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Shirley Jackson p. 297.  Dynamic characters- characters who change in the story and discover something of importance about themselves and the world.

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Presentation on theme: "Shirley Jackson p. 297.  Dynamic characters- characters who change in the story and discover something of importance about themselves and the world."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shirley Jackson p. 297

2  Dynamic characters- characters who change in the story and discover something of importance about themselves and the world.  Renounced- gave up; abandoned  Insolently- with bold disrespect  Warily- cautiously  Haggard- looking worn-out and exhausted

3  Arthur Cavanaugh p. 305

4  Static character- a character who remains the same during the story.  Teetering- wobbling, as if about to fall.  Rambunctious- noisy and lively  Discharged- released: here, from the hospital  Whimsical- full of silly, fanciful ideas  Scrupulosity- extreme carefulness and correctness  Domestic- housecleaner  Prodigy- child genius  Mortified- ashamed and hurt  Disparage- show disrespect for; “put down”

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