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ROGUE RIVER GREENWAY TRAIL Gold Ray Road Solution Team Meeting February 19, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "ROGUE RIVER GREENWAY TRAIL Gold Ray Road Solution Team Meeting February 19, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 ROGUE RIVER GREENWAY TRAIL Gold Ray Road Solution Team Meeting February 19, 2009

2 Jeff Bernardo, P.E. B.S. Civil Engineering, Oregon State University, 1997 Professional Engineer, OR, 2002 OBEC Consulting Engineers –Oregon Business since 1966 –Specialize in transportation projects –Planning, Design, and Construction Administration for numerous trail systems

3 Steve Durrant, ASLA, APA (Not Present Tonight) B.A. in Landscape Architecture, University of Minnesota, 1978 Masters of Landscape Architecture, University of Washington, 1983 Registered Landscape Architect and Planner ALTA Planning + Design –Specialize in Trail Planning and Design

4 Goals for Meeting Identify Critical Features of the Project Adopt Evaluation Criteria for Gold Ray Road Trail Options Adopt a Rating System to be used Identify Potential Fatal Flaws for Gold Ray Road Trail Options Discuss and Identify Opportunities and Constraints for Trail Routes to be Considered Between Gold Ray Dam and 2 nd At-Grade Railroad Crossing

5 Critical Features What are the critical features that this trail system must have to be considered a success? In other words, “Those we can’t live without?”  Action Item: Make a short list of Critical Features (5 or 6) that everyone agrees on.

6 Evaluation Criteria (aka “Filters”) Vehicle Speed/Count Security/Safety Preserve Aesthetics, Scenery, & Nature Facility Maintenance/ Management Access for Land Owners Access for Public Users Abuse of Area Diversity of Uses Fire Danger Loss of Privacy Road Closure Site Constraints Issues and concerns already expressed by the Solutions Team

7 Evaluation Criteria Recommendations: –Limit to no more than 10 Criteria –All Criteria Should be “Universal” –Criteria can be Broad or Specific –Criteria are typically weighted equally  Action Item: Develop and adopt a list of Evaluation Criteria to be used.

8 Rating System (aka “Scoring”) How do we want to Rate design options against each Evaluation Criteria? Options Include: –Subjective – Bad, Neutral, Good, Better, Best –Numerical – 1, 2, 3……9, 10 –Pass/Fail –Other?

9 Rating System  Action Item: Agree on what rating system should be used to evaluate design options.

10 Fatal Flaws (aka “Show Stoppers”) What aspects of a design option would be bad enough to drop it from further consideration or evaluation? In other words, Design Option does not meet one or more of the Critical Features. Example: Design Option will not be meet environmental permitting regulations. Example: Prohibitive estimated cost.  Action Item: Make a list of potential Fatal Flaws that will result in dropping a Design Option.

11 Discuss Opportunities and Constraints for Design Options Opportunities: What are the things that we can do here? Constraints: What are the issues that we need to avoid or work around?  Action Item: Discuss Opportunities and Constraints between Gold Ray Dam and 2 nd Railroad Crossing using Aerial Photos.

12 Next Meeting March 19, 2009 (5:30-7:30 p.m., RVCOG) Continue discussion of Opportunities and Constraints with Steve Durrant (ALTA)

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