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Ms. Wayland 2014-2015 Room 104. o Elizabeth Wayland- 16 th year teaching Kindergarten at West Point o o.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Wayland 2014-2015 Room 104. o Elizabeth Wayland- 16 th year teaching Kindergarten at West Point o o."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Wayland 2014-2015 Room 104

2 o Elizabeth Wayland- 16 th year teaching Kindergarten at West Point o o 804-843-2030 ext. 353 o web page:

3  Green form- After School Transportation o Please note that your stop must be an approved stop listed on the bus schedule (in folder)  Purple form- Student Information o 2 sides to fill out o Front: contact and info o Back: info and meals

4 o Students have lunch accounts on which money can be deposited. Your child’s power school number is written at the top of the general information packet. (in folder) o Money can be deposited two ways- o 1- send the money to school in your child’s folder o 2- deposit money at the website: o Breakfast costs $1.25 a day. Reduced breakfast costs 30 cents a day. o School lunch costs $2.00 a day (this includes milk). Reduced lunch costs 40 cents a day. o Milk only at lunch costs 50 cents. (no free or reduced) o Kindergarten students are not permitted to purchase extras. o Students need a separate snack each day. o Note first day sign up on student info sheet

5 o Students will be walked to either car riders or buses after school. o Bus tags will be attached to your child’s back pack. o Changes in transportation require written permission (note or email), which includes the date, bus stop address, and bus number. If you email, please CC me and Lynne Mathis. o Last minute changes- Please speak to someone in the office. Do not leave a message on my voicemail or email. o If you work shift work, we can set something up. o Car riders-Drop off at 8:15, pick up at 3:05 at side entrance.

6 o Please label all personal belongings (lost and found) o Please keep a change of clothing in your child’s backpack! My bathroom policy is “Stop and Go!” Students do not need to ask permission in the classroom. o Supply list is in folder. o If you haven’t purchased student supplies yet, you can hold off on purchasing wipes, tissues, and hand sanitizer. o Rest mat (kept at school), or towel (kept in back pack)- rest is only the first nine weeks

7 o FISH folder is to be returned each day. (money pouch, behavior chart) o We use a clip chart for behavior in the classroom. Students earn points, which are then tallied for a school wide monthly event. (see overview sheet in folder) o A weekly newsletter will be sent at the start of each week. (see in folder) o A separate homework folder will be sent home on Monday so assignments can be completed and returned on Friday. o First day nametag is in the folder. o Birthdays- non-edible items only (no candy or treats), invites sent to either all girls/boys, or whole class. o Field Trips- We go on two, all students can bring one adult, but no siblings please. The first field trip to the pumpkin patch is scheduled for October 24 th.

8 Ms. Wayland

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