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HONORS GEOMETRY 1.1 – Points, Lines and Planes. Do Now:

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Presentation on theme: "HONORS GEOMETRY 1.1 – Points, Lines and Planes. Do Now:"— Presentation transcript:

1 HONORS GEOMETRY 1.1 – Points, Lines and Planes

2 Do Now:

3 HOORAY! Today? We actually start talking about geometry! WOOT WOOT! But… geometry is such a HUGE field… where should we actually begin?

4 Poster on the wall “Life is pointless without geometry…..”

5 Definitions Point: A point is a location. It has neither shape nor size nor dimension. Example:

6 Definitions Line: A line is made up of infinitely many points and has no thickness or width. It is one dimensional. Example: What is the minimum number of points we need to create a line???

7 Definitions Plane: A plane is a flat surface made up of points that extends infinitely in all directions. Example: What is the minimum number of points we need to create a plane???

8 Example One:

9 Lines: Two Types Collinear: Points that lie on the same line. Example: Non-Collinear: Points that do not lie on the same line.

10 Two Planes Coplanar: Points that lie on the same plane Example Non-Coplanar: Points that do not lie on the same plane.

11 Example Two: What are three collinear points? What are the names of four coplanar points? What are two points that are NOT coplanar with RS and V? Which point is coplanar with them?

12 Definition Intersection: The intersection of two of more geometric figures is the set of points they have in common. AKA: The point at which two objects meet. Ex:

13 THINK…. Two lines intersect at _______________ Two planes intersect at ______________

14 Example Three:

15 Example Four:

16 You Try!

17 Practice Try some on your own/in small groups As always don’t hesitate to ask me questions if you are confused :D

18 Exit Ticket Draw a picture of the following: A plane Q contains two lines. The first line x contains collinear points a, b, and c. The second line y contains points c and d.

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