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Published byAlfred McKenzie Modified over 9 years ago
2 VISION AND MISSION Vision A transformed & accountable Police Service that reflects the values of our developmental State Mission To provide efficient and effective civilian oversight over the SAPS & enhance the role of the Minister of Police.
SECRETARIAT OF POLICE3 To provide quality, timeous evidence-based strategic research and policy advice to the Minister To play an activist and interventionist role with regard to civilian oversight of the Police To develop and contribute to a global view on policy practices and methodologies To develop and build strategic partnerships in the fight against crime To strengthen the national dialogue and relationships on safety and crime prevention To initiate policy driven legislation on policing and security matters To perform any other functions as may be determined by the Minister OBJECTIVES
SECRETARIAT OF POLICE4 STRATEGIC PLAN & BUDGET 2010/11 Project AreaFocus AreasBudget Secretary of Police Re-organisation of Secretariat, Support to Minister, Strategic direction and management, Provincial alignment, Legislation support, Parliamentary liaison and accountability, Communication and Special Projects 2,013 563.00 Policy Unit To provide quality, timeous evidence based strategic research and policy advise 1, 772 700.00 Partnership Unit To deepen national dialogue, coordintion and participation in the fight against crime 1,528 577.00 Monitoring and Evaluation Unit To monitor and evaluate; the transformation of SAPS, Performance, service delivery, complaints mechanisms, implementation of the ICD recommendations 1,263 850.00 Human Resource Attract and retain skills, ensure effective performance management, Review of policies, develop HR capacity 13,301 000.00 Support Services Provide effective support, ensure cost effectiveness, support Minister’s office 1,447 800.00
SECRETARIAT OF POLICE PRELIMINARY BUDGET BUDGET ITEMBUDGET COST Operational Budget8,066 490.00 Human Resources13 250 000.00 Overtime11 000.00 TOTAL21,687 490.00 5
SECRETARIAT OF POLICE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 6 Project AreasActivities Budget 1. Re-organisation - 2. Support to the Minister 150 000.00 3. Providing leadership and direction 145 320.00 4. Legislative support to the Minister 1 076 832.00 5. Relations with Parliament 183 911.00 6. Alignment with the Provinces 137 500.00 7. Communication and Special Projects 320 000.00 8. Co-ordination with ICD -
SECRETARIAT OF POLICE7 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 1. Re-organisation ObjectivesActivitiesTargets/BeneficiariesMeans of verificationBudget Finalisation and development of legislation for Secretariat which will empower and capacitate Secretariat Finalise Secretariat legislation Submit to Cabinet Present to Parliament Engage in consultations To prepare for finalisation of legislation To work with DPSA team to finalise re-organisational plan Work with DPSA on implementation Consult with Treasury Develop a transitional implementation plan based on proposed legislation Secretariat, Provinces, Ministry of Police, General Public Cabinet Portfolio Committee and select Committee Stakeholders Secretariat and Minister DPSA Secretariat, Minister, Treasury Secretariat, Minister, Provinces A Draft Bill Inputs evaluated and considered Cabinet approval of Bill Secretariat Act passed by Parliament A Restructured and approved organogram for the Secretariat Clear implementation plan approved by Minister and Portfolio Committee To be determined after consultation with DPSA and discussion with SAPS To re-organise and align the structure and staff of the Secretariat in line with the legislation Finalise work of DPSA/ Secretariat task team Minister Secretariat Re organised secretariat aligned with legislation To be determined after consultation with DPSA and discussion with SAPS
SECRETARIAT OF POLICE8 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 2. Support to the Minister ObjectivesActivitiesTargets/BeneficiariesMeans of verificationBudget Provide quality and timeous support to the Minister To ensure regular quality reports on matters within the Mandate of the Minister MinisterQuality and timeous delivered reports NIL To assist and provide support to the Minister with regard to International obligations To determine calendar of Minister engagements within SADC, SARPCCO and other foreign countries To determine existence of and requests for International co-operation agreements and invitations To liaise and engage with relevant international counterparts Provide quality and timeous advice and support to the Minister Minister Presidency Dept of Justice Dept of International relations SAPS Calendar of Minister’s international engagements Properly negotiated and concluded international agreements Effective communication strategy and plan in place Clear M & E plans 150 000.00
SECRETARIAT OF POLICE9 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 3. Providing leadership and direction ObjectivesActivitiesTargets/BeneficiariesMeans of verificationBudget Provide institutional leadership and direction to the Secretariat To prepare strategic plans and manage Secretariat staff Development of 5 year plan Develop and implement PMA for SMS within Secretariat Manage budget of Secretariat Facilitate structured engagements with Provincial structure Promote strategic leadership and management within Secretariat Secretariat staff including SMS Provincial Secretariats Minister 5 year plan Annual strategic plan of the Secretariat Performance agreements signed off and Bi-annual assessments for SMS members completed Strategic plan drawn up Expenditure reports (monthly) 70 320.00 30 000.00 45 000.00 145 320.00
SECRETARIAT OF POLICE10 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 4. Legislative Support to the Minister ObjectivesActivitiesTargets/BeneficiariesMeans of verificationBudget Prepare and present Departmental Legislation to Parliament To ensure implementation of Departmental legislative programme and assist the Minister with his statutory mandate in this regard Draft and finalise Secretariat Bill ICD Bill PSIRA Bill Firearms Control Regulations Private Security Training Regulations Minister MINMEC Cabinet Committees Cabinet Provincial Secretariats Statutory bodies falling under Minister’s jurisdiction such as PSIRA Central Firearms Registry SAPS Parliamentary Legislation Programme implementation Cabinet Approved Bill Regulations promulgated in Government Gazette 291 432.00 183 527.00 467 716.00 73 574.00 60 583.00 1 076 832.00
SECRETARIAT OF POLICE11 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 5. Relationship with Parliament ObjectivesActivitiesTargets/BeneficiariesMeans of verificationBudget Ensure effective accountability and liaison with Parliament Establish effective communication and liaison with parliamentary committees through PLO Liaison with PLO of Secretariat Regular reporting of Parliamentary program for action by the Secretariat Presentation of budget and other reports to Parliament Minister Secretariat Parliament Regular reports to Secretariat by PLO Attendance of PLO at parliamentary committees Reports on provincial visits by PLO Quality and timeous reports delivered to Parliament 183 911.00
SECRETARIAT OF POLICE12 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 6. Alignment with Provinces ObjectivesActivitiesTargets/BeneficiariesMeans of verificationBudget Engaging with and directing HOD forum meetings Convening quarterly HOD’s meetings in Provinces on a rotational basis Preparing strategic direction on civilian oversight Preparing technical support to MINMEC Provincial Secretariats Minister MINMEC Minutes of meetings with action plans Reports from Provincial Secretariats 32 300.00 Alignment of Provincial structures Alignment of provincial structures with legislation Establishment of Provincial Secretariat Management Forums Minister Secretariat MECs Secretariats established in all Provinces in line with proposed legislation Bi Monthly management forum meetings 105 200.00
SECRETARIAT OF POLICE13 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 7. Relationship with ICD ObjectivesActivitiesTargets/BeneficiariesMeans of verificationBudget Ensure co-operation and engagement with ICD Monthly meeting with ED of ICD To serve on the Moderation Committee of the ICD Minister Secretariat ICD Regular reports to Minister Minutes of Meetings NIL To monitor and report on the implementation of ICD recommendations Quarterly management meeting with ICD and Secretariat to discuss implementation of recommendations Minister Secretariat ICD Reports on progress regarding the implementation of recommendations NIL
SECRETARIAT OF POLICE14 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 8. Communication and Special Projects ObjectivesActivitiesTargets/BeneficiariesMeans of verificationBudget Special projectsUndertake special ad-hoc projects as directed by the Minister or as may become necessary To develop appropriate project plans To implement the Firearms amnesty plan Dependant on nature of projects Minister, Stakeholders and citizens Reports presented to Minister Final report to Minister and Parliament250 000.00. CommunicationsUpgrade and maintain Secretariat website Assist Minister in Crime stats communication approaches Annual Reports Public, Minister 70 000.00
SECRETARIAT OF POLICE15 ObjectivesActivitiesTargets/BeneficiariesMeans of verificationBudget To provide quality, timeous, evidence based strategic research and policy advice Fully developed research programme on major policing issues State of Policing Report Metro Police Psira Community Safety Forums Review of Police Act Deployment and Resource allocation Sector Policing Review Conduct a victim survey SAPS Minister Public Quality reports submitted to the Minister on each of these areas 1,306 700.00 Develop the Policy and Research Component as an information hub of best practices and policy Establish a decentralised Policy and Research Office Establish resource centre and build link with Secretariat, Police and Parliament,Provinces Secretariat Ministry Parliament Reports to Secretary and where appropriate, parliament 180 000.00 POLICY UNIT
SECRETARIAT OF POLICE16 POLICY UNIT ObjectivesActivitiesTargets/ BeneficiariesMeans of verificationBudgets To develop strategic partnerships with parliament, civil society and the police Establish reference group Workshop and reports to Minister and parliament on trends and policy Civil Society Minister Parliament SAPS Regular and accurate minutes and reports of meetings to the Minster 126 000.00 To strategically access and analyse raw research SAPS data Develop and access SAPS and other relevant databases Secretariat Minister Regular data transfer sessions with SAPS and regular reports on specific research areas NIL To work in partnership with SAPS and other research organisations Strategically develop joint research projects as designated by Secretary Secretariat Minister Quarterly Research output reports 60 000.00 To collect relevant research material on police practice and methodologies locally and internationally Planning workshop on research methods, sources, databases Secretariat Minister Policing Database and general folder up and running 100 000.00
SECRETARIAT OF POLICE17 PARTNERSHIP UNIT ObjectivesHigh Level ActivitiesTargets/BeneficiariesMeans of VerificationBudget To create opportunities for partnerships in crime prevention initiatives Reference group establishment to harness expertise around partnerships Identify and engage with civil, private and public sector stakeholders Identify, implement and sustain community outreach programmes Secretariat Ministry Community Established reference group Reports on projects undertaken 205 600.00 The engagement with and packaging of community partnership initiatives Engagements with CPF’s, Street committees Engagement with Provinces around street committees Engagement with stakeholders around voluntarism initiatives Public Participation Programme Ministry SAPS Community Stakeholders Trained CPFs and volunteers Reports on Provincial engagements on CPFs, Street Committees Satisfied community on complaints raised at Public Participation meetings 502 700.00
SECRETARIAT OF POLICE18 PARTNERSHIP UNIT ObjectivesHigh Level ActivitiesTargets/BeneficiariesMeans of VerificationBudget To enhance strategic partnerships, where appropriate, formalise partnerships Finalisation and implementation of MOU with business community Piloting of small business initiatives Engaging with the Labour movement around policing issues Engagement with Action for a Safer South Africa Stakeholders Ministry and secretariat Signed MOU Reports on: Pilot studies undertaken Engagements with Action for a Safer South Africa 70 000.00 To pilot Community Safety Forums (CSFs) in ten areas Identify and initiate projects in ten areas Intergovernmental engagement on community safety forums in identified areas Work with Provinces to implement pilots Attend and participate in Public Participation Programmes Stakeholders Ministry Local police stations Secretariat Provincial Structures Reports on piloted CSFs 750 277.00
SECRETARIAT OF POLICE19 MONITORING & EVALUATION UNIT ObjectivesHigh Level ActivitiesTargets/BeneficiariesMeans of VerificationBudget To provide a professional civilian oversight capacity through active monitoring evaluations of SAPS systems, process and approaches Align M& E indicators Develop and roll out M&E system and tool which includes permissible use of Parliamentary tool Integration, alignment of tools in Provinces To explore and implement good practice in conducting robust and effective oversight and to monitor SAPS against their Performance Charter (Resource allocation, deployment patterns, detectives etc) Monitoring and reporting on SAPS implementation of ICD recommendations Secretariat, SAPS Provinces and Parliament Aligned M&E Tool with Indicators Monitoring reports submitted to Minister Consolidated reports to Parliament Report to Minister and Parliament on ICD recommendations 217 250.00
SECRETARIAT OF POLICE20 MONITORING & EVALUATION UNIT ObjectivesHigh Level ActivitiesTargets/BeneficiariesMeans of VerificationBudget To provide a professional civilian oversight capacity through active monitoring evaluations of SAPS systems, process and approaches Monitor and evaluate the manner in which SAPS deal with citizen complaints To monitor implementation of the firearms amnesty and to draw best practices on amnesty process Establish monitoring and evaluation reference group To finalise the database system for monitoring and evaluation that will enable improved M&E To undertake M&E special projects referred by the Minister Secretariat Minister ICD Quarterly Performance Reports Monthly Amnesty Progress Reports to the Minister M&E Forum convened and Quarterly Reports 393 600.00
SECRETARIAT OF POLICE21 MONITORING & EVALUATION UNIT ObjectivesHigh Level ActivitiesTargets/BeneficiariesMeans of VerificationBudget To monitor and evaluate the transformation of SAPS with respect to the management deployment of human and material resources, Develop databases on SAPS systems, crime stats and police station management practices To monitor service delivery at local station level in 3 Provinces Secretariat. Minister Citizens Comprehensive Database on SAPS systems Report on police stations in 3 provinces 653 000.00 To monitor SAPs performance w.r.t agreed to priorities, target and performance measures agreed to at the Cabinet Lekgotla Analysis of crime data and SAPS processes agreed to in the Cabinet Lekgotla Prepare quarterly reports to the Minister Minister of PoliceRegular Reports to Minister NIL
SECRETARIAT OF POLICE22 HUMAN RESOURCES ObjectivesActivitiesTargets/BeneficiariesMeans of VerificationBudget To attract and retain appropriate skilled and qualified human resources Implement with Secretary of Police what arises from re- organisational process To revise and promote recruitment policy Staff of the SecretariatA restructured and capacitated Secretariat Personnel 13 000 000.00 Training 250 000.00 Overtime 11 000.00 13 261 000.00 To support the Secretary of Police in ensuring that there are effective performance management processes in place To assist in the development of performance management processes with personnel on MMS and lower levels To ensure performance management agreements become a management tool used by all managed staff Facilitate the training of all management staff in the use of the PMA Staff of the Secretariat SMS A sound and approved policy document Training plan and report All MMS and below level have clear PMA in place Quality performance assessments for all members on MMS level and below 40 000.00
SECRETARIAT OF POLICE23 HUMAN RESOURCE ObjectivesActivitiesTargets/BeneficiariesMeans of VerificationBudget To revise and align all HR Policies of the Secretariat to that of the Public Service Implement and review existing policies DPSA Secretariat Approved PoliciesNo Budget (Desktop) To develop HR capacity to meet new demands placed on the Secretariat Conduct induction of new staff Appoint new staff members Secretariat New members Staff inducted Approved appointment To be determined by DPSA process and discussions with SAPS
SECRETARIAT OF POLICE24 SUPPORT SERVICES ObjectivesActivitiesTargets/BeneficiariesMeans of verificationBudget Capacitate Support Services to provide effective support in line with the new vision and role of the Secretariat Audit and review Support Services in line with proposed legislation and organigram Based on audit to develop implementation All staffAudit report and recommendation Implementation plan As determined by the DPSA process and discussions with SAPS Ensure that cost effective and efficient services are delivered Cost effective and complaint implementation of the budget To ensure supply chain compliance to policies and procurement Compliance with all aspects of PFMA Expenditure in line with budget Regular financial reports Procurement 1 447 800 To render effective efficient service to the Minister’s Office Risk management policy to be in place Provide dedicated resources and ensure that all systems and procedures are in place Minister, Government and Secretariat Alignment with DPSA and Ministerial Handbook and where applicable Departmental policies and procedures NIL
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