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Curriculum Night 2014. At Caleb’s Creek, we want to create an inviting, respectful, and safe environment where diversity is valued.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum Night 2014. At Caleb’s Creek, we want to create an inviting, respectful, and safe environment where diversity is valued."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum Night 2014

2 At Caleb’s Creek, we want to create an inviting, respectful, and safe environment where diversity is valued.

3 Take a look at Our Daily Schedule  8:25-8:50 Complete morning math  8:55-9:40 Specials: M- Character Ed. T- Art T- Art W- Music W- Music Th- P.E. Th- P.E. F- Technology F- Technology  9:45 - 10:15 Writing  10:15 – 11:30 English Language Arts  11:30 – 12:50 Math  **since we eat such a late lunch, I will allow a small, healthy snack**  12:50-1:15 Lunch  1:20-2:30 Social Studies/Science  2:30-3:00 Recess  3:05- Dismissal

4 Take a Look at our: Daily, Weekly, Quarterly Assessments  Daily Morning Math  Weekly Math Quizzes  Classroom assessments upon completion of units  End-of-Quarter Testing (Reading, Math, and Science)  Quarterly Writing prompts

5 First Semester Concepts  Math- Volume, Place value/decimals, Add/subtract decimals, Classifying 2-D Figures, Relate Volume to Multiplying and Addition, and Multiplying/dividing whole numbers/decimals  Science- Weather, Genetics, and Eco- systems

6 First Semester Concepts (cont.)  English Language Arts- Making Connections Through Themes, Building Knowledge Through Research, and Locating & Summarizing Textual Information  Social Studies- Native Americans, Early Explorers, Map Skills, Financial Responsibility, Civil War through Reconstruction, and Foundations of US Government

7 Things You Should Know Parent Portal to access grades (online Fall 2014) Parent Portal to access grades (online Fall 2014) Family Life Family Life Absences and Make-up work Absences and Make-up work Incomplete Work Incomplete Work

8 Staying Informed  Wednesday packets  PTA  Parent/Teacher conferences- Oct. 31  Webpage  Phone Calls/Email 

9 Our Homework Policy  Encourage parents to set aside time and a place for study each day that is free of distractions.  Limit the amount of TV  Study with your child  Stay in touch with your child’s teachers

10 Field Trips!  Hanging Rock (Oct. 23) Bring lunch, wear comfortable shoes Bring lunch, wear comfortable shoes  Mary Starling Concert  Carowinds?

11 Resources  Learn Zillion e/math/5 e/math/5 e/math/5  Common Core Standards the-standards/ the-standards/ the-standards/  Sheppard Software

12 Questions???

13 Game  Place Value 3 in a Row

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