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Voice Sentence Fluency Ideas and Content 6 TRAITS WRITING ConventionsWord ChoiceOrganization.

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Presentation on theme: "Voice Sentence Fluency Ideas and Content 6 TRAITS WRITING ConventionsWord ChoiceOrganization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Voice Sentence Fluency Ideas and Content 6 TRAITS WRITING ConventionsWord ChoiceOrganization

2 Speaks to the reader PersonalityHeart VOICE Appropriate for audience Shows readers why they should care Makes readers think

3 Sentence structure helps make meaning clear Sentences vary in length Long & musical, short & snappy SENTENCE FLUENCY Purposeful sentence beginnings Cadenceeasy to read aloud Music to your readers ears

4 Topic is small enough to handle Interesting & important tidbits Accurate, related facts & details IDEAS AND CONTENT Readers can tell you know your stuff Ive thought about readers questions and answered them My writing might even show insight

5 VERY FEW ERRORS SpellingPunctuation CONVENTIONS Capitalization Correct word usage Paragraphs indented in the right places

6 Lead hooks readers Every detail in the right place No one gets lost ORGANIZATION Paragraphs show change of topic Paper ends at the right spot Powerful ending lets readers know youre finished

7 Words are specific and exactly right Words create pictures in readers minds Colorful, fresh wordsbut not overdone WORD CHOICE Words and phrases catch readers eyes Lively verbs and descriptions Accuracy

8 Silent lettersAdding suffixesAdding prefixes SPELLING Blends and Digraphs Word middles Word endings or beginnings

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