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Engaging Learners WikisE-mailGroupsSkype Problem Based Learning Blogging Student Led Discussions Instructor Led Discussions Technological Tools *Click.

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Presentation on theme: "Engaging Learners WikisE-mailGroupsSkype Problem Based Learning Blogging Student Led Discussions Instructor Led Discussions Technological Tools *Click."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engaging Learners WikisE-mailGroupsSkype Problem Based Learning Blogging Student Led Discussions Instructor Led Discussions Technological Tools *Click on the bubble to get more information

2 E-mail Students can use email to communicate with one another for help or suggestions. Instructors can communicate with students to give encouragement and praise.

3 Blogging Blogging is a way to get your opinion out Instructors can use blogs as a new way to have discussions Instructors may also use as a forum for students to ask for help, give advice or share experiences news/index.cfm?i=36898&CFID=1450028 7&CFTOKEN=52779460 news/index.cfm?i=36898&CFID=1450028 7&CFTOKEN=52779460

4 Skype Skype is used to make free calls, video and conference calls, you can also use instant messaging. Video calls are a great way to see another student or your instructor if you want to have a face to face conversation in the online environment

5 Wikis Wikis are a good way to share work with other students in a group especially online –You upload your work and the members in your group can view it, adjust it, and share their thoughts on it Online_Education Online_Education

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