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Everyday Math Lesson Plans.

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Presentation on theme: "Everyday Math Lesson Plans."— Presentation transcript:

1 Everyday Math Lesson Plans

2 Chris October 6th Everyday Math Objective 4.4.9
Personal Reference for Units of Lengths Math Boxes Measurement Metric Measurements Matching Metric Units A cm/mm Ruler

3 Chris October 7th Everyday Math Objective 4.4.10
Measuring in Millimeters Measuring Land Invertebrates Math Boxes Centimeters and Millimeters Decimals and Metric Units

4 Chris October 8th Everyday Math Objective 4.4.11 Self Assessment
Written Assessment Math Boxes

5 Chris October 9th Everyday Math Objective 4.5.1
Multiplying Ones by Tens Multiplication/Division Puzzles Multiplying Tens by Tens Math Boxes

6 Chris October 13th Everyday Math Objective 4.5.2
Extended Multiplication Facts Partial Sums Addition Presidential Information Math Boxes

7 Ijaya October 6th Everyday Math Objective 3.3.1 Measurement
Estimating and Measuring Lengths Addition and Subtraction Practice Math Boxes

8 Ijaya October 7th Everyday Math Objective 3.3.2
Measuring Line Segments Rulers Measuring Line Segments Again Math Boxes

9 Ijaya October 8th Everyday Math Objective 3.3.3 Measurement
Estimating Lengths Math Boxes

10 Ijaya October 9th Everyday Math Objective 3.3.4 Perimeters of Polygons
Body Measures Perimeter Centimeter Grid Paper Geometry Straws Math Boxes

11 Ijaya October 13th Everyday Math Objective 3.3.5 Describing Data
Math Boxes

12 Nathan October 6th Everyday Math Objective 2.1.3 Its About Time 21-25

13 Nathan October 7th Everyday Math Objective 2.1.3 Its About Time 26-32

14 Nathan October 8th Everyday Math Objective 2.1.3 Its About Time 33-37

15 Nathan October 9th Everyday Math Objective 2.1.3 Its About Time 38-44

16 Mike October 6th Everyday Math Objective 2.2.8
Using a Pan Balance and Spring Scale Math Boxes Weighing Things

17 Mike October 7th Everyday Math Objective 2.2.9 Name Collection Boxes
Pan Balance Problems Math Boxes

18 Mike October 8th Everyday Math Objective 2.2.10
Frames and Arrows Problems Math Boxes Frames and Arrows Counting Patterns on the Number Line Frames and Arrows Problems A

19 Mike October 9th Everyday Math Objective 2.2.11 What My Rule ?
Math Boxes Function Machine What My Rule ? A

20 Sam October 6th Everyday Math Objective 2.4.9 Subtraction 20 Homework
ASMD Homework ASMD 124 Homework ASMD Homework ASMD Homework ASMD Homework

21 Sam October 7th Everyday Math Objective 2.4.10 Self Assessment
Written Assessment Math Boxes

22 Sam October 8th Everyday Math Objective 2.5.1 What My Attribute Rule
Attribute Rule Cards Sharing Equally What My Attribute Rule Again Math Boxes

23 Sam October 9th Everyday Math Objective 2.5.2
Using Secret Codes to Draw Shapes Geometry Line Segments Geoboard Designs A Line Segment Design Math Boxes

24 Sam October 13th Everyday Math Objective 2.5.3
Parallel or Not Parallel? Parallel Line Segments What’s My Rule Drawing Line Segments Math Boxes Shapes and Patterns Card 1-6

25 Sam October 14th Everyday Math Objective 2.5.4 Polygons Math Boxes
Geometry Geoboard Polygons

26 Cairra October 6th Everyday Math Objective 2.3.4 Addition Cards 33-40

27 Cairra October 7th Everyday Math Objective 2.3.5 Pockets Data Table
Graphing Pockets Data Math Boxes Finding the Middle or Median

28 Cairra October 8th Everyday Math Objective 2.3.5 IF 41-47

29 Cairra October 9th Everyday Math Objective 2.3.6
Two Rule Frames and Arrows Reading A Graph Math Boxes Frames and Arrows Diagrams Two Rule Frames and Arrows A

30 Curtis October 6th Everyday Math Objective 3.1.13
Sunrise and Sunset Record FIN Math Boxes FIN asp Time Practice FIN My Schedule of Activities FIN

31 Curtis October 7th Everyday Math Objective 3.1.14 Self Assessment
Written Assessment Math Boxes

32 Curtis October 8th Everyday Math Objective 3.2.1
Fact Families and Number Families Basic facts For Addition and Subtraction Fact Triangles 36 Fact triangles 37 Fact Families and Number Families Again Math Boxes

33 Curtis October 9th Everyday Math Objective 3.2.2 What My Rule?
Fact Extensions Math Boxes

34 Curtis October 13th Everyday Math Objective 3.2.3 Math Boxes

35 Curtis October 14th Everyday Math Objective 3.2.3
Number Stories: Animal Clutches Math Boxes Data Bank

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