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KARADUVAR WASTEWATER PURIFICATION PLANT MERSİN. Karaduvar Wastewater Purification Plant is designed for purification of the wastewater from carbon, nitrogen.

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Presentation on theme: "KARADUVAR WASTEWATER PURIFICATION PLANT MERSİN. Karaduvar Wastewater Purification Plant is designed for purification of the wastewater from carbon, nitrogen."— Presentation transcript:


2 Karaduvar Wastewater Purification Plant is designed for purification of the wastewater from carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus. Also the waste water sludge is purified and dewatered. During this process biogas is generated and it is used for the plant’s electricity need

3 KARADUVAR WASTEWATER PURIFICATION PLANT AFTER-BAY WATER FITS THE EUROPEAN UNION STANDARDS. After-Bay Water Concentration BOİ5 Concentration25 mg/L KOİ Concentration100 mg/L TAKM Concentration30 mg/L P sum - Concentration1 mg/L N sum - Concentration10 mg/L

4 INTAKE STRUCTURE AND METAL GRATES Wastewater passes through the metal grates and reaches the entrance. Here it is measured for conductivity, temperature, pH- value, turbidity and oxygen. At the entrance gate automatically samples are taken and income parameters are monitored.

5 The wastewater is then taken to grit and oil cathcher. Sand and other particles are priticipitated. Oil and otehr floating particles are offtaken by being swept away using air pressure.

6 PRE SETTLING TANKS There are 5 tanks. Organic and inorganic particles are separated with gravity flow. Pre settling tanks are rectangular shaped and they have catena type scrapers. These scrapers collect the settled sludge and the sludge is pumped to a tank with the help of reverse flow.

7 This section purifies phosphorus. Bacterias release phosphorus in them in the oxygen free part of the tanks, then in the other part with oxygen they take in much more phosphorus than they released. This way phosphorus is absorbed in the bacterias, and then disposed as sludge. PHOSPHORUS PURIFICATION TANK

8 In winter when bacteria action is low, phosphorus purification, which can’t be done via phosphorus purification tanks, iis done via chemical phosphorus purification unit.

9 There are 8 tanks. Each tank consists of 2 sections; anoxic and oxic. 5 Turbo blower blows oxygen to the wastewater in the airing tanks. It is washed and then taken to the last settlement tanks.

10 To stabilize the bacteria concentration in the airing tanks, some of the sludge is return pumped. Extra sludge is goes through mechanical condensation and sent to digesters for gas production. RETURN SLUDGE PUMPING STATION

11 SETTLING POOLS In this unit, activated sludge in the airing pools is separated from the wastewater via gravity. Then the purified wastewater realesed through the pumps and pipes into the sea.

12 SLUDGE DIGESTERS Digesters are used for fermentation of bacterias and organic substances oxygen free platform. During anaerobic digestion process methane is produced.

13 GASBAG Biogas, produced during digestion, is stored in the gasbag.

14 Extra gas in the digester and gasbag is ignited in a controlled way to be sent out of the unit FLARE

15 SLUDGE DEWATERING UNIT In this unit extra sludge is dewatered via cationic polyelectrolyte. (%23-27 dry substance)

16 SOLAR DEWATERING Dewatered sludge is dried via solar energy (%80 dry substance)

17 OPERATION BUILDING Operation building consists of; a mechanical section, a lounge, an atelier, a refectory, a sickroom, a lab and scada control units.

18 SCADA In the control center there 3 computers connected to the Scada system. Thanks to Scada System, all the equipments in the plant are automatically monitored, recorded and operated.

19 WASTEWATER ANALYSIS LAB There is a lab in the operation building. Analysis are made to test the characteristic of the waste water before and after the purification process.


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