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Sayed Ahmed Computer Engineering (BUET), Bangladesh MSc., Computer Science, Canada President/Chief Architect/Lead Developer Justetc (Just et cetera) Technologies.

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Presentation on theme: "Sayed Ahmed Computer Engineering (BUET), Bangladesh MSc., Computer Science, Canada President/Chief Architect/Lead Developer Justetc (Just et cetera) Technologies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sayed Ahmed Computer Engineering (BUET), Bangladesh MSc., Computer Science, Canada President/Chief Architect/Lead Developer Justetc (Just et cetera) Technologies

2 Bangladesh Address  Address Justetc Computers Habib Complex (2 nd Floor) Shimultuly, Gazipur, Dhaka Bangladesh  Contact Rafiqul Islam 01942747702 2Just Etc Technologies,

3 Tools Required  ADT Bundle (Eclipse + ADT)  PhoneGap Just Etc Technologies, sayed@justetc.net3

4 Sample Application Just Etc Technologies, sayed@justetc.net4

5 Concept  Concept Develop a web application Compile it with ADT for Android  Implementation Concept Create an android project in Eclipse ADT bundle Bring Phonegap related libraries and other associated files into the android project Create an index.html file and use it as the starting point for the web-application ○ Being the entry point of the mobile application Just Etc Technologies, sayed@justetc.net5

6 Implementation Concept  Starting with the Index.html file develop a web-application/mobile application  Compile and run the application for Android Debug and test using android emulator or on a real android device Just Etc Technologies, sayed@justetc.net6

7 What to take from Phonegap Just Etc Technologies, sayed@justetc.net7

8 Where to Take Just Etc Technologies, sayed@justetc.net8

9 What to Change Just Etc Technologies, sayed@justetc.net9

10 What to Change  Add files into assets folder and www subfolder Index.html Cordova.js Just Etc Technologies, sayed@justetc.net10

11 Change Manifest file Just Etc Technologies, sayed@justetc.net11

12 Changes to the Manifest file  From an example in the Phonegap package copy the following to the manifest file in the android project phonegap-2.9.0\lib\android\example\AndroidManifest.xml Just Etc Technologies, sayed@justetc.net12

13 Copy this to Android Manifest Just Etc Technologies, sayed@justetc.net13

14 Copy This to Android Manifest Just Etc Technologies, sayed@justetc.net14

15 Copy Only One Line as Shown Just Etc Technologies, sayed@justetc.net15

16 Combating Errors/Warnings Just Etc Technologies, sayed@justetc.net16

17 Combating Warning/Errors Just Etc Technologies, sayed@justetc.net17

18 Combating Warnings/Errors  C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc Just Etc Technologies, sayed@justetc.net18

19 Note  You may need to restart ADB (bridge)  May take little while for the application to start  You may see some warning though the application will run  Some port, debug, client reject error/warning may be there but the application may still run You can try to get rid of all errors Many warnings may be due to settings of the Android Virtual Device The emulated device type may affect Try to create new virtual devices if the existing one does not work Just Etc Technologies, sayed@justetc.net19

20 Virtual Device we used Just Etc Technologies, sayed@justetc.net20

21 Reference  http://cleancodedevelopment- phonegap-app-with-android-using.html http://cleancodedevelopment- phonegap-app-with-android-using.html Just Etc Technologies, sayed@justetc.net21

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