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Studying and Conducting of Ecological and Geographical Assessment and Exchange of Cotton Germplasm Head of the Project : Dr., Professor Rizaeva Safiya.

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Presentation on theme: "Studying and Conducting of Ecological and Geographical Assessment and Exchange of Cotton Germplasm Head of the Project : Dr., Professor Rizaeva Safiya."— Presentation transcript:

1 Studying and Conducting of Ecological and Geographical Assessment and Exchange of Cotton Germplasm Head of the Project : Dr., Professor Rizaeva Safiya Mamedovna Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan Institute of Genetics and Plant Experimental Biology

2 For intensive development of agriculture of the republic development and introduction in an agricultural production of new high-quality cultivars of different agricultural crops is necessary. Their constant perfection assortment is the keystone to success. It is closely connected with an initial material for breeding and consequently enrichment of a genetic basis of an initial material is the most important and effective for removing new cultivars of intensive type. The new initial material is necessary for breeding: early, high-yielding, with high adaptable potential of to stabile to environment factors, resistant to diseases and pests, with high fiber technological qualities. TOPICALITY OF RESEARCH :

3 The constant requirement of a new initial material causes necessity of regular enrichment of a cotton genepool new samples by the way of exchange, introduction, and also by development of synthetic forms. The source of an initial material for genetic and breeding research is the cotton genepool collected in world collection of IGPEB AS RUz. Unique cotton genepool of IGPEB AS RUz consist of more than 7 500 accessions and includes wild, cultivated species and synthetic forms. The project is directed on mobilization of plant genetic resources for their use in agriculture for enrichment of a genetic basis of an selected initial material for breeding, on the decision of a complex of the interconnected problems on a cotton genepool.

4 PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT: Studying of adaptable opportunities of the cotton genepool, estimation and selection of new perspective initial materials for genetic and breeding research and transfer to their breeders, and also a germplasm exchange between research institutes.

5 TASKS OF THE PROJECT: Studying and ecological and geographical estimation and of world cotton genepool diversity with the purpose of the search of morphological, biological and economically valuable traits and sources and definition of their significance breeding. Selection and transmission of sources of traits and properties for subsequent transfer research institutions for use in research programs as the initial material. Cotton germplasm exchange with research institutions with purpose of enrichment and conservation the genepool for future generations.

6 EXPECTED RESULT AND EFFECT FROM THE PROJECT : Practical use in production will be found with results of research by a complex estimation of a cotton genepool and revealing of sources of valuable economic traits. On their basis new cultivars answered the requirements of agricultural production, possessing by earliness, high productivity, resistant to diseases and pests, stressful factors of environment, with high fiber technological parameters and with wide adaptable opportunities will be developed.

7 PROSPECTIVE ACTIONS OF THE PROJECT : Complex studying and all-round estimation of collection accessions of cotton genepool will be carried out. On the basis of a complex estimation of a genepool sources of economic-valuable traits for use as an initial material for breeding new early, high-yielding, with high fiber quality of cotton cultivars possessing resistant to diseases and pests, drought, salinity and heats will be selected and passed to breeders. Also under requests of research institutions valuable sources of economic-valuable traits and properties for carrying out of experimental research will be passed. Joint scientific articles will be published.

8 BUDGET OF THE PROJECT Categories of chargesSum, US$ Total budget of the Project500 000 The given sum of the grant350 000 Operational expenditure (salary and other)170 000 Equipment220 000 Training10 000 Consultative services20 000 Other charges (business trips)30 000


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