, …) in text messages, Some more clear rules specifying the text structure, A focus on a clear distinction between immediate danger warning messages (close to the event) and informative ones (upstream)."> , …) in text messages, Some more clear rules specifying the text structure, A focus on a clear distinction between immediate danger warning messages (close to the event) and informative ones (upstream).">

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O 9 VMS Domain Operations Paul van der Kroon, Copenhagen May 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "O 9 VMS Domain Operations Paul van der Kroon, Copenhagen May 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 O 9 VMS Domain Operations Paul van der Kroon, Copenhagen May 2005

2 Network Operations SGT Copenhagen meeting, May 20052 FIVE Framework on Implementation of VMS in Europe 2000: Endorsed by WERD/DERD 2004: CEDR-EB asked SGT to investigate hampering implementation

3 Network Operations SGT Copenhagen meeting, May 20053 Gaps identified via VMS-action New needed pictograms for dynamic situations (see FIVE list such as "bad visibility", COST 30 and symbols for new traffic management situations such as "temporary use of hard shoulder"), Use of speed limits, and use of lane-control signs in terms of successive gantries, Language independent symbols (+, =, ->, …) in text messages, Some more clear rules specifying the text structure, A focus on a clear distinction between immediate danger warning messages (close to the event) and informative ones (upstream).

4 Network Operations SGT Copenhagen meeting, May 20054 3 Parallel initiatives in Europe Mare Nostrum (M-VMS Working Group) embraces FIVE and fill in gaps UN-ECE WP1 road traffic safety (small working group of 4 countries) revision of resolution on road signs and signals (VC) SOMS IN-SAFETY 6 th FP develop new pictograms and structured rules

5 Network Operations SGT Copenhagen meeting, May 20055 Proposed actions for CEDR Follow the existing initiatives regarding the development and testing of VMS pictograms and message structures (EU research project SOMS-IN Safety and M-VMS Working Group). Support the on-going actions towards the UN-ECE to include VMS guidelines in the Vienna Convention Monitor to the Thematic Domain Operation

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