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Seminar on Aesthetics of Electronic Creations Professor: Rejane Cantoni, PhD electronic Brazilian artist Tuesday This seminar took place at the Jaime Hoyos.

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Presentation on theme: "Seminar on Aesthetics of Electronic Creations Professor: Rejane Cantoni, PhD electronic Brazilian artist Tuesday This seminar took place at the Jaime Hoyos."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seminar on Aesthetics of Electronic Creations Professor: Rejane Cantoni, PhD electronic Brazilian artist Tuesday This seminar took place at the Jaime Hoyos Auditorium of Javeriana University, on Tuesday the 28 th, Wednesday 29 th, and Thursday the 30 th of March, in 2006. As a teacher of the Aesthetics Department, I was invited to introduce the seminar the first day to other teachers and students coming, by presenting a 20 minutes comment on the artist’s work.

2 From right to left, appearing on the photo: professor Rejane Cantoni, Julián Jaramillo, teacher and translator, and me, Ángela Hoyos.

3 I divided my 20 minutes speech on three parts: I.From Opera to Op-era… Historical background on theater stages and theater machinery that I related to Cantoni’s artwork ‘Op-era’. II. Virtual spaces, virtual beings, virtual life forms? Virtual reality vs. physical ubiquitous computing Comparison on two computing models: the virtual reality one used by Cantoni, and the physical ubiquitous computing one proposed by Mark Weiser. Weiser was critical towards the V.R concept of immersion, and its impact on human beings. I presented my own research on the two models in the courses I work on, ‘Virtual Theater’, and Digital Lifelab. III.Interactive installations as ‘Transforming mirrors’ Cantoni’s installations seen through the concept of ‘Transforming mirrors’ stated by electronic artist David Rockeby

4 I. From Opera to Op-era…

5 Richard Wagner, German Opera Composer The Gesamtkunstwerk concept: Total Art Work Music + theatre + visual arts Immersive theatre (1849)

6 Construction, de-construction, and virtualization of the scenic space

7 Classical types of theatre stages Greek theatre Proscenium Stage Circular or roman stage

8 ‘Laboratory Theatre’ by Jerzy Grotowski (1967) Drawings by architect Jerzy Gurawski


10 Cantoni’s installation Op-era, 2003

11 Fourth dimension: Lorenz Attractor fractal dimension : 2.06 Multiple senses involved in the three dimensions of Op-era installation First dimension : hearing sense interface Second dimension: Hearing + touch + sight senses involved Multiple lines converging Third dimension: dislocated geometrical figures in motion

12 II. Virtual spaces, virtual beings, virtual life forms? Virtual reality vs. physical computing

13 II. V*i*d*a* Lab L*i*f*e Lab Digital Course 7th Semester Director: Alejandro Tamayo Architecture and Design Faculty

14 Digital Course 7th Semester Director: Alejandro Tamayo Architecture and Design Faculty ¿What is Nature telling us? “Design of digital interfaces to enhance our communication with Nature” Cf ‘Body-technology: questions on interfaces’ Article by Daniela Kutschat

15 III. Interactive installations As ‘Transforming mirrors’

16 Reflections Reflections and refractions Electronic media Electronic media Narcissistic mirror, “perfect” Synchronic, closed mirror Eco mirror, Transforming one Asynchrony, delayed reflections, distortions related to the environment Cf. David Rockeby ‘Transforming mirrors’

17 “Op-era is a dynamic interaction _ live and perceptive communion_ between the attractor, and the spect-actor”

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