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Quiz pp. 637-640 1.Who were Gustave Flaubert, William Thackeray, and Charles Dickens? 2.What was the artistic style that followed Romanticism? 3.Who were.

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Presentation on theme: "Quiz pp. 637-640 1.Who were Gustave Flaubert, William Thackeray, and Charles Dickens? 2.What was the artistic style that followed Romanticism? 3.Who were."— Presentation transcript:


2 Quiz pp. 637-640 1.Who were Gustave Flaubert, William Thackeray, and Charles Dickens? 2.What was the artistic style that followed Romanticism? 3.Who were Gustave Courbet and Jean-Francois Millet? 4.What German composer transformed opera into “music drama” in the 19 th century and composed the Ring Cycle?

3 Quiz answers 1.Writers/novelists 2.Realism 3.Artists/painters 4.Richard Wagner

4 REALISM 1.A new materialistic outlook in the arts after 1850 2.Rejection of Romanticism 3.New style of painting and literature A Norman Milkmaid at Greville – Jean Francois Millet

5 THE REALIST NOVEL 1.Deals with ordinary characters not strange romantic heroes 2.Avoids flowery and sentimental language 3.Use careful observation and accurate description in their writing 4.Examine social issues

6 Gustave Flaubert 1.Leading French novelist of the 1850- 1860’s 2.Master of the realist novel 3.Madame Bovary 1857 – contempt for bourgeois life/smugness and hypocrisy of the middle class

7 Charles Dickens 1.British realist novelist 2.Wrote numerous classic novels 3.Focused on middle and lower class life 4.Set in the early industrial age 5.David Copperfield, Oliver Twist, A Tale of Two Cities, Great Expectations Charles Dickens

8 Charles Dickens – the greatest 19 th century British novelist

9 Realism in Art 1.Depict everyday life of ordinary people – peasants, workers, prostitutes 2.Attempt at photorealism 3.Natural environment

10 Gustave Courbet & Jean- Francois Millet The Gleaners – Jean Francois Millet Regular Folks Courbet self portrait – “I have never seen angels or goddesses, so I am not interested in painting them.”

11 Music – The Twilight of Romanticism  Richard Wagner 1.German composer 2.Created a German national opera 3.Dramatic music = music + theater/drama 4.Gesamkunstwerk = total work of art 5.Used German epic tales and myths from the past as his themes Der Ring des Nibelungen (The Ring of the Nibelung) is a cycle of four epic operas by the German composer Richard Wagner (1813–83). The works are based loosely on characters from the Norse sagas and the Nibelungenlied

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