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SuperJANET5 Enabling Education and Research Roland Trice

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1 SuperJANET5 Enabling Education and Research Roland Trice

2 SuperJANET5HEAnet National Networking Conference 2006 2 Introduction to JANET The Education Internet in the UK HE, FE, Schools (via LEA networks) Research Institutes, and others Over 1000 institutions Complete Internet connectivity SuperJANET4 10 Gbit/s SDH backbone Delivers service to 20 regional networks Regional networks connect individual institutions

3 SuperJANET5HEAnet National Networking Conference 2006 3 The Requirement: Key issues Network reliability and resilience RNs connected by single link remained a concern Demand for bandwidth Power users Pent up demand from FE Enlarging the user base The usual growth Protect the interests of diverse communities Flexible provisioning Enhance network monitoring services

4 SuperJANET5HEAnet National Networking Conference 2006 4 SJ5 must deliver RELIABILITY SCALABILITY SEPARABILITY FLEXIBILITY VISIBILITY END-TO-END Achievable with a flexible transmission platform built on optical fibre

5 SuperJANET5HEAnet National Networking Conference 2006 5 Infrastructure procurement Negotiated Procedure We know what we want Flexible transmission system –Fibre and WDM equipment Dedicated to SuperJANET We didn’t know how we wanted it provided Lease dark fibre & light it ourselves Managed service from a Telco We didn’t know if the market would deliver

6 SuperJANET5HEAnet National Networking Conference 2006 6 Infrastructure procurement Pre-qualification Q4 2004 Six suppliers short-listed Negotiate form of ITT with all six Q1/2 of 2005 Launch ITT June 2005 Only to short-listed suppliers Contract awarded to Verizon (MCI) end of 2005

7 SuperJANET5HEAnet National Networking Conference 2006 7 Router procurement Met with MCI in mid 2003 Avici, Axiowave, Caspian, Chiaro, Hyperchip, Procket Informal talks with suppliers in Q3/4 2003 RFI document issued in early 2004 Evaluate features of carrier class routers Hands-on testing of Chiaro Enstara, Cisco CRS-1, Juniper T-640, Procket PRO 8000

8 SuperJANET5HEAnet National Networking Conference 2006 8 Router procurement Open procurement launched in Sept 2005 Awarded to Lucent Technology January 2006 Juniper T-640 routers Carrier Class >1000 in service world wide 40 Gbit/s demonstrated by Juniper and Verizon Available as a product now Very good deal, Driving down the cost of ownership

9 SuperJANET5HEAnet National Networking Conference 2006 9 Router marketplace To date Axiowave, Chiaro & Hyperchip have ceased trading Procket bought up by Cisco A week before RFI test Caspian has moved out of the carrier space

10 SuperJANET5HEAnet National Networking Conference 2006 10 Core Infrastructure Six C-PoPs Like SJ4 without Cosham and Edinburgh Fibre network dedicated to SuperJANET5 Single pair of fibres Protection at the IP layer Dedicated WDM transmission equipment Operated by Verizon initially UKERNA may manage circuit provision later in the project

11 SuperJANET5HEAnet National Networking Conference 2006 11 Core Infrastructure Ciena Corestream DWDM equipment 80 wavelenghts per fibre 10Gbit/s now, 40 Gbit/s in 2008 Pilot on SJ5 core in 2007 Core circuits grouped into ten bands of eight Bands add/dropped at C-PoPs or at OADM sites

12 SuperJANET5HEAnet National Networking Conference 2006 12 Core Network Design Core Terminal sites – Six blue locations Flexible OADM sites (Optical Add Drop) – Eight white locations Optical Amplification sites – Eleven locations, not shown Core Network consists of three basic components:

13 SuperJANET5HEAnet National Networking Conference 2006 13 Core Traffic Provision 10Gbit/s circuits are provisioned using two transponders only No Regeneration needed Each circuit would have to be regenerated separately Expensive Optical amplification still needed every 80 KM or so Telehouse & Telecity part of the core Peerings to UK and Global Internet

14 SuperJANET5HEAnet National Networking Conference 2006 14 Connecting Regional Networks Two IP production circuits delivered to each RN Delivery to diverse locations in the RN One 10 Gbit/s research circuit Connected to UKLight SDH mux Two connection methods Collector Arc Point-point fibre through RNEPs linking C-PoPs Single point-to-point fibre Fibre from RNEP into the core

15 SuperJANET5HEAnet National Networking Conference 2006 15 Point to point fibre Glasgow C-PoP Leeds C-PoP University of Newcastle NORMAN University of Northumbria Verizon Edinburgh Verizon Newcastle Verizon Middlesbrough

16 SuperJANET5HEAnet National Networking Conference 2006 16 Point to point fibre Regional Network Carried over collector arc Production 2.5 Gbit/s circuit presented on muxponder cards at Newcastle Circuit is aggregated onto a 10 Gbit/s wavelength using an aggregation card The 10 Gbit/s wavelength is added into to the core network at the Verizon node in Newcastle and transported to the Glasgow C-PoP over the Corestream equipment. It is dropped out of the Glasgow Corestram into another 4200 at the Glasgow C-PoP The 2.5 Gbit/s circuit is de-muxed by a muxponder card and presented to the core router 10 Gbit/s research circuit Newcastle UniversityVerizon NewcastleVerizon Glasgow Core network

17 SuperJANET5HEAnet National Networking Conference 2006 17 Point to point fibre Regional Network Carried over collector arc Newcastle UniversityVerizon NewcastleGlasgow C-PoP Core network Verizon MiddlesbroughNorthumbria UniversityLeeds C-PoP Core network

18 SuperJANET5HEAnet National Networking Conference 2006 18 Collector Arc YHMAN Leeds Network North West YHMAN Leeds Met Verizon Preston NNW Preston NNW Manchester Leeds C-PoP YHMAN Warrington C-PoP

19 SuperJANET5HEAnet National Networking Conference 2006 19 Collector Arc Warrington C-PoPManchesterLeeds MetLeeds Uni Leeds C-PoP Leeds Uni 10 Gbit/s Production and Research on 10 Gbit/s transponders to Leeds C-PoP Leeds Met 10 Gbit/s Production on 10 Gbit/s transponders passing through Manchester to drop off at Warrington. Note pink amplifier cards at Leeds Uni and Manchester and the re-use of the green wavelength towards Warrington from Leeds Met. Manchester 10 Gbit/s Production and Research circuits on 10 Gbit/s transponders to drop off at Warrington.

20 SuperJANET5HEAnet National Networking Conference 2006 20 NIRAN & HEAnet Newry NTL Kennedy Way Queens 2 Queens 1 NTL Shore road Verizon Glasgow Core Stream Subsea Span 203 KM (41 dB)

21 SuperJANET5HEAnet National Networking Conference 2006 21 NIRAN & HEAnet Clonshaugh HEAnet Verizon Dublin Core Stream Subsea Span 235 KM (49 dB) Lytham Manchester Warrington

22 SuperJANET5HEAnet National Networking Conference 2006 22 HEAnet Replacement of existing connection to JANET GE circuit presented at ESAT-X HEAnet provisioned dark fibre between ESAT-X and the HEAnet PoP at Erne Street Delivery due by 24 th November UKERNA/HEAnet acceptance testing

23 SuperJANET5HEAnet National Networking Conference 2006 23 Potential research collaboration CERN Large Hadron Collider Project HEP access to the UK Tier 1 centre Network research Future service development Automated path provisioning Control plane experiments

24 SuperJANET5HEAnet National Networking Conference 2006 24 Migration 1st Regional Networks migrated on 31 st November Aggressive timetable Tuesdays and Thursday mornings Due to complete before Christmas 2006 SuperJANET4 to continue until March 2007 Contingency Migrate research projects

25 SuperJANET5HEAnet National Networking Conference 2006 25 Meeting the requirement: Reliability Reduce single points of failure Diverse fibre routing in the core Dual connection of Regional Networks Carrier class optical and routing equipment SDH technology In the core and out to the regional networks Rapid failure detection and recovery Detect latent problems

26 SuperJANET5HEAnet National Networking Conference 2006 26 Meeting the requirement: Scalability Ability to expand capacity Where it’s needed When it’s needed 40 Gbit/s trial in early 2007 Predictable cost Marginal cost for transmission channels Significant discount for router equipment Not clawed back in maintenance charges

27 SuperJANET5HEAnet National Networking Conference 2006 27 Meeting the requirement: Separability Hard multiplexing of bandwidth channels Production services firewalled from research infrastructures

28 SuperJANET5HEAnet National Networking Conference 2006 28 Meeting the requirement: Flexibility Deliver bandwidth quickly In weeks rather than months With a variety of interfaces and bandwidths 10 and 2.5 Gbit/s SDH 10 and 1 GE (LAN-PHY and WAN-PHY) Temporary arrangements may become practical

29 SuperJANET5HEAnet National Networking Conference 2006 29 Meeting the requirement: Visibility Ability to monitor network in more detail Operational monitoring Research projects Optical taps Monitor all router interfaces at Reading and London Issues of confidentiality have been addressed

30 Questions?

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