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Radiation and Its Uses Pg. 680-682. Effects of Radiation Radioactive elements are potentially hazardous, but the effects are quite subtle The effects.

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Presentation on theme: "Radiation and Its Uses Pg. 680-682. Effects of Radiation Radioactive elements are potentially hazardous, but the effects are quite subtle The effects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Radiation and Its Uses Pg. 680-682

2 Effects of Radiation Radioactive elements are potentially hazardous, but the effects are quite subtle The effects of exposure to radiation may not be apparent for years!

3 Effects of Radiation Radiation damage can be classified in two groups: Somatic Damage: damage to the organism itself, resulting in sickness or death Problems are seen immediately if a massive dose of radiation is received Takes years to appear if smaller doses are received, usually in the form of cancer Genetic Damage: damage to the genetic machinery/material of the reproductive cells Creates problems that are seen in the offspring of the organism

4 Effects of Radiation Factors that affect the biological effects of radiation: Energy of the radiation The higher the energy of the radiation, the more damage it can cause The penetrating ability of the radiation

5 Effects of Short-Term Exposures to Radiation Rem indicates the danger the radiation poses for humans. Dose (rem) 0-25 25-50 100-200 500 Clinical Effect Nondetectable Temporary decrease in white blood cell counts Strong decrease in white blood cell counts Death of half the exposed population w/in 30 days

6 Using Radiation to Help Us Cancer Treatment Beams of gamma radiation are targeted at the growing tumor Problems with fighting cancer using radiation: Can kill healthy cells along with cancerous cells Cancerous cells in the middle of the tumor may be immune to the gamma radiation Common isotopes used: Cobalt-60 and Cesium-137

7 Proton Therapy:

8 Radioactive Tracers Radioactive Tracers = radioactive nuclides that can be introduced into a system so we can trace them throughout a process

9 Ways to use Radioactive tracers : #1. Reading DNA

10 PET and brain activity. normal Alzheimer’s asymmetric scan indicates disease normal Ways to use Radioactive tracers : #2. Medical Diagnosis Other examples: Technetium-99m used to detect brain tumors and liver problems Phosphorus-32 used to detect skin cancer Patient drinks a sample with a small amount of radioactive iodine – 131 Thyroid uses iodine to make thyroxine After two hours, uptake of iodine is measured by scanning with a radiation detector

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