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Welcome to … Bits and Bytes!!! A fun and engaging tech-supported project based on the PEAP material B class Primary Ioanna Chalkia 1 st Hellenic.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to … Bits and Bytes!!! A fun and engaging tech-supported project based on the PEAP material B class Primary Ioanna Chalkia 1 st Hellenic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to … C@rtoon Bits and Bytes!!! A fun and engaging tech-supported project based on the PEAP material B class Primary Ioanna Chalkia 1 st Hellenic Conference on Early Language Learning June 2013

2 C  Early Language Learning & PEAP  Technology in Education  Project Rationale  Prior Knowledge & Cross Curricular Links  Goal  Objectives  Tools  Implementation  Product  Evaluation  Reflection  Dealing with Problems  Added Value 1 st Hellenic Conference on Early Language Learning June 2013

3 C Early Language Learning & PEAP  The English for Young Learners Programme (PEAP)aims at: introducing L2 in first and second grade by making use of material especially designed and appropriate for young pupils developing social literacies through L2 encouraging creativity, respect for others, awareness of cultural & linguistic difference,  It adopts the ‘learning by doing’ approach while enhancing social skills  Balance between communicative and pedagogic practices  It appears to have eradicated initial anxiety about introducing children to L2 at an early age  It motivates young pupils by engaging them in enjoyable activities in the process of which they interact and make their own contribution to the best of their ability and they acquire self respect and sense of achievement 1 st Hellenic Conference on Early Language Learning June 2013

4 C Technology in Education  Children are digital natives, born into a world of technology where a great number of adults are only immigrants  Technology can prove to be a valuable ‘tool’ when properly used as it offers the opportunity for immediate feedback, flexibility, differentiation, variety and autonomous learning (online puzzles and games, drawing)  Variety of technological educational tools aiming at attracting the pupils’ attention as well as contributing in maintaining discipline and presenting the collective effort of the class (film screenings, class dojo, wikispaces)  Very useful for a language class (you tube)  Pupils become interested in the material presented 1 st Hellenic Conference on Early Language Learning June 2013

5 Project Rationale – Description Children will always be children!!! Can they resist their favorite cartoon characters? By means of video screenings, realia and flashcards pupils will be encouraged to participate, cooperate, create and use the English language within a communicative and enjoyable context by being presented with both previously encountered and new vocabulary 1 st Hellenic Conference on Early Language Learning June 2013 books games tech tools dance sing role play QR Codes draw cards PARTY & evaluation

6 C  Pupils have been introduced to a variety of topics and vocabulary in L2 during their first year at school and they keep working on PEAP material  Writing skills in L1  Children of this age are digital natives and familiar with technological gadgets Cross Curricular Links Music, Arts & Crafts, Computer Technology, Drama, Greek Language 1 st Hellenic Conference on Early Language Learning June 2013 Prior Knowledge

7 C  Develop Social Skills  Engage in oral and written L2 in an enjoyable and purposeful way  Motivate Objectives  Cognitive Objectives (name, recall, recognize, label, locate, repeat, memorize, describe, order)  Affective Objectives (follow instructions, cooperate, participate, share, show respect)  Psychomotor Objectives (reproduce & coordinate movements, use tech devices, dance, sing, cut, draw, dramatize) 1 st Hellenic Conference on Early Language Learning June 2013 Goal

8 C  Laptops  Projector  Arts & Craft material  DVDs  Flashcards  Books  Realia  CD player  Tablet  Mobile Phone  Working Sheets  Tech tools (ProProfs, Tuxpaint, Polldaddy, CD-Rom, ClassDojo Blabberize) 1 st Hellenic Conference on Early Language Learning June 2013 Tools

9 Implementation  Repeat and Recall animal names, numbers, colors, classroom objects, toys, prepositions, body parts, action verbs, feelings, expressions of like and dislike  Write their names in L2  Trace names of cartoon characters  Draw favorite cartoon  ‘Post-it’ on screen  Screen movie ‘Madagascar 2: Escape to Africa’  Discuss screening, ask and answer questions on movie  Pantomime  Draw what they liked most  Make an animal mask and introduce themselves – role play 1 st Hellenic Conference on Early Language Learning June 2013

10 Implementation  ‘Find the Flashcard’ game  Order events  Describe favorite character  Play online games  Make an online puzzle  Make wall posters  Listening activities  Matching Activity  Make a cartoon mask 1 st Hellenic Conference on Early Language Learning June 2013

11 Implementation  ‘Dumbo’ storybook  Order events  Interview  Record themselves expressing likes and dislikes  Repeat chants  Sing, dance and dress-up  Draw on computer  Playdoh  You tube Pinocchio story 1 st Hellenic Conference on Early Language Learning June 2013


13 Evaluation By pupils  drawing on ‘post-it’ papers  stickers on a board  stamps  thumbs up & down for specific activities  copy and paste ‘happy’& ‘sad’ images on word  vote with ‘happy’ & ‘sad’ faces  Vote on Polldaddy  Ticks 1 st Hellenic Conference on Early Language Learning June 2013

14 Evaluation By teacher  stamps on pupils’ work  stickers on wall  Class Dojo for performance and behavior  oral encouragement 1 st Hellenic Conference on Early Language Learning June 2013

15 C A reflective approach to professional development was adopted by means of an initially word processed and eventually online diary in order to achieve self as well as professional awareness and improvement “ Friday 1 st February 2013 The pupils were well behaved and cooperative throughout the session. They worked on the DR-ROM activities they had not completed in the previous session quietly and they performed well. They practiced Animals, numbers and colors vocabulary. However, at times the CD-ROM did not appear to keep them as interested as I would expect and I did consider my plan to stick to completing all activities inopportune. However, what came as a surprise was the evaluation of the session on the part of the pupils who voted positively. This made me explain to them that I would not mind at all if they decided to vote against a session or activity. 1 st Hellenic Conference on Early Language Learning June 2013 Reflection

16 C  Time Frame  Technical Difficulties  Adjusting Activities – being Flexible & Inventive Added Value  Pleasant learning atmosphere  Outside the strict boundaries of the classroom  Sense of Security and Control  Become autonomous 1 st Hellenic Conference on Early Language Learning June 2013 Dealing with Problems

17 Thank you for your attention Contact Information: 1 st Hellenic Conference on Early Language Learning June 2013

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