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GATX Corporation ACACSO- Rule 22 TAG Update Nov 2013- Atlanta, GA Presenter: Chauncey Fallen- Manager Transportation Services.

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Presentation on theme: "GATX Corporation ACACSO- Rule 22 TAG Update Nov 2013- Atlanta, GA Presenter: Chauncey Fallen- Manager Transportation Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 GATX Corporation ACACSO- Rule 22 TAG Update Nov 2013- Atlanta, GA Presenter: Chauncey Fallen- Manager Transportation Services

2 ACACSO UPDATE CHR 22 1.Overview- CHR 22 2.EAC’s Multi-Level TAG Recap- CHR 22- YTD 3.EAC’s Multi-Level TAG Recommendation- CHR 22 4.EAC’s Multi-Level TAG Update- Five (5) Options- CHR 22 5.EAC’s Multi-Level TAG Recommendation- CHR 22 6.Questions? 2

3 Overview- CHR 22 Car Hire Rule 22 allows reclaim on assigned cars (specific shipper and national customer pools) while they are empty and idle. There are basically two kinds of Rule 22 reclaims. Reclaim is allowed for cars that are at the loading point and on cars that are held short of the loading point. 3 Rule 222 Reclaims “At the Loading Point” Non-National & National Pool provision, per Car Service Rule 16. Start/End reclaim time- from date/hour of arrival at the loading point until demurrage free time starts (placement) or until car is released loaded. Rule 224 Reclaims “Held Shorts”- Holding point short of the loading point. Non-National & National Pool provision, per Car Service Rule 16. Start/end reclaim time- from the time of arrival at the holding point (in excess of 24 hours) until car leaves the holding point.

4 EAC’s Multi-Level TAG Recap- CHR 22- YTD EAC 2012 Goal Recommendation −Study of CHR 22- ways to standardize and centralize the process EAC commission Multi-Level TAG (Sep 2012) to include review and recommendation of EAC’s goal for CHR 22. − First meeting Oct 2012- Determined to request Industry input on this issue- i.e. ACACSO. − Second meeting Jan 2013- Reviewed Industry feedback from ACACSO to formulate viable options to be considered by the TAG. − Third meeting April 2013- Five (5) options were identified for review in relation to only Multi-Level railcars. Each option was assigned to a specific TAG member for research and reporting at the TAG’s next meeting. − Fourth meeting August 2013- TAG members presented and reviewed the Pro’s/Con’s of the 5 options and determined a recommendation to the EAC. 4

5 EAC’s Multi-Level TAG Update- Five (5) Options- CHR 22 Five (5) Options reviewed for CHR 22 (Multi-Level Cars Only) −Leaving CHR 22 as is −Eliminating the multi-level fleet from CHR 22 application −Implementing a 48 hour maximum reclaim (CAP) −Allowing reclaim only during specific time frames (i.e. shutdowns) −Allowing reclaim after a minimum number of hours 5

6 EAC’s Multi-Level TAG Recommendation- CHR 22 Recommendation to EAC- September 2013 −No unanimous consensus- issue tabled until 2014 −Allow additional time to accurately assess impact of new distribution rules enacted by the Reload Steering Committee for Multi-level railcars. −Leave CHR 22 as is (for now) Centralized Car Hire TAG has recommended that centralizing and automating CHR 22 as a RSPWC 2015 project. 6

7 Questions? Feedback & Comments 7

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