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Constantine and his descendents had control over the empire for 1,000 years. He renamed the Greek city of Byzantium, Constantinople, after himself. This.

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2 Constantine and his descendents had control over the empire for 1,000 years. He renamed the Greek city of Byzantium, Constantinople, after himself. This city was also the capital of the empire. This city was also called New Rome.

3 It was located between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. It was on the frontier of Asia.

4 The Byzantine empire was created in the year of 330 A.D.

5 Goods and trade made Byzantine successful. Silk worms were smuggled into Constantinople from China were their exports were prohibited in the 7 th century. The city began producing valuable silks which were very expensive in the west. It included luxury silk woven with gold thread. Italians would journey to buy it.

6 They also journeyed because they produced; cotton, rice, wheat, saffron, wax, wool, hemp, raisins, alum, valonia, slaves, textiles and precious silks from Blikesir. Their imports was valuable woolen cloth, tin and lead. Byzantine was very successful because it was located right in the middle of the Mediterranean sea, so trade was easy. They were successful through trade and their luxurious products.

7 It was created because of the fall of the western Roman Empire. This empire was more established and cultured than the western empire.

8 The Empire ended on May 29 th, 1453.

9 Because of the Fourth Crusade, in 1204, it left the empire weak and wide open for other empires to take over. The Ottoman Empire was the empire to take it over.

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