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Understanding by Design Assessment for Learning Understanding by Design (UbD) and Assessment for Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding by Design Assessment for Learning Understanding by Design (UbD) and Assessment for Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding by Design Assessment for Learning Understanding by Design (UbD) and Assessment for Learning

2 Questions we’ve been asking… Have I been working from good to “GREAT”? Am I using assessment to its best advantage? What is best practice regarding assessment? How do I ensure learning with understanding? Do I have the whole systems picture in mind…or am I just focused on MY classroom? Do I really have State/District standards in mind as I teach? How do I determine what I must teach and what I can eliminate? What would my classroom look like if kids were really learning? How do I ensure that homework is worthwhile? What is it that really determines the events of my day?

3 Please think alone… What is it that really determines the events of a school day?

4 A glance at the answers we found… What is it that really determines the events of my day? Understanding by Design suggests: Begin by clearly identifying the State/District standards that are to be met Secondly plan the assessments Finally plan the activities that will lead student learning Are any of the activities of my day the “enemy of intelligence”? Typical Plan Typical Plan UbD Example UbD Example



7 As a group please discuss… What is it that should determine the events of a school day?

8 A glance at the answers we found… What would my classroom look like if kids were really learning? P o s t s i g n s a n d s h a r e w i t h t h e k i d s … E s s e n t i a l Q u e s t i o n s E n d u r i n g U n d e r s t a n d i n g s Essential Questions drive assessment. All learning activities have a standard driven purpose and relate to the essential questions. Sharing assessment questions and styles with those who come before us may help students see the continuous learning system at Fernbrook. UbD Definitions


10 As a Think, Pair, Share discuss… How would my classroom look different if the kids and I were focused on desired results?

11 Assessment Evidence

12 Assessment Grid Assessment Rubric Assessment Options

13 Assessment Grid: Stage Two: Determine Acceptable Evidence Enduring understandings, Essential knowledge and skills Types of assessments Essay Forced Choice Items Oral Response and reports Performance tasks Short Answer Items Student Self Assessment Teacher Observation Teacher-student conferences

14 Assessment Rubric: I can name the uppercase letters of the alphabet. I can name the uppercase letters of the alphabet I named all of the uppercase letters I named some of the uppercase letters I named few of the uppercase letters

15 Assessment Options How many of these assessments do I currently use? Are there any that I overuse? Are there any that I rarely use?

16 Please consider these questions for Thursday… Am I using assessment to its best advantage? What is best practice regarding assessment?

17 NOW… What do we do?

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