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The Character Education Initiative A Project of the Universal Peace Federation.

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Presentation on theme: "The Character Education Initiative A Project of the Universal Peace Federation."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Character Education Initiative A Project of the Universal Peace Federation

2 UNESCO: Learning the Way of Peace “Peace education…is basically a character building intervention.”

3 Principles of Peacebuilding We are one human family created by an Ultimate Reality. The highest qualities of the human being are spiritual and moral. The family is the school of love and peace. Altruism—living for the sake of others— is the central virtue. Peace comes through cooperation.

4 Character Education = Instilling Virtues that Lead to Peace “Character education is the deliberate effort to help people understand, care about, and act upon core ethical values.” Dr. Thomas Lickona Educating for Character

5 Educating the “Head, Heart, Hand” Drs. Kevin Ryan and Thomas Lickona To know the good To care about the good To do the good

6 There Is an Explosion of Moral Problems in Society Premarital SexDivorce

7 Alienation from Traditional Values

8 Leads to Alienation of Youth from Society

9 Rising Youth Suicide Rates Rising Teenage Pregnancy Rates

10 Rising Youth Violence and Crime

11 Drug Abuse

12 Alcohol Abuse

13 Unwholesome Media and Entertainment Influences

14 Character Education—A Traditional Part of Education Since Plato, educators have accepted moral instruction of the young as part of their educational mission Many universities, including Harvard,were founded to train clergy

15 Character Education Declined in the Twentieth Century, in Part Due to Science Everything should be empirically provable; Theory of relativity applied to the moral realm. Morals are relative.

16 Moral Relativism: Whose Values to Teach? “Virtues” not “Values” Values are subjective. What people value may vary from culture to culture. Values change. Virtues are universal. Virtues are admired everywhere. Virtues do not change.

17 Yet Even Virtues May be Used for Good or Bad Purposes A strong-willed dictator A diligent terrorist A conscientious computer hacker A generous thief

18 Therefore, UPF Teaches Virtues within the Framework of Three Basic Life Goals

19 The Family Teaches Altruism through Four Spheres of Love A child’s love for parents A sibling’s love for brothers and sisters A spouse’s love for husband or wife A parent’s love for a child

20 Altruism—to live for the sake of others— is the virtue of virtues, encompassing all the others The Family Is the First School of Love and Peace

21 Advanced Technology Calls for Advanced Altruism To use our technological power for good and not ill

22 “The greater our material power, the greater our need for spiritual insight and virtue.” Arnold Toynbee, British historian, Civilization on Trial

23 Theodore Roosevelt 26 th President of the US “To educate a man in mind and not morals is to educate a menace to society.”


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