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Modeling and Data Working Group

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1 Modeling and Data Working Group
FEMA Lab and Analytics Workshop July 2015

2 The MDWG project Understand how data and models are used by the federal interagency emergency management community Identify and characterize the data and models used to inform emergency operations: hurricanes, earthquakes, INDs Perform network analysis to define gaps and identify linkages Build an interactive inventory cataloging the resources Develop decision support tools to translate event characterization and consequence analyses into operational requirements

3 Results overview Home Page

4 Natural disaster resource networks

5 Network bridges: Natural disasters

6 Bulk flow of information

7 Most used resources Resources with the most federal agency users
Hazards Resource Types Descriptions EAGLE-I 10 All-Hazards situational awareness data Monitors, aggregates, and displays energy system data HSIP raw data Critical infrastructure and key resource data SLOSH Hurricane event characterization models/analysis Estimates storm surge heights Turbo FRMAC IND consequence model; decision support tool CBRNE assessment data analysis HPAC 9 event characterization models/analysis; consequence model Models CBRNE atmospheric dispersion and impacts HAZUS Multi-Hazard consequence model Estimates economic impacts of select natural disasters NHC Forecasts Predicts hurricane intensity and track

8 Project findings and gaps
Lack of operations-focused resources Consequence modeling output libraries Rapid-run models with outputs designed for operations Would provide decision support and concrete mission specific requirements Operations-focused resources poorly connected to real-time event data Lack of emergency response modeling for operations

9 The ESFLG Model and Data Inventory
Inventory currently hosted on an internal FEMA server Hosting on an external FEMA site in progress Code can be ed and launched locally Goal of inventory: Discovery tool for steady-state planning Real-time RFIs for events







16 Keeping the inventory useful
Utility of the Resource Inventory: Additional scenarios: flood , biological, cyber Robust, on-going hosting and maintenance Interagency access Use during exercises: Train around the resources available

17 Data and models for operations:
ESF-specific decision support tools Home Page

18 Decision support tools for ESF-specific missions
Operationally relevant calculations Simple, easy-to-use, and tailored for operational users Linking calculations for each ESF to a single set of inputs/assumptions Testing a tool for FEMA-specific ESF #6 and ESF #7 requirements

19 DST for ESF #6 and ESF#7: in beta

20 Unified inputs: Affected Population

21 Unified inputs: Distribution Centers

22 ESF #6: Mass Care Outputs

23 ESF #7: Logistics Outputs

24 Courses of action and next steps
Develop real-time operational consequence and response modeling/analysis tools May be available through national labs Involve operations personnel in development Develop decision support tools that translate the existing data into operationally-relevant information Expand the inventory to include additional hazards Flood, biological scenarios, cyber

25 Points of contact Josh Dozor, MDWG Chair Director, Planning Division
FEMA Response Directorate Eric Soucie, Project Lead Future Planning FEMA Response Directorate Eric. Ellie Graeden, PhD Gryphon Scientific (cell)


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