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PRIDE CAMPAIGN for Sustainable Fishing in Lianga, Surigao del Sur MPA.

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Presentation on theme: "PRIDE CAMPAIGN for Sustainable Fishing in Lianga, Surigao del Sur MPA."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRIDE CAMPAIGN for Sustainable Fishing in Lianga, Surigao del Sur MPA

2 Cohort Identified Threat: LGU LIANGA THEORY OF CHANGE KAICBRBCTRCR Fishers in Lianga know the location and boundaries; regulations; benefits; report intrusion inside the NTZ of the MPA. Fishers in Lianga agree that it is -important to know location and boundary, regulations, increased fish catch is the benefit, report intrusion in the NTZ of the MPA Fishers in Lianga talk with each other about intrusion, violations to MPA regulations, increased fish catch as the benefit, intrusion in the NTZ of the MPA. Fishers in Lianga maintain the MPA MEAT at level 2. Fishers in Lianga stop intruding and report intrusion in the NTZ of the MPA. Intrusion in the NO TAKE ZONE of the Marine Protected Area is reduced Growth for coral cover will increase Fish biomass will increase. Other contributing factors Lack of budget allocation from the BLGU/MLGU Lack of alternative livelihoods

3 Behaviour Change - - in the localized Theory of Change through social marketing activities, coupled with barrier removal activities can achieve behaviour change. Fishers in Lianga stop intruding and report intrusion in the NTZ of the MPA.

4 Barrier Removal Strategy Goal: By 2014, the KMM KAGANA MPA MEAT Level is maintained at Level 2. Specific Objectives: Within the next 7.5 months, KMM KAGANA will have – MTWG and Management committees and teams organized. MPA Management Plan for five years is adopted. Municipal Ordinances and related laws are updated. Strengthen law enforcement, and monitoring.

5 RESEARCH AND PLANNING TIMELINE STEPSSTAKEHOLDERS ENGAGEMENT TIMELINEKEY DECISIONS QUALITATIVE RESEARCH Focus group, in-depth interview Analysis -Selected fishermen as source of information/ data -CF, CS as observers, MSWDO as Moderator, skilled individual hired as Note taker -CF,CS to do the analysis -October to November 2012 -Whole month Dec. 2012 -Audience segmentation -Marketing Mix -Creative Brief -Benefits Exchange Definition -Refined KAP Survey -Message Development QUANTITATIVE KAP Survey Survey Pro -CF,CS, Enumerators as data gatherer encoder -CF, CS to do the analysis -Whole month of April 2013 -May 2013 -Message Development -Finalize the Theory of Change, Concept Model, Results Chain Governance, Enforcement and Monitoring -CF,CS as facilitators -Mun. Mayor for issuance of EO -Mun. Vice Mayor for policy approval and budget allocation -October – May 2013 -Reactivation of MPA MTWG, Management bodies MLGU, BLGU, Enforcement Team, Resource Monitoring Team, Infra Maintenance, Public Education Team -Adoption MPA Mgt. plan -Amendment to MPA ordinances

6 Support Needs STEPSHUMAN RESOURCEMATERIAL RESOURCE COST QUALITATIVE RESEARCH -Moderator and Note Taker -Honorarium -Supplies and snacks QUANTITATVE RESEARCH -Enumerator’s Training -Enumerators Honorarium -Transportation - Encoder Survey Pro -Food / snacks, venue -Supplies, t-shirts -Gifts to respondents -Production of survey questionnaires MPA GOVERNANCE MPA ENFORCEMENT, MONITIORING MPA RESOURCE MONITORING TEAM -MTWG, Management Bodies members -MPA Infra Maintenance Team -MPA Public Educ. Team -Team members -Team Members -T-shirts, -Food and snacks -Equipment, t-shirts -Patrol boats (2) -Capability building -DMT/equipment -T-shirts -Capability building TOTAL


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