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Research at MSEC Vincent Naessens – Jorn Lapon – Jan Vossaert – Koen Decroix – Faysal Boukayoua – Laurens Lemaire.

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Presentation on theme: "Research at MSEC Vincent Naessens – Jorn Lapon – Jan Vossaert – Koen Decroix – Faysal Boukayoua – Laurens Lemaire."— Presentation transcript:

1 research at MSEC Vincent Naessens – Jorn Lapon – Jan Vossaert – Koen Decroix – Faysal Boukayoua – Laurens Lemaire



4 Overview Research scope MSEC RL 1: Identity Management on Mobile platforms RL 2: Formal Security and Privacy Analysis Applied research projects

5 Security research at KU Leuven Department of Electrical Engineering Cryptographic algoritms and protocols Hardware support and embedded design Department of Computer Science Middleware for security Methodological support Technology driven Close collaboration with industry

6 Research scope MSEC o RL 1: Identity management using mobile platforms Jorn Lapon – Anonymous Credential Systems: From Theory Towards Practice Jan Vossaert – Privacy friendly identity management Faysal Boukayoua – Improving security and privacy on mobile devices o RL 2: Formal security and privacy analysis Koen Decroix – A Formal Approach for Inspecting Privacy and Trust in e-Services Laurens Lemaire – Analysis and management of security in industrial control systems

7 Identity management on mobile platforms Extending the scope of Belgian eID technology (J. Lapon) Proxy certificates Secure Storage 1.Identification 2.Authentication 3.Digital signature

8 Identity management on mobile platforms Revocation strategies using anonymous credentials (J. Lapon) Strong authentication Selective disclosure Unlinkable transactions Complex revocation strategy as no serials numbers are exposed

9 Identity management on mobile platforms Privacy preserving smartcard authentication (J. Vossaert) Weak security No personalisation No user control Single point of attack Static set of attributes Limited user control 1. Increased flexibility 2. User control 3. Online/offline services

10 Identity management on mobile platforms Privacy preserving smartcard authentication (J. Vossaert) SP i ID X ID Y ID Z (personalized ) policies Cached attributes lastValTime (1) mutual auth. (2)attribute_query Cert_SP (4)Attr query (5) PIN (7)release_attr’s Service request Handler Service request Handler (6)collect attributes (3)verify policy

11 Identity management on mobile platforms Client-Side Biometric Verification based on Trusted Computing (J. Vossaert) [1] [2] [3] [4] Secure authentication Biometric attestation Selective disclosure 1.Fingerprint templates are not exposed 2.Solution based on trusted computing technology

12 Identity management on mobile platforms Improving secure data storage in Android (F. Boukayoua) KDF slows down brute force attacks Secure element  online attacks Closed system Open system Security based on passcode Offline attacks

13 Identity management on mobile platforms Improving secure data storage in Android (F. Boukayoua) [1] [2] No denial-of-service attacks Prevention of key stealing No dictionary attacks Decryption keys are protected Context aware security decisions to constrain data and credential availability

14 Formal Security and Privacy Analysis Inspecting Privacy and Trust in e-Services (K. Decroix) Modeling complex interations in advanced electronic services Reasing about profiles compiled by service providers Evaluating the impact of authentication technologies on privacy Studying impact on trust on user selection

15 Formal Security and Privacy Analysis Inspecting Privacy and Trust in e-Services (K. Decroix) IDP: a knowledge base system providing multiple forms of inference and a declarative programming environment for an extension of first order logic.

16 Formal Security and Privacy Analysis Analysing security in industrial control systems (L. Lemaire) Input 1.Modeling ICS and SCADA systems 2.Modeling advanced attacks Output/feedback 1.Analysing the impact of security vulnerabilities 2.Evaluating accountabilities 3.Proposing countermeasures

17 Applied research projects Agency for Innovation by Science and Technology o Strategic Basic Research DiCoMas – Distributed Collaboration using MAS architectures MobCom – A Mobile Companion Middle/long term valorisation; user group: R&D departments o Technology Transfer Projects eIDea – Developing advanced applications for the Belgian eID Wiscy – Developing secure wireless environments SecureApps – Developing secure Mobile applications Short/middle term valorisation; user group: SMEs

18 Applied research projects

19 AXSMate – A platform for distributing digital keys Simplifying key management Supporting accountability Manageable revocation

20 Applied research projects Torekes – An alternative currency system o Increase social interaction in poor districts o Attract students by alternative payment method

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