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McRel Content Knowledge Standards - Review of Process Mid-continent Research for Education & Learning

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Presentation on theme: "McRel Content Knowledge Standards - Review of Process Mid-continent Research for Education & Learning"— Presentation transcript:

1 McRel Content Knowledge Standards - Review of Process Mid-continent Research for Education & Learning

2 Task Develop consistent description of content

3 Five Problems Multiple documents Varying definitions of standards Different types of content description Differing grade ranges Varying levels of generality

4 (1) Multiple Documents Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (2000) Benchmarks for Science Literacy (AAAS) Mathematics Framework for the 1996 national Assessment of Educational Progress Mathematics Assessment (NAEP) Standards for Excellence in Education And others

5 (2) Varying Definitions of Standards a. Students use estimation to check the reasonableness of results. b. Students recognize & appreciate geometry in their world c. Students use mathematics in other curriculum areas.

6 Varying Definitions of Standards a. Students use estimation to check the reasonableness of results. Describes a skill/knowledge or an ability to solve a real-life problem. ex: gas pump

7 Varying Definitions of Standards b. Students recognize & appreciate geometry in their world Goal of the curriculum Perspective that a student might acquire as a result of successful completion of studies in mathematics

8 Varying Definitions of Standards c. Students use mathematics in other curriculum areas. Recommendation of how to design other areas of curriculum to work in ex: NCTM S4 Mathematics Connections Designed as principles not standards Process vs content standards

9 Content & Curriculum Standards Content Standards = Describe the knowledge and skills that students should attain Curriculum Standards = Describe overarching goals Ways the curriculum should be designed to achieve a desired result

10 (3) Types of Content Description Straight Forward Activity or Performance Indicator Performance Task

11 Types of Content Description Straight Forward All organisms are composed of cells – the fundamental unit of life. Most organism are single cells; other organisms, including humans, are multicellular. (p. 156) Activity or Performance Indicator As a result of health instruction in Grades 5-8, students will explain how health is influenced by the interaction of body systems. (p. 17) Presumes student has acquired information/skills

12 Performance Task Performance Task Provides greater detail and specificity In both context of task and information/skill required Analyze pictures of hunter-gathers sites in places such as Danube fishing villages, ….. Contrast these with agricultural sites such as found in ….. How do hunter-gather sites differ from agricultural sites? (p.480)

13 Task – Develop consistent description of content Information and Skills format Other formats require inferences of successful completion of activity or task Other formats are too narrow how to demonstrate the knowledge Can lead to confusion about the skill required Other formats appropriate for: Guiding instruction assessment

14 Types of Knowledge Procedural Knowledge (processes) ~ The learner is able to.….. Declarative Knowledge (information) ~ The learner understands ….. Contextual Knowledge (unique context) ~ The learner…


16 When We Truly Understand, We…. Can Explain Can Interpret Can Apply Have Perspective Can Empathize Have Self-knowledge

17 When we truly understand, we… 1. Can Explain 2. Can Interpret 3. Can Apply 4. Have Perspective 5. Can Empathize 6. Have Self-knowledge Understanding by Design (Wiggins & McTighe, 1998)


19 (4) Differing Grade Ranges Benchmark varies by developmental level Primary, Upper Elementary, Middle & High Ideally at all grades Benchmark: Understands basic concepts about the structure and properties of matter 12 th grade = Knows that physical properties of a compound are determined by its molecular structure…….. 8 th grade = Know that atoms often combine to forma molecule (or crystal), the smallest particle of a substance that retains its properties

20 (5) Levels of Generality Standard How broad? What range? Standards = Broad enough for K-12 articulation Benchmark Goals Objectives

21 McREL Format: Standard Benchmark Knowledge/skill statements Cross referenced with topics

22 Backward Design Stages Identify Student Learning Expectations/ Targets Determine acceptable Evidence of student learning. Plan Learning Experiences & Instruction. Understanding by Design by Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe

23 Identify Desired Results What should students know, understand, and be able to do? What big ideas are worthy of understanding and implied in the established goals? What enduring understandings are desired? What questions are worth pursuing to guide student inquiry into these big ideas?

24 Determine Acceptable Evidence How will we know if students have achieved the desired results and met the content standards? How will we know that students really understand the identified big ideas? What will we accept as evidence of proficiency?

25 Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction What will be taught and coached? How should it best be taught, in light of the performance goals? What sequence of activity best suits the desired results?

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