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XBT Fall Rate Workshop AOML, Miami, FL March 10 – 12, 2008 1 Managing XBT Data in the Global Temperature–Salinity Profile Program (GTSPP) Data Base Charles.

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Presentation on theme: "XBT Fall Rate Workshop AOML, Miami, FL March 10 – 12, 2008 1 Managing XBT Data in the Global Temperature–Salinity Profile Program (GTSPP) Data Base Charles."— Presentation transcript:

1 XBT Fall Rate Workshop AOML, Miami, FL March 10 – 12, 2008 1 Managing XBT Data in the Global Temperature–Salinity Profile Program (GTSPP) Data Base Charles Sun, Norman Hall and Melanie Hamilton NOAA/National Oceanographic Data Center

2 XBT Fall Rate Workshop AOML, Miami, FL March 10 – 12, 2008 2 Outline What is GTSPP? What is GTSPP? GTSPP Best Copy Data and Data Formats GTSPP Best Copy Data and Data Formats Logic for the Depth Correction Process Logic for the Depth Correction Process XBT Probe Types Status XBT Probe Types Status General Discussion General Discussion

3 XBT Fall Rate Workshop AOML, Miami, FL March 10 – 12, 2008 3 What’s GTSPP? GTSPP is a joint WMO-IOC program designed to provide improved access to the highest resolution, highest quality data as quickly as possible. GTSPP is a joint WMO-IOC program designed to provide improved access to the highest resolution, highest quality data as quickly as possible. GTSPP began as an official IODE pilot project in 1989. GTSPP began as an official IODE pilot project in 1989. It went into operation in November 1990. It went into operation in November 1990. GTSPP = Global Temperature Salinity Profile Program

4 XBT Fall Rate Workshop AOML, Miami, FL March 10 – 12, 2008 4 GTSPP Partners Major partners include Australia, Canada, France and USA. Major partners include Australia, Canada, France and USA. –Australia: Delay-Mode Data Assembly and QC –Canada: Real-Time/Delay-Mode data assembly, QC and Duplicate management – and QC –France: Delayed-Mode Data Assembly and QC – –USA/AOML: NOAA SEAS Real-time (delayed mode in preparation) –USA/NODC: Continuously managed database (CMD) Delayed mode data QC Delayed mode data QC Data Matching (Real-time / Delayed / Best Copy) Data Matching (Real-time / Delayed / Best Copy) Data available as monthly files Data available as monthly files Web Database Access Web Database Access Offline Data Delivery Offline Data Delivery New Partners include the National Marine Data and Information Service (NMDIS) of China and the Federal Maritime, Hydrographic Agency (BSH) of Germany and Argentina INIDEP. New Partners include the National Marine Data and Information Service (NMDIS) of China and the Federal Maritime, Hydrographic Agency (BSH) of Germany and Argentina INIDEP. Contributing countries include those making at sea profile observations. Contributing countries include those making at sea profile observations.

5 XBT Fall Rate Workshop AOML, Miami, FL March 10 – 12, 2008 5 GTSPP Best Copy Data and Data Formats /gtspp /gtspp GTSPP Data Formats GTSPP Data Formats –(MEDS) ASCII Format –NetCDF Format

6 XBT Fall Rate Workshop AOML, Miami, FL March 10 – 12, 2008 6 Logic for the depth correction process - I NODC worked with ISDM (formerly MEDS) and CSIRO to develop logic for the depth correction process of archived XBT data. NODC worked with ISDM (formerly MEDS) and CSIRO to develop logic for the depth correction process of archived XBT data. NODC does not make depth corrections on the archived XBT data. NODC does not make depth corrections on the archived XBT data. Corrections to the depth would be applied only to the data that were placed on the WOCE DVDs (final version). Corrections to the depth would be applied only to the data that were placed on the WOCE DVDs (final version).

7 XBT Fall Rate Workshop AOML, Miami, FL March 10 – 12, 2008 7 Logic for the depth correction process - II If the data centers did make depth corrections, NODC preserves the uncorrected depths but loads the new corrected depths to a separate linked table in the database and will allow retrieval of those corrected depths on special request. If the data centers did make depth corrections, NODC preserves the uncorrected depths but loads the new corrected depths to a separate linked table in the database and will allow retrieval of those corrected depths on special request.

8 XBT Fall Rate Workshop AOML, Miami, FL March 10 – 12, 2008 8 Logic for the depth correction process - III Two new codes will be created to retain depth correction information in the surface codes structure. Two new codes will be created to retain depth correction information in the surface codes structure. The "DPC$" indicates the status of depth correction and The "DPC$" indicates the status of depth correction and The "FRA$" will retain the conversion factor of 1.0336. The "FRA$" will retain the conversion factor of 1.0336.

9 XBT Fall Rate Workshop AOML, Miami, FL March 10 – 12, 2008 9 Procedures for Setting DPC$ Values Inspect the values of Data Type = ‘BA’, ‘XB’, or ‘DT’, Inspect the values of Data Type = ‘BA’, ‘XB’, or ‘DT’, Check non-XBT PLAT codes, Check non-XBT PLAT codes, Compare to tables of known correctable and non-correctable types, and Compare to tables of known correctable and non-correctable types, and Set the values of DPC$ accordingly. Set the values of DPC$ accordingly. Based on inspection of PLAT, PEQ$, PFR$, PRT$ and FRE$ values

10 XBT Fall Rate Workshop AOML, Miami, FL March 10 – 12, 2008 10 Depth Correction (DPC$) Status The "DPC$" code will have the following states: –01 = Known Probe Type, Needs Correction, –02 = Known Probe Type, No Need to Correct –03 = Unknown Probe Type, Not enough information to know what to do, leave alone, –04 = Known XBT Probe Type, Correction was done, and –05 = Unknown Probe Type, but a correction was done.

11 XBT Fall Rate Workshop AOML, Miami, FL March 10 – 12, 2008 11 Parameter Codes Surface Codes Group Parameter Codes History Groups Parameter Codes Surface Codes Group DPC$ | XBT depth correction status DPC$ | XBT depth correction status FRA$ | Fall rate (correction factor for XBT probes) FRA$ | Fall rate (correction factor for XBT probes) FRE$ | Code for fall rate equation used. See IGOSS code table. FRE$ | Code for fall rate equation used. See IGOSS code table. PEQ$ | XBT fall rate equation (WMO code 1770) PEQ$ | XBT fall rate equation (WMO code 1770) PFR$ | XBT probe type and fall rate equation PFR$ | XBT probe type and fall rate equation PRT$ | XBT probe type (WMO code 4770) PRT$ | XBT probe type (WMO code 4770) Processing Step (PRC_Code) ld08 | NODC program to build DPC$ for all stations with datatype= XB, BA, or DT ld07 | NODC program to fix XBT depth corrected and original values ld07 | NODC program to fix XBT depth corrected and original values SQLP | NODC procedures to fix various database problems using SQL SQLP | NODC procedures to fix various database problems using SQL Parameter Codes for Histories (Act_Parm in History group) ADDP | NODC code for adding DPC$ value. ADDP | NODC code for adding DPC$ value. ADPF | NODC code for adding PFR$ value. ADPF | NODC code for adding PFR$ value. ADPQ | NODC SQL procedure for Adding a PEQ$ value to the surfacecodes table ADPQ | NODC SQL procedure for Adding a PEQ$ value to the surfacecodes table ADPR| NODC SQL procedure for Adding a PRT$ value to the surfacecodes table ADPR| NODC SQL procedure for Adding a PRT$ value to the surfacecodes table CHDP | NODC code for updating DPC$ value. CHDP | NODC code for updating DPC$ value. CHPF | NODC code for updating the PFR$ value. CHPF | NODC code for updating the PFR$ value. CHPQ | NODC code for updating PEQ$ CHPQ | NODC code for updating PEQ$ DTP$ | NODC SQL Procedure indicating erroneous Datatype based on matching CTD data DTP$ | NODC SQL Procedure indicating erroneous Datatype based on matching CTD data FXPF | NODC SQL procedure to Fix a PFR$ value from surfacecodes table FXPF | NODC SQL procedure to Fix a PFR$ value from surfacecodes table FXPQ | NODC SQL procedure to Fix a PEQ$ value from surfacecodes table FXPQ | NODC SQL procedure to Fix a PEQ$ value from surfacecodes table FXPR | NODC SQL procedure to Fix a PRT$ value from surfacecodes table FXPR | NODC SQL procedure to Fix a PRT$ value from surfacecodes table RMPQ | NODC SQL procedure to Remove a PEQ$ value from surfacecodes table RMPQ | NODC SQL procedure to Remove a PEQ$ value from surfacecodes table RMPR | NODC SQL procedure to Remove a PRT$ value from surfacecodes table RMPR | NODC SQL procedure to Remove a PRT$ value from surfacecodes table RMD$ = NODC SQL Procedure for removing DPC$ RMD$ = NODC SQL Procedure for removing DPC$

12 XBT Fall Rate Workshop AOML, Miami, FL March 10 – 12, 2008 12 Bathy Depth Corrected by CSIRO Example 1 : CSIRO Depth Corrected data --- WOCE UOT CD Meta-data (Surface Codes Group) FRA$ 1.0336 FRA$ 1.0336 DPC$ 04 DPC$ 04 History Group: STATION SEQ ID PRCC VERS PRC_DATE AC ACTP AUXID PREVVAL STATION SEQ ID PRCC VERS PRC_DATE AC ACTP AUXID PREVVAL ---------- ---------- ------ ------ ---- ------- -- ----- -------- ---------- 1777155 2 CS CSCB 1.0 20020709 DP DEPH 0.0 999.999 1777155 2 CS CSCB 1.0 20020709 DP DEPH 0.0 999.999

13 XBT Fall Rate Workshop AOML, Miami, FL March 10 – 12, 2008 13 Corrected Depths Table vs. Observation Table SQL> desc corrected_depths; Name Null? Type -------------------------------- -------- STATION NUMBER(38) PROFILE NUMBER(38) SEQ NUMBER(38) DEPTHPRESS CHAR(6) DEPRESQ CHAR(1) PROFPARM CHAR(9) ) PROFQPARM CHAR(1) SQL> desc observation; Name Null? Type --------------------- -------- -------------- STATION NOT NULL NUMBER(38) PROFILE NOT NULL NUMBER(38) SEQ NOT NULL NUMBER(38) DEPTHPRESS CHAR(6) DEPRESQ CHAR(1) PROFPARM CHAR(9) PROFQPARM CHAR(1) STATION PROFILE SEQ DEPTHP D PROFPARM P ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ - --------- - 1777155 0 0 0.0 1 29.000 2 1777155 0 1 2.1 1 29.000 2 ….. Continued 1777155 0 59 122.0 1 22.100 2 1777155 0 60 124.0 1 21.500 2 STATION PROFILE SEQ DEPTHP D PROFPARM P ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ - --------- - 1777155 0 0 0.0 1 29.000 2 1777155 0 1 2.0 1 29.000 2 ……continued 1777155 0 59 118.0 1 22.100 2 1777155 0 60 120.0 1 21.500 2

14 XBT Fall Rate Workshop AOML, Miami, FL March 10 – 12, 2008 14 Example 2: BATHY’s matched to CTD Build meta-data designating CTD, generate audit trail of changes to the database (Number found of this type: 1320) --------------------------------------------------------------- DBID D DT A SC HIS DP PF PFVAL ACTION ---------- - -- - -- --- -- -- ----- --------- ---------- 2070 R BA Y 10 14 9 -1 xxxxx -DPC +PFR +HIS 2070 R BA Y 10 14 9 -1 xxxxx -DPC +PFR +HIS 2085 R BA Y 10 14 9 -1 xxxxx -DPC +PFR +HIS 2085 R BA Y 10 14 9 -1 xxxxx -DPC +PFR +HIS 2091 R BA Y 10 14 9 -1 xxxxx -DPC +PFR +HIS 2091 R BA Y 10 14 9 -1 xxxxx -DPC +PFR +HIS 2032802 R BA Y 9 8 8 0 ///99 mPFR -DPC +HIS DBID -- The Station Number D -- dmode value (R or D) DT -- datatype (BA or XB) A -- Active (Y, N, or H) SC -- nsurfc HIS – numhists DP -- seq for DPC$ surface code PF -- seq for PFR$ surface code PFVAL -- value of PFR$, if any (xxxxx for filler where none) ACTION -- Recommended action to take STUB -- stub station, take no action ISBT -- Is an XBT, according to PFR$, so take no action mPFR -- Modify the existing PFR$ -DPC -- Remove the existing DPC$ +PFR -- Add a PFR$ group +HIS -- Add a history for the action

15 XBT Fall Rate Workshop AOML, Miami, FL March 10 – 12, 2008 15 Archived XBT Probe States As of 4 March 2008 1,078,900 XBT stations (profiles) out of 4,212,422 active stations ~= 25.6% of total active stations are XBT.

16 XBT Fall Rate Workshop AOML, Miami, FL March 10 – 12, 2008 16 Where we go from here? Keep GTSPP informed regarding the XBT fall rate changes. Keep GTSPP informed regarding the XBT fall rate changes. GTSPP would like to get XBT metadata via its connections with JCOMM and IODE. GTSPP would like to get XBT metadata via its connections with JCOMM and IODE.

17 XBT Fall Rate Workshop AOML, Miami, FL March 10 – 12, 2008 17

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