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Powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz vicente Adult Bible Study Guide Apr May Jun 2010 Adult Bible Study Guide.

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1 powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz vicente Adult Bible Study Guide Apr May Jun 2010 Adult Bible Study Guide Apr May Jun 2010

2 Dear User … This PowerPoint Show is freely shared to all who may find it beneficial. While intended primarily for personal use, some find it useful for teaching the lesson in church. There are those, however, who add illustrations, change background, adjust font size, etc. While their intention may be good, this is not right. Slide #1 says “designed by claro ruiz vicente.” For honest Christians, it is not necessary for another’s creation to be copyrighted in order to be respected. PLEASE USE AS IS. Health and Healing AN APPEAL


4 Health and Healing CONTENTS 1. Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow! 2. The Power of Choice 3. Celebrating Spiritual and Physical Fitness 4. The Water of Life 5. The Environment 6. Faith and Healing 7. Rest and Restoration 8. The Atmosphere of Praise 9. Temperance 10. Integrity: Wholeness and Holiness 11. Optimism: Happiness and Healing 12. Nutrition in the Bible 13. Social Support: The Tie That Binds

5 Health and Healing OUR GOAL {181} W E ARE GOING to look at what’s often been a neglected aspect of the wonderful truths God has given us as a movement, and that is the health message. The Lord reveal these principles to us for the same reason He died for us, because He loves us and wants what’s in our best interest.

6 Health and Healing L ESSON 11, J UNE 12 Health and Healing L ESSON 11, J UNE 12 Optimism: Happiness and Healing

7 KEY TEXT Lamentations 3:21-23 NIV “Y ET THIS I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

8 Optimism: Happiness and Healing I NITIAL W ORDS {313} H OPE ENABLES US to be optimistic even in troubled circumstances. This optimism affects how we feel emotionally and also influences our physical health positively, enhancing our immunity and general well-being. We often cannot change external circumstances, but we can change our attitude toward them.

9 Optimism: Happiness and Healing Q UICK L OOK 1. The Need for Optimism (1 Kings 19:2-4) 2. The Call for Optimism (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) 3. Practical Optimism (Proverbs 17:22)

10 Optimism: Happiness and Healing 1. T HE N EED FOR O PTIMISM 1 Kings 19:2-4 NKJV “T HEN J EZEBEL SENT a messenger to Elijah, saying, ‘So let the gods do to me, and more so, if I do not make your life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time.’ … And he prayed that he might die, and said, ‘It is enough! Now, LORD, take my life, for I am no better than my fathers!’ ”

11 1.The Need for Optimism DEPRESSION AND DESPAIR {314} T HERE ARE TWO main kinds of depression. The first occurs in response to unpleasant circumstances of life, such as death, illness, job loss, or a broken relationship. The other kind of depression is related to chemical imbalances in the central nervous system.

12 Optimism and hope often are crowded out of our lives by our busy schedules. We can become so focused on things and work, even good and necessary activities, that we lose out on our relationship with Jesus. This relationship is essential to our growth in all aspects of our lives. 1.The Need for Optimism THE CARE OF THIS LIFE {316}

13 Martha, like us, became so busy in the work for the Lord that she neglected the life-giving relationship with the Lord of the work. Nurturing our relationship with Jesus impacts every aspect of our lives and allows for the celebration of an optimistic and hope-filled outlook, even in times of distress and pressure. 1.The Need for Optimism THE CARE OF THIS LIFE {316}

14 Optimism: Happiness and Healing 2. T HE C ALL FOR O PTIMISM 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NKJV “R EJOICE ALWAYS, PRAY without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

15 2. The Call for Optimism B E J OYFUL A LWAYS {318} “W E DO NOT always rejoice in all situations. Jesus certainly did not (Matt. 26:38, John 11:35), and who is going to accuse Him of being unfaithful? Job, too, though faithful to the Lord, does not appear very joyful for most of the book that bears his name. On the contrary, he is a miserable and wailing wreck.

16 Yet, even amid all the pain and tragedy of life, we still can have cause for joy and optimism. And that is because, thanks to Jesus and the promises we have from Him, we know that these things only are temporary; and that despite it all, and how hard and incomprehensible our sufferings are, God loves and cares about us. 2. The Call for Optimism B E J OYFUL A LWAYS {318}

17 Proverbs 17:22 NKJV “A MERRY HEART does good like a medicine, But the broken spirit dries the bones.” Optimism: Happiness and Healing 3. P RACTICAL O PTIMISM

18 3. Practical Optimism L AUGHTER AND H EALING {322} L AUGHTER EXERCISES THE lungs and stimulates the circulatory system. As a result, increased oxygen enters the blood. Laughter acts as a relaxant, and in the long term it can be associated with mild decreases in blood pressure.

19 3. Practical Optimism L AUGHTER AND H EALING {322} Laughter increases the production of the chemical endorphins that soothe and relax the mind, relieve pain, elevate the mood, and increase immune cell activity. Studies have shown that viewing others in a positive and benevolent way can beneficially impact our resistance to infection (as well as make us pleasant to be around!).

20 The Ministry of Healing 251 FINAL WORDS {324} “N OTHING TEND MORE to promote health of body and of soul than does a spirit of gratitude and praise. It is a positive duty to resist melancholy, discontented thoughts and feelings—as much a duty as it is to pray. If we are heaven-bound, how can we go as a band of mourners, groaning and complaining all along the way to our Father’s house?”

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