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Artificial Intelligence CS 363 Kawther Abas Lecture 1 Introduction 5/4/1435.

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1 Artificial Intelligence CS 363 Kawther Abas Lecture 1 Introduction 5/4/1435

2 2 What is Intelligence ? Intelligence may be defined as: 1. The capacity to acquire and apply knowledge.

3 3 What is Artificial Intelligence ? Artificial intelligence is the study of systems that act in a way that to any observer would appear to be intelligent. Artificial Intelligence involves using methods based on the intelligent behavior of humans and other animals to solve complex problems.

4 4 What is Artificial Intelligence? The computer passes the “test of intelligence” if a human, after posing some written questions, cannot tell whether the responses were from a person or not.

5 5 What is Artificial Intelligence ? Goals of AI: AI began as an attempt to understand the nature of intelligence, but it has grown into a scientific and technological field affecting many aspects of commerce and society. The main goals of AI are: Engineering: solve real-world problems using knowledge and reasoning. AI can help us solve difficult, real-world problems, creating new opportunities in business, engineering, and many other application areas

6 6 What is Artificial Intelligence ? Goals of AI (cont’d) Scientific: use computers as a platform for studying intelligence itself. Scientists design theories hypothesizing aspects of intelligence then they can implement these theories on a computer.

7 7 Examples of AI Application systems: Game Playing  TDGammon, the world champion backgammon player, built by Gerry Tesauro of IBM research  Deep Blue chess program beat world champion Gary Kasparov  Chinook checkers program

8 8 What is Artificial Intelligence ? Examples of AI Application systems: Natural Language Understanding  AI Translators – spoken to and prints what one wants in foreign languages.  Natural language understanding (spell checkers, grammar checkers)

9 9 What is Artificial Intelligence ? Examples of AI Application Systems: Expert Systems:  In geology  Diagnostic Systems

10 10 What is Artificial Intelligence ? Examples of AI Application Systems: Expert Systems:  Financial Decision Making  Configuring Hardware and Software

11 11 What is Artificial Intelligence ? Examples of AI Application Systems: Robotics:  Robotics becoming increasing important in various areas like: games, to handle hazardous conditions and to do tedious jobs among other things. For examples: - automated cars, ping pong player - mining, construction, agriculture - garbage collection

12 12 Artificial Intelligence History 1943 McCulloch & Pitts: Boolean circuit model of brain 1950 Turing's ``Computing Machinery and Intelligence'' 1950s Early AI programs, including Samuel's checkers program, Newell & Simon's Logic Theorist, Gelernter's Geometry Engine The birth of Artificial Intelligence (1956) Name ``Artificial Intelligence'' adopted

13 13 Artificial Intelligence History 1957 General Problem Solver [Newell, Simon, Shaw @ CMU] 1958 LISP, [McCarthy], second high level language (MIT AI Memo 1) 1966-74 AI discovers computational complexity …

14 14 Artificial Intelligence History Knowledge-based systems (1969-1979) 1969 Publication of “Perceptrons” [Minsky & Papert], Neural network research almost disappears 1980-88 Expert systems industry booms

15 15 Artificial Intelligence History 1988-93 Expert systems industry busts: ``AI Winter'' 1985-95 Neural networks return to popularity AI becomes a science (1987 – present)

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