IFA is uniquely qualified to do this work –IFA possesses the needed test cables, equipment and software needed to do this work. Conduct an acceptance test which will demonstrate basic operation of the OIWFS as a subsystem, preferably in a vacuum and at representative cryo temperatures which will be seen in actual operation. Pack and ship the completed OIWFS subsystem in a suitable shipping container to the GNIRS Project at NOAO, Tucson.

13 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 13 Plans for Next Review The Next Quarterly Review will be held in the November-December timeframe. The project expects to make significant progress in fabrication. –All benches should be to vendors –Several mechanisms will be in fabrication 3D designs of all remaining mechanisms will be complete –Focus, prism turret, grating turret, camera assembly, acquisition mirror Lens delivery should be complete; all optics on order/delivered Work will have started on several fixed assemblies Electronics fabrication will have started OIWFS components integration will be underway

14 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 14 Status and Plans The project is 29% complete overall We have completed 29 of 208 scheduled milestones The planned Systems Engineering effort is 97% complete Software low-level code development is 56% complete Mechanism design is underway for several mechanisms Procurement of optics, mirrors, filters, gratings, materials, etc., is proceeding per plan Currently qualifying additional vendors for outside fabrication

15 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 15 Status and Plans Progress from August ’99 Overall project29% Management & Reporting35% Systems Engineering97% Mechanical16% –Benches16% –Mechanisms24% –Fixed Assemblies 1% Electronics 4% Software27% Integration0% Procurement31%

16 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 16 Problems and Concerns Bench solid models and details for fabrication Contracting for bench fabrication –Contractor selection –Work start and schedule/cost Aluminum billet cutting & distribution –Complete by 9/5, start of vendor fabrication Electronics technician shortage –The software effort is outpacing the electronics build schedule needed to support software checkout.

17 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 17 Project Planning

18 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 18 Summary Plan

19 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 19 Project Plan

20 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 20 Critical Path There is no one assembly on the critical path We review the schedule on a continuing basis –critical path changes as a function of time We periodically adjust priorities and resources

21 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 21 Fabrication Schedule

22 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 22 Project Milestones

23 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 23 Milestones by Quarter

24 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 24 Milestones since PFR

25 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 25 Project Costs

26 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 26 Project Costs Baseline Estimate (Jan 99 to completion) –Labor$3,391,232 –Capital$ 836,462 –Total$4,227,694 Current Forecast (revised 7/31/00) –Labor$3,309,187 –Capital$ 877,842 –Total$4,187,029 Performance ratios –BCWS = $ 1,181,581 (budgeted cost of work scheduled) –BCWP = $ 816,464(budgeted cost of work performed) –ACWP = $ 846,211 (actual cost of work performed) (source: CAS) –CPI = 0.96 (BCWP/ACWP) –SPI = 0.69 (BCWP/BCWS)

27 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 27 Project Costs This report is given to Gemini monthly.

28 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 28 GNIRS WBS WBS Elements shown to 3 rd level

29 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 29 Planned vs Actual Expenditures WBS Title TotalPlanned Actual Planto dateto date 5.0 GNIRS Total $3,752,409$928,845$888,283 5.1 Management $1,148,014$285,982$281,710 5.2 Systems Eng $ 225,686$213,472$236,524 5.3.1 Mechanisms $ 904,104$238,409$196,130 5.3.2 Bench Assemblies $ 301,081$ 50,915$ 50,393 5.3.3 Fixed Assemblies $ 501,174$ 13,800$ 9,852 5.4 Electronics $ 150,014$ 4,135$ 11,586 5.5 Software $ 95,122$ 40,291$ 27,161 5.6 Integration $ 201,960$ 0$ 0 5.7 Deliverables $ 37,164$ 0$ 0 5.8 Procurement $ 188,090$102,469$ 95,364

30 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 30

31 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 31

32 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 32 $800,572 $759,192

33 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 33 Organization Gemini Projects Project Manager N. Gaughan Director, NOAO S. Wolff Project Assistant D. Eklund (.5) Administrative Assistant M. Bowersock Project Scientist, Systems Engineering J. Elias Mechanical Engineers E. Hileman G. Muller Electrical Engineer J. Penegor Optical Engineer M. Liang Procurement & Vendor Liaison A. Davis Software R. Wolff Support Scientists D. Joyce* B. Gregory** Mechanical Designers J. Andrew D. Rosin E. Downey R. Robles Electrical Technicians S. Nguyen Staff Added: No changes Staff Transferred: No changes

34 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 34 Systems Engineering

35 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 35 Systems Engineering Two Main Areas: –Analyses Thermal analysis (completed 5/00) Flexure analysis (completed 8/00) –Prototyping Motor testing (completed 12/99 [report 5/00]) Lens mount tests (completed 5/00) Rotary prototype (completed 7/00, except final report) Linear prototype (completed 8/00, except final report)

36 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 36 Analyses Thermal Analysis –Thermal design presented 5/00 –Additional analysis as required in support of design (not systems engineering - e.g. wire cold-station details) Structural Analysis –Flexure analysis interacts with bench design –Specific analyses were used to support prototype design –Prototype results confirm mechanism analyses –Additional structural analysis in support of design (e.g, dewar shell) Flexure Analysis Results –Bench appears to perform adequately –XY control could be implemented at collimator

37 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 37 New Prototype Results Rotary Prototype Final Results –Drive mechanism meets repeatability, torque, wear specifications –Pre-load redesigned to meet flexure specifications; early testing of most demanding implementation (camera) to confirm performance Linear Prototype Final Results –Multiple design changes - either tested or straightforward –Drive mechanism will meet repeatability, torque, wear requirements –Motor isolation mount meets requirements (<10% of heat into structure) –Mechanism will meet flexure requirements Design Changes Implemented

38 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 38 Optics Design and Fabrication Lenses and Windows –large lenses & windows in fabrication with RMI; 11 of 18 accepted –small lenses (2) will be fabricated by RMI Mirrors –Powered mirrors (3) delivered by II-VI (accepted); Alumiplate surface delivers required low scattering (<40Å rms, require 50Å) –Flat mirrors to be ordered as individual mechanism design proceeds; 2 aluminum substrates & 7 glass substrates Gratings –Master rulings (3) completed and measured –Replicas will be done when turret 3-D design nears completion Filters –7 filters ordered through UH consortium; 2 fail spec and should be replaced Prisms –Preliminary quotes on prisms; will initiate procurement once 3-D design of prism turret nears completion (9/00)

39 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 39 Mechanical

40 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 40 Mechanical Overview –Work in the Mechanical WBS element has primarily concentrated on the bench structures, mechanisms and mechanism interfaces to the benches –Starting August 15 th we will finish mechanism 3D design definition in order to release the benches for fabrication This will include the focus, grating turret, and prism turret mechanisms –Bid packages for the three benches will be released to four vendors and our own Instrument Shop in the week of August 14 th

41 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 41 Mechanical Design and Fabrication Mechanical design –Bench detail design Pre-slit, Post-Slit, OIWFS benches –Mechanisms Filter wheel Camera barrels Camera hub assembly Slit/Decker assembly Mechanical fabrication –Environmental cover assembly –Motor drive assembly –Bench assembly bid packages

42 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 42 Problems and Concerns Fabrication times are internal estimates –Actual fabrication times for the benches is an unknown at this time We will use multiple vendors to insure that mechanical fabrication supports our schedule commitment. –Multiple vendors and in-house fabrication may affect the estimates

43 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 43 Electronics design and fabrication Design activities –Mechanism Motor Simulator for software testing –Dewar, mechanisms and WFS cabling Fabrication –The software simulation tool is fabricated and ready for test/checkout. –Fabrication of the deliverable electrical hardware will start in September.

44 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 44 Software Software is under control Not on the critical path. The software schedule includes a several month period, for test and debug using the real electronics, prior to going into the project integration phase. Status –Low level (Component Controller) code 56% complete –High level (EPICS) code 5% complete

45 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 45 Optics Status –RMI – 8 Parts left including two pupil viewers –Filters – Received 6 of 7 Filters –3 Master Rulings Have Been Ordered Benches –All 3 benches out for bid this week Future procurement –Flat Mirrors –Prisms –CRYO Heads/Lines –Electronics connectors/boards Procurement Status

46 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 46 Images

47 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 47 Full Assembly

48 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 48 Full Assembly

49 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 49 Tangent Rings

50 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 50 Tangent Rings

51 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 51 Single Bulkhead

52 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 52 Twin Bulkheads

53 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 53 Slit-Decker Assembly

54 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 54 Slit-Decker Assembly

55 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 55 Slit-Slide

56 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 56 Linear Prototype

57 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 57 Rotary Prototype

58 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 58 Lens Mount

59 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 59 Bench Assembly F. E. A. Model Weights: All benches & Housings = 696 lbs Mechanisms & Optics = 273 lbs Total Weight = 969 lbs Model Size:866,000 degrees of freedom Nodes: 288,503 Solve Time:5 hours Elements: 145.529 Main Bench (comprised of upper and lower hogouts bolted together) Offner Housing Slid/Decker Fore & Aft Housings Tangent Bar Support Bracket Upper Camera Cover Long Camera Fold Mirror Housing Collimator Mirror Collimator Housing OIWFS Bench

60 Quarterly Review August 15, 2000 60 Instrument Assembly F.E.A. Model Deformed shape scaled by 7500x loading; gravity in the –y direction scale in inches. Note: Much of the Offner deflection is due to rigid body motion of the assembly with respect to its support bulkhead, and will not contribute image decenter. 10  m

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