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Mitchell Aerospace and Engineering Mitchell Community College October 26, 2011 Preliminary Design Review RockSat- C.

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Presentation on theme: "Mitchell Aerospace and Engineering Mitchell Community College October 26, 2011 Preliminary Design Review RockSat- C."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mitchell Aerospace and Engineering Mitchell Community College October 26, 2011 Preliminary Design Review RockSat- C

2 Mission Overview System Overview Subsystem Design Prototyping Plan Project Management Outline of Presentation

3 Mission Overview Beau Brinkley

4 Mission Overview Goal Statement: Our goal is to design and implement various generators to passively collect energy for possible use by space based instrumentation. We expect to harvest energy from the flight of the rocket, solar, magnetic and other sources. Results may lower cost and power requirements for space science by reducing the weight of electrical components.

5 Mission Overview Theory and Concepts: Various transducers will generate electrical power utilizing Electromagnetic, Photoelectric, Seebeck, Peltier, and Piezoelectric effects. Total power output from all transducers will be determined and compared to the power needed to operate and onboard off-the-shelf space science package.

6 Previous work includes: Electrodynamic tethers tested with the Space Shuttle MEMS based micro-engineered motion energy harvesting devices (Imperial College of London, 2007) MIDE out of Boston, Ma., founded in 1989, develops vibration energy harvesting devices

7 Mission Overview Concepts of Operations

8 Mission Overview Expected Results For each transducer, voltage across a known resistor will be measured and stored. ○ All transducers will require amplification of voltage at some range. The power used by the balloon board will be measured and stored. Measurable data from the balloon board will be saved.

9 System Overview Mechanical Brad Hager

10 Subsystem Definitions “EM Pendulum”Magnet suspended on a pendulum over a copper coil will use horizontal vibrations and angular velocity “Aubade”Photovoltaic panel “Jerk”Magnet surrounded by a copper coil will use vertical vibrations “Grow-Hot”Peltier thermoelectric cooler will use temperature changes “Bristol”Magnets in a circular track will use angular velocity “Crusher”Piezoelectric block will use vertical g- forces “Elvis”Electromagnetic microphone will use sound vibrations “Diving Board”Piezoelectric cantilever will use horizontal vibrations

11 Subsystem Overview- Physical Model

12 Design in Canister Right ViewLeft ViewFront View

13 Critical Interfaces Interface Name Brief DescriptionPotential Solution BSTL/STRWill mount on top of the 2nd plate *All mounting of transducers will be directly into Makrolon and designed to withstand appropriate Gee forces. Bristol will be mounted using 3/4” 4-40 CSK bolts; located 1/2” from center EMPD/STRTwo separate assemblies: Bowl will mount to the bottom plate; pendulum to the bottom of the 2nd plate. Pendulum mounted beneath 2nd plate using 1/2”4-40 CSK bolts, and 3/8” 4-40 CSK bolts for the bowl DVBD/ STRTabs will be mounted directly to bottom plate and the transducer suspended vertically. Support tabs integrated into design and mounted using 3/8” 4-40 bolts JERK/STRWill span the entire z-axis of the payload; mounted directly to bottom and top plates Support tabs integrated into design and mounted using 3/8” 4-40 bolts CRSH/STRPiezoelectric plate actuators will be stacked vertically and constrained between two mounting brackets on the bottom and 2nd plate. Mounting brackets made of 6160 aluminum and mounted using 3/8” 4-40 bolts.

14 Critical Interfaces Interface Name Brief DescriptionPotential Solution ABDE/STRPositioned facing the optical port: mounted on the bottom plate and option for bottom of 2nd plate Mounting options still to be defined before CDR ELVS/STRMounted on the top of the 2nd plateMounting options still to be defined before CDR Transducers/ Arduinos Each transducer is connected to two analog inputs on the Master Arduino. Current runs through a series of op amps, low pass filters, and is then a known resistor; where voltage is measured. Power output will be calculated after rocket flight. Use right angle Molex connectors from resistor inputs to insure clearance between Arduino and top plate.

15 System Level Block Diagram

16 System Overview Electrical Nathan Keller

17 Subsystem Definitions Electrical is broken down into three subsystems: Power Energy Harvesting & Measurement Data Sensing

18 System Overview-Block Diagram

19 Subsystem Overview- Physical Model Arduino Microcontroller High Altitude Sensing Board OpenLog

20 System Overview- Physical Model

21 Critical Interfaces Interface NameBrief DescriptionPotential Solution I2CI2C Inter-Integrated Circuit used to allow communication between a master and slave, or multiple slave, microcontrollers. Interface uses serial data to communicate between Arduino’s allowing the master to control the slave. Op Amps Output voltage is linearly proportional to the difference between inputs by the factor of the gain. Input signal range is amplified from millivolt to zero to five volts. Transducers to Arduinos Each transducer is connected to two analog inputs on the Master Arduino. Current runs through a series of op amps, low pass filters, and is then a known resistor; where voltage is measured. Power output will be calculated after rocket flight. Use right angle Molex connectors from resistor inputs to insure clearance between Arduino and top plate.

22 System Level Software Flow Chart

23 System Overview Project Level Samuel Fox & Joseph Edwards

24 Requirement Verification Plan Weight required for both electronic and mechanical systems will be determined. Combined canister weight will be less than the maximum requirement of 20 + 0.2 lbs. Center of mass will meet requirements of the RockSat-C Users Guide and not negatively effect partnered payload. Mock up canister will meet specified requirements set by the RockSat-C Users Guide for accurate payload simulation. Potential difference between plates will be zero. All plates will be electrically connected to a common ground.

25 User Guide Compliance Mitchell’s project will use the 1.SYS.1 payload activation scheme, allowing us to receive power before G-switch activation. All wires will be tied and staked to prevent disconnects during flight.

26 Sharing Logistics Pegasis will be partnering with the New Jersey Space Grant. Planned communication will take place via teleconferences, Google Chat & Google Docs along with Skype. Pegasis will leave the top plate clear for the New Jersey Space Grant Team. Our design has the capability to move CG in z & theta without constraining our partner.

27 Subsystem Design Mechanical Gary Staggers

28 Bristol Transducer Housing

29 Jerk Transducer Perspex Tube Neodymium Magnet

30 Aubade (Solar) Transducer Electrodes Solar Panel

31 Diving Board Transducer Neodymium Magnets Piezoelectric Plate Actuator

32 EM Pendulum Transducer Magnetic Pendulum Wire-wrapped Bowl

33 Elvis Transducer Microphone Base

34 Grow Hot (TEC) Transducer Electrodes Thermoelectric Cooler

35 Crusher (Piezo) Transducer Electrodes Piezoelectric Plates

36 Key Trade Studies Piezoelectric PlateBoston Piezo-OpticsNoliac Cost8.56 Availability10 Coating9.58 Total Time to Customer 86 Made to order109 Average9.27.8

37 Key Trade Studies Permanent MagnetsNeodymium Iron Boron (NdFeB) Samarium Cobalt (SmCo) Cost68 Availability105.5 Flux Density108.2 Demagnetization (Oersted) 107.5 Max Power (BH)106.5 Max Temperature (C)7.510 Curie Temperature (C)710 Average8.68.0

38 Key Trade Studies Plate MaterialAluminum 6061Makrolon Cost105.7 Availability109 Density4.410 Machinability7.510 Tensile Strength (Mpa)106 Electrical Insulation010 Average78.5

39 Subsystem Risk Matrix RareUnlikelyPossibleLikely NegligibleTFC.RSK MarginalARF.RSK CriticalTFI.RSK MPI.RSK CNI.RSK CatastrophicRTC.RSK  TFI.RSK: Transducer fixture issues  TFC.RSK: Transducer functionality changes due to Gee-forces in flight  MPI.RSK: Makrolon plate integrity  CNI.RSK: Canister integrity  ARF.RSK: Anomalies in rocket flight  RTC.RSK: Rocket CATO

40 Subsystem Design Electrical Dylan Stobbe

41 Subsystem Block Diagram – Power

42 Key Trade Studies – Power Battery6v Tenergy 1600 mAh NiMH Tenergy 7.2v 3800 mAh NiMH Cost89 Availability10 Capacity810 Voltage97 Weight98 Average8.8

43 Subsystem Block Diagram – Microcontroller

44 Key Trade Studies – Microcontroller uControllerATMega2560Rabbit BL4S100 Cost105 Availability106 Clock Speed810 AD Convertors99 Programming Language 99 Average8.67.8

45 Subsystem Block Diagram – Data Sensing

46 Key Trade Studies – Data Sensing Data SensingSparkfun High Altitude Sensing Board DIY Printed Circuit Boards Cost107 Availability107 Capabilities10 Expandability810 Structural Integrity710 Average98.8

47 Risk Matrix RareUnlikely PossibleLikely Negligible MarginalCRA.RSKVCL.RSK CriticalCSF.RSKEOH.RSK UPE.RSK GSM.RSK BCF.RSK CatastrophicMSD.RSK GSM.RSK: G-force issues on surface mount electronics. BCF.RSK: Battery cell fails(internal delamination, overcurrent shorts battery, etc…) VCL.RSK: Vibration causing loose connections. CRA.RSK: Cosmic rays affect electronic components in random matters. EOH.RSK: Excess heat causing electronics to malfunction. UPE.RSK: Unforeseen programming errors. MSD.RSK: MicroSD card fixturing ineffective. CSF.RSK: Canister seal failure.

48 Safety Sam Fox

49 Goal Statement Our team will pay acute attention to detail and complete an honest assessment of risks, failures and hazards associated with this project. The whole team will be educated on all safety precautions and must pass a safety test before assembly and testing begins.

50 Safety Risk Management HazardEffect of HazardMitigation Chemicals in paint, solvent, adhesivePossible respiratory and skin irritation Take precautions and wear gloves, safety glasses and have good ventilation Ignition of pyrotechnic compoundsFire, damage to equipment, personal injury Follow safety rules; wear cotton clothing and do not smoke or have other static producing items in the area Use of power toolsCuts or other injuries, damage to equipment, flying debris Follow manufacturer’s safety instructions; wear safety goggles and do not operate without supervision Misfire on launch padRocket may not be safe to approachWrite procedures to plan for this contingency and follow NAR and TRA safety rules

51 Prototyping Plan Mechanical Samuel Fox

52 Chart Magnetic Shielding Faraday Shielding and Fixtures Risk/Concern Proper shielding of sensors Possible loose components damaging sensors Action Prototype shielding for magnetism by CDR Verify fixtures through testing Canister Design in plastic Risk/Concern Proper fit of payload components Confirmation of center of mass Action Mock-up canister printed Transducers Design “table top” versions of each transducer Risk/Concern Does transducer operate as expected Action Fully test and evaluate each transducer design

53 Prototyping Plan Electrical

54 Chart Arduino Master and Slave Risk/Concern Improper communication between Master and Slave Arduino Action Functional tests of the Ardunio Microcontrollers Connection and grounding tests Magnetic Shield Faraday Shield Risk/Concern Magnetic fields may interfere with electronics and other payloads Action Must design a Faraday shield for both Arduino microcontrollers Wiring Paths and Connections Risk/Concern Shorting and loosening before/during flight Action Complete schematic plans Battery mA hrs required Voltage regulation Risk/Concern Batteries cannot provide current needed Voltage regulators generate heat Lifetime of voltage regulators Action Functional tests of electronic systems Saving Data Openlog interface to Arduino Fixturing of MicroSD card Risk/Concern Saving data from Arduino to microSD card may be difficult Connection between the OpenLog and SD card lose contact during flight Action Intensive programming attention given to saving data. Test possible fixturing methods of microSD card in Openlogger

55 Prototyping Plan Test

56 Chart Rocket Flight Testing vibration and gee forces on components and payload Risk/Concern Rocket must be reusable and stable for consistent test flights Action Complete construction of component testing rocket using proven techniques and materials. Shake Tables Low/High Frequency Tables Risk/Concern Shake tables must be able to simulate vibration for full time of flight + 50% more. Action Begin construction of shake tables with prototype testing Electronic Testing Tests on Arduinos and layouts of wire paths Risk/Concern Wire must not short and be stress tested Action Perform grounding tests while prototyping Evaluate different wire paths while testing Full Scale Payload Testing Mock-up Canister construction Full scale test rocket Risk/Concern Canister mockup must be constructed to WFF specifications Center of gravity must be addressed Full scale test rocket must have similar flight characteristics of WFF flight Action Complete design of full scale integration test of payload Continue design of full- scale test rocket.

57 Component Rocket Schematic Length: 46.50 inches Diameter: 4 inch payload to a 3 inch body tube Mass: 3.3 lbs Max Altitude: 2000 ft

58 Project Management Plan Beau Brinkley All project management documents are large working files therefore, are viewed as screenshots in this presentation. Actual documents may be viewed outside of this construct.

59 Mission Overview Organizational Chart

60 Mechanical Team Members Brad Hager, 22 Architecture UNC Charlotte Michael Brown, 20 Mechanical Engineering UNC Charlotte John Benfield, 20 Biology, Psychology, Psych/Neuro TBD Gary Staggers, 31 Mechanical Engineering UNC Charlotte

61 Electrical Team Members Dylan Stobbe, 21 Computer Engineering UNC Charlotte Ryan Howard, 22 Associate of Science Degree Air Force Nathan Keller, 17 Associate of Science Degree

62 Test Team Members Samuel Fox, 20 Chemical Engineering NC State Derek Spencer, 34 Biology, Pre-Med UNC Charlotte Joseph Edwards, 40 Mechanical Engineering Technology UNC Charlotte

63 Project Manager & Safety Officer Beau Brinkley, 22 Systems Engineering UNC Charlotte Erin Wilson, 25 Veterinary School NC State

64 Team Members & Contact Information: NameE-MailPhone Contact Erin Wilsonerwilson28244@mitchellccmail.com704-657-3866 Brad Hagerbwhager@mitchellccmail.com704-500-9508 Michael Brownmdbrown1819@mitchellccmail.com704-497-4225 John Benfieldjbenfield@mitchellccmail.com704-775-5530 Beau Brinkleybhbrinkley@mitchellccmail.com704-902-0627 Nathan Kellernlkeller@mitchellccmail.com704-872-2323 Samuel Foxsjfox@mitchellccmail.com704-928-5172 Derek Spencerdpspencer@mitchellccmail.com704-883-4731 Dylan Stobbedrstobbe@gmail.com828-278-9466 Ryan Howardryo242@gmail.com704-663-2299 Joseph Edwardsjdedwards925@mitchellccmail.com704-500-4003 Gary Staggersgarystaggers@gmail.com704-778-0588

65 Management Test Total: $1411.50 Electrical Total: $441.25 Mechanical Total: $251.50 Total Available Funds: $5604.25 Equipment Budget Department MechanicalEquipment Estimated Cost Cost Description Makrolon $ 110.00Mounting Plates for Sensors and Generators Bolts $ 16.75Mounting Wire $ 19.00Generators Magnets $ 33.50Generators Rubber Bushings $ 19.75Shock Absorbtion for Plates and Hardware Piezoelectric speaker element $ 52.50Generator Electrical Micro SD Card $ 30.00Data Storage G - Switches $ 42.00Electronic Activation Op Amps $ 23.50Voltage Output Amplification Blank Printable Circuit Board $ 21.50Electronics Various Resistors $ 24.25Electrical System Etchant $ 48.00Cicrcuit Board Arwdino Atmega $ 83.00Program Controller Data Loggers ( Micro SD Shield of Open Log ) $ 42.00Data Collection Test Plywood $ 22.25Shake Table t $ 210.00Shake Table and Test Rocket Construction Assorted hardware $ 40.00Shake Table and Test Rocket Construction Cardboard tube $ 26.25Test Rocket Epoxy resisn $ 14.00Test Rocket Fiberglass $ 20.50Test Rocket Motors & Propellent $ 175.00Test Rocket Tubular Nylon $ 32.50Test Rocket Nose Cone $ 23.00Test Rocket Ignitors $ 32.25Test Rocket Kevlar Sheeting $ 42.00Test Rocket Rocket Electronics $ 85.25Test Rocket Parachute $ 22.00Test Rocket Table for shake test $ 35.25Test Rocket Vibration electronics and sensor $ 50.50Test Rocket Total MechanicalElectricalTest $ 1,396.50 $ 251.50 $ 314.25 $ 830.75 Budget Overview Travel Total: $3500.00

66 Management Schedule Schedule Milestones Project Charter Introduced 8/29/2011 Project Scope Defined 9/19/2011 Conceptual Design Review 10/3/2011 Preliminary Design Review Progress Report 10/17/2011 Preliminary Design Review 10/26/2011 Critical Design Review Progress Report 11/14/2011 Critical Design Review 11/30/2011

67 Management Work Breakdown Structure Project Phase 1 Timeline 8/15/2011 – 1/9/2012 Project Phase 1 Deliverables Conceptual Design Review Preliminary Design Review Critical Design Review

68 Conclusion Conclusion Going Forward Mechanical Mechanical component procurement. Construct Prototype designs and begin 3d printing of part models. Electrical Testing of the Arduinos, writing and debugging code for component test flights. Test voltage readings from the Arduinos with known voltages to confirm accuracy and resolution. Interface with Mechanical regarding initial wiring paths. Test Begin construction of shake table and other testing equipment. Construct component Test Rocket flights for equipment performance results. Project Management Updates to project schedule and budget estimates as compared with actuals. Plan control contingencies and risk mitigation. Safety program implementation with hardware construction. Begin interfacing with New Jersey regarding payload requirements.

69 Conclusion How much flight hardware needs to be built by CDR? Data concerning sounding rocket vibration frequencies and amplitude? Expectations from CDR to down select in January? Questions

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