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Happiness Notes. Potential for Happiness  ½ of your potential for happiness is inherited.

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1 Happiness Notes

2 Potential for Happiness  ½ of your potential for happiness is inherited.

3 History of Happiness For most of the 20 th century, happiness was viewed as delusional.  People didn’t have time to be happy.

4 Happiness Helpers  Hope, spirituality.  Friends, family, pets.  Strong marriages.  High self-esteem.

5 Laughter as its Own Punch-Line Laughing clubs  Act of laughing releases stress, promotes deep healthy breathing.

6 Positive Emotions Most people can’t feel positive emotions at will.  Say positive things (once a day)  Seeing positive.  What time of day can I start saying positive things to myself?

7 Teaching Positive You learn/ teach yourself positive thoughts.  Nurture optimism- key to hope & happiness.

8 Age and Serenity People grow happier with age!  You don’t have extreme highs + lows.

9 Spirituality Spirituality is the key to happiness  Promotes hope + social support.


11 Stress Management

12 Define Stress A mental or emotional disruption or upsetting condition.  Occurs in response to adverse external conditions.

13 Short Term Stress Survival response: fight or flight.  Raises heart rate.  More blood going to the brain + large muscles to escape danger.  Write down what causes you stress?

14 Chronic Stress Problems  Insomnia, depression, suppressed immunity.  Hypertension, heart attacks, possible dementia.  Weight gain from stress goes straight to the belly.

15 Primary Stress Symptoms  Sweaty hands, no feeling in hands.  Cold inside, and dizzy.  What are your symptoms?

16 Secondary Stress Symptoms  Can stress make us sick?  Hurts your heart, skin, and causes headaches. How You think/ feel, positive vs. negative.

17 Causes of Stress: Unrealistice Self-expectaions  It’s not going to work…. Negative self-talk  Too much going on… Can’t say “NO”….

18 Fairytale Propganda  “Perfect Prom”  “Perfect Vacation”

19 Level 1: Ongoing coping / Mini- relaxation  Most effective form is positive thoughts  Music  Laughing  Prayer  Write what your strategies are?

20 Level 2: Focused stress management  Exercise: walking, running, yoga  Journal Writing  Sleep  Talking to a counselor  Stretch your shoulders and neck  Deep breathing  Write your focused stress management strategies

21 Appraise the situation realistically  Say: I can manage this  Can the situation be changed:  Yes: Positive thoughts  No: Apply specific relaxation skills

22 Volunteer to juggle cups  Golf Story

23 Anxiety  Condition of feeling uneasy or worried about what may happen

24 Coping with anxiety  Stress management techniques: Run, laugh, deep breathing

25 Depression  A prolonged feeling of hopelessness, sadness and helplessness  Lasts for many weeks

26 Reactive Depression  Response to a stressful event  Certain class/teacher  Sport  Not liking a job

27 Major Depression  Medical Condition  Requires treatment or help

28 Prevent Suicide 1.Meaningful conversations 2.Support and ask questions 3.Get help! Tell an adult

29 Stress Facts for writing assignment

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