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U.T. Arlington High Energy Physics Research Summary of Activities August 1, 2001.

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1 U.T. Arlington High Energy Physics Research Summary of Activities August 1, 2001

2 Introduction  Experimental particle physics research at UTA started in 1991  Professor Andrew White (hired 1991)  Assoc. Professor Kaushik De (1993)  Asst. Professor Andrew Brandt (1999)  Asst. Professor Jae Yu (2001)  10,000 sq. ft. Swift Center detector lab – renovation funded by NSF+UTA  Research opportunities for students at world-class facilities:  graduate: 8 (physics), 9 (engineering)  undergraduate: 5  External grants:  ~ $800k/year in 1998-99, 1999-00  > $4M total

3 DØ Experiment (Fermilab)  Intercryostat Detector (ICD) (Andrew White: Level 3 manager, project leader)  Forward Proton Detector (FPD) (Andrew Brandt: Level 3 manager, co-project leader)  PC/Linux Simulation “Farm”

4 Intercryostat Detector (ICD)  The ICD enhances energy measurements in the DØ calorimeter  1998-2001: the detector was substantially redesigned for Run II of the Tevatron (to function in the new magnetic field environment)  Detector is installed – commissioning studies underway ICD tile array on the DØ south endcap calorimeter ICD tile and optical fibers during assembly

5 Forward Proton Detector (FPD) Schematic of the detector layout Roman Pot installed in the Tevatron tunnel This new detector measures the momenta of scattered protons & anti-protons to study “hard diffractive” physics processes

6 DØ Monte Carlo Farm  UTA system:  24 dual processor Linux PC’s  256 MB RAM/cpu  0.61 TB disk storage  Execution/monitoring software: Python language  UTA farm operates at the highest efficiency compared to all other production sites  To date (8/01/01) >3 million events generated  Second farm in CSE recently added The UTA PC Linux farm at Swift Center

7 Physics Analysis  D0 Run I:  Contributed to many areas (hardware, software, simulated data) directly supporting the publication of > 100 refereed papers – particular emphasis on new particle searches, tests of the strong nuclear force (QCD)  D0 Run II:  Use the capabilities of the upgraded detector to extend the reach of Run I analyses (new particles, QCD) – new topics include searches for the Higgs particle

8 Atlas Experiment (CERN)  Intermediate Tile Calorimeter (ITC): (Kaushik De: Level 3 manager, project leader)  Module construction (Swift Center)  PMT test bench  Grid computing testbed:  Linux cluster (PC’s running Globus toolkit)  Software development

9  University of Texas at Arlington  Construct detector modules, assemble and test scintillator extension, test phototubes, final module assembly and instrumentation work at ANL, installation at CERN  Michigan State University  Provide scintillators and fibers, assemble and test cryostat scintillators, installation at CERN  Argonne National Laboratory  Provide steel plates  Assemble completed modules and install optics ITC Responsibilities

10 ITC Submodules Completed modules are delivered to ANL and Barcelona for inclusion in the full module assemblies: Swift Center UTA module installed in full assembly at Argonne National Lab

11 Atlas Computing Grid  Computing “grids” are envisioned as the next revolution in the development of the internet  Atlas will employ a grid architecture to facilitate data access for collaborators spread around the world  The U.S. testbed has deployed a prototype grid –> five universities + three national labs (see figure)  UTA is working on software tools for status monitoring (w/CSE) and benchmarking

12 Calren Esnet, Abilene, Nton Abilene ESnet, Mren UC Berkeley LBNL-NERSC ESnet NPACI, Abilene Brookhaven National Laboratory Indiana University Boston University Argonne National Laboratory US ATLAS Data Grid Testbed HPSS sites U Michigan University of Texas at Arlington University of Oklahoma

13 Grid Computing (cont.)  UTA has developed ‘GridView’ to monitor the gatekeeper machine at each testbed site: Screenshot from UTA Gatekeeper =>

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