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Commitment Process Presented by Edward B. Luers October 2008 Interplanetary Network Directorate Deep Space Network.

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1 Commitment Process Presented by Edward B. Luers October 2008 Interplanetary Network Directorate Deep Space Network

2 INTERPLANETARY NETWORK DIRECTORATE California Institute of Technology Webster’s The act of doing or performing something; The obligation or pledge to carry out some action or policy In the context of DSN’s commitment to missions …… It is a promise made by the DSN to provide a service or engineering support to satisfy a Project requirement. This promise is basically a business agreement that describes what will be provided, when it will be provided, and at what cost it will be provided. What is a Commitment?

3 INTERPLANETARY NETWORK DIRECTORATE California Institute of Technology Project Lifecycle

4 INTERPLANETARY NETWORK DIRECTORATE California Institute of Technology DSN Service Catalog DSN User Guide DSN Telecommunications Link Design Handbook DSN 810-005 DSN Service Interface Handbook DSN 810-007 CCSDS Recommendations SFCG Recommendations Mission Definition (Directed) Mission Proposal (Competitive) Mission Plan Mission Requirements Document Ground Segment Requirements Interface Control Document (ICD) DSN Service Agreement (DSA) DSN Implementation Plan (If required) DSN Network Operations Plan DSN Detailed Interface Design Document, DSN 820-013 CMD-4-9 OPS-6-13 Radio Sci -0159 Telecom-0161, 0162, 0163, 0172, 0188 TRK-2-18, 2-21, 2-23, 2-33, 2-34 Service Mgt-0168 DSN 810-005 Technical Assistance Agreement (TAA) (If required) DSN Compatibility Test Documents Procedures Plan Report DSN Initial Acquisition Plan DSN Documentation Legend Project Documentation External Documentation Public Access DSN Interface Control Document (ICD) DSN Documentation Flow

5 INTERPLANETARY NETWORK DIRECTORATE California Institute of Technology Written statement of customer needs Memorandum of Understanding (HQ) International Agreement (HQ) Consults DSN Services Catalog Contact DSN 911 Mission Commitments Office Customer 1 Ofc 911 Mgr Is JPL the Lead Center for Telecomm and Data Acquisition? 2 Exit SCMT Process Customer referred to the Lead Center Office 911 Mgr 3 Mgr Ofc 911 Is Project in a concept or definition phase? 4 Input for DSA (SCMT #2) FMP: Future-Mission Planning TMS: Telecommunications and Mission Systems DSA: DSN Service Agreement When Project is in design phase, assign a TMS Manager Office 911 Mgr TMS Mgr Assigned 10 Customer Was DSN selected for ground system support? 7 Signed Letter of Commitment (SCMT #2) Proceed to SCMT #2 Go to SCMT #5 Exception Handling Proc Rework Request (SCMT #5) Support customer durin conceptual and pre- project phases to evaluate alternatives and trade-off regarding ground system support issues, including participation in study team activities, and assistance in refining customer ’ s operations concept and requirements. Record any information that can be used as preliminary input to DSA. FMP Manager Customer Support Input for DSA 6 HQ Assign FMP Manager Office 911 Mgr Lead Interface Person Assigned 5 DSN PCCB Commitment Approved? 9 TMS Mgr Assignm ’ t (SCMT #2) YesNo With customer, generate Letter of Commitment. This step is optional if not a competed mission FMP Manager Letter of Commitment Rework Yes No Yes No Interested Customer (Ext), NASA Directive SCMT #1

6 INTERPLANETARY NETWORK DIRECTORATE California Institute of Technology SCMT #2 Letter of Commitment (SCMT #1) Input for DSA (SCMT #1) Memorandum of Understanding (HQ) International Agreement (HQ) Project Requirements Collaborate on drafting/ updating a DSN Service Agreement (DSA) TMS Mgr may respond to technical questions, provide rough order of magnitude cost estimates, participate in study team activities, and assist in refining customer ’ s operations concept and requirements TMS Manager & Customer Preliminary/ updated DSA 1 DSN PCCB Request Approved? 11 TMS Manager Assigned (SCMT #1) Request input to refine Preliminary DSA TMS Mgr 2 Produce final DSA Iterate with Steps 3-8, if required. TMS Mgr & Customer 9 DSA ready for signature No TMS Mgr & Customer Is DSA acceptable to DSN & Customer? Yes 10 Signed DSA with WAs (SCMT #3 & 4, SSD, SCD, SVE) Sign DSA DSA Approvers Signed DSA 12 Perform spectrum analysis, as necessary JPL Spectrum Manager 3 Spectrum Allocation Perform load analysis Update RAP user data base DSN Resource Allocation Mgr 4 Analysis data RAP database update Provide input to DSA DSN OperationsDDOSO 5 Proceed to SCMT #3 and #4 Go to SCMT #5 Exceptio n Handling Proc TMS Mgr Alternate solutions available? 13 6767 Spectrum Allocation (SCMT #3 & 4, SVE) DSN SEs HQ Needed? 7 Assess customer requirements vs. capabilities/service. Assess DSN design impacts. If significant change to DSN, consult with NASA If project changes to DSN, draft WAs for SCD work. DSN SEs Commitment Modification Request (customer) De-commitment Notice (PPP, SSD) Rework Request 6 No Yes TMS Mgr Interface with HQ Rework Yes No

7 INTERPLANETARY NETWORK DIRECTORATE California Institute of Technology 6767 Project Approved and Signed DSA (SCMT #2) Based on a rework request, or need to update the DSA TMS Manager & Customer Draft or Updated DSA 1 Approved Change Request (SCMT #4) Route draft DSA for review and comment to relevant DSN personnel, such as, SEs, Ops staff, etc. TMS Manager 2 Update DSA Iterate Steps 3 thru 8 until DSA complete TMS Manager & Customer Completed DSA 8 Change Requests for New Capabilities (SSD, SCD) Project Requirements Approve DSA Approvers Approved DSA 11 No Yes DSN PCCB Commitment (CRs) Approved? 10 Go to SCMT #5 Exception Handling Proc TMS Mgr Alternate solutions available? 12 No Yes Proceed to SCMT #4 Commitment Modification Request (customer) De-commitment Notice (PPP, SSD) Rework Request (SCMT #4, 5) Update spectrum analysis, as necessary JPL Spectrum Manager 3 Spectrum Allocation & data Perform load analysis Update RAP user data base DSN Resource Allocation Mgr 4 Analysis data RAP database update Provide input to DSA DSN Operations 5 Provide DMR input on tech needs TDI Rep 7 Technology Transfer Agreements No TMS Mgr & Customer Is DSA acceptable to DSN & Customer? Yes 9 Rework Approved DSA (to SCMT #4, SSD, SCD, SVE) Mission Summary Spectrum Allocation (SCMT #4, SVE) DSN SEs 6 DSN Req ’ ts changes or design impacts Updated Work Agreements, draft task plan HQ Re-assess customer requirements vs. capabilities/services. Refine DSN design impacts If changes required to DSN, refine WAs for SCD work & draft task plan. If significant change to DSN, consult with NASA SCMT #3

8 INTERPLANETARY NETWORK DIRECTORATE California Institute of Technology DSA (Draft & Final) (SCMT #3) Budget Direct Effort Plan (PPP) Task plans associated with commitment (SCD) Service Scheduling (SVE) Monitors commitment execution and customer satisfaction metrics Reports status (PMR, etc.) Invokes DSN Readiness Review Board prior to launch and DSN project support activities TMS Manager Progress and Status Reports Review Reports 2 Progress and Status Reports (customer) Review Reports (customer) Provide operations/ SVE with signed DSA (draft/ final) for action TMS Manager 1 Monitors implementation status and metrics Reports status (PMR, etc.) TMS Manager Progress and Status Reports 6 Yes TMS Mgr Does commitment involve changes to DSN? 3 Provide SCD with signed DSA (draft/ final) for action TMS Mgr 4 Provide SSD with signed DSA (draft/ final) for action TMS Mgr 5 Is there a change in project or problems with agreements that requires rework? 7 No Yes Generate Rework Request TMS Mgr Rework Request 8 (SCMT #3) Progress and Status Reports (customer) (Continue monitoring appropriate activities) Monitor Operations Monitor Developments Project Approved and Signed DSA (SCMT #2) Internal Programmatic Reports (DSN) HQ Reports (NASA HQ) Internal Programmatic Reports (DSN) HQ Reports (NASA HQ) Service Scheduling (SVE) Process Metrics needed for monitoring function (SVE ) Process Metrics needed for monitoring function (SSD and/or SCD) SCMT #4

9 INTERPLANETARY NETWORK DIRECTORATE California Institute of Technology SCMT #5 Exit SCMT Process DSN Does DSN concur that an alternate system/ approach is preferable? 1 Report status to GPMC Customer & Office 920 Mgr Status 2 No Yes Rework (in SCMT #1, #2, or #3) From SCMT #1, 2, or 3 GPMC Review Alternate system usage approved? 3 HQ Status (GPMC or NASA HQ)

10 INTERPLANETARY NETWORK DIRECTORATE California Institute of Technology GSFC Process Flow

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