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Educator Support Team Data Display. Who We Are… The Educator Support Team consists of the President of the Cedar Rapids Education Association, the President.

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Presentation on theme: "Educator Support Team Data Display. Who We Are… The Educator Support Team consists of the President of the Cedar Rapids Education Association, the President."— Presentation transcript:

1 Educator Support Team Data Display

2 Who We Are… The Educator Support Team consists of the President of the Cedar Rapids Education Association, the President of the Cedar Rapids Organization of Teacher Associates, the Facilitator of the Resolution Team, the Mentoring and Induction Facilitator and the Insurance Education Specialists. As a whole, our job is to provide support and advocacy for educators so their time can be spent preparing and teaching in order to develop world- class learners and responsible citizens



5 SMART Goal We will increase the opportunities for ALL teachers/nurses and paras hired in the CRCSD for the 07-08 and the 08-09 school year to have the ability to professionally network with one another at least three times a year.


7 SMART Goal We will increase interactions and opportunities for conversation with our customers so that our program is widely understood.




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