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 Buddhism First began in Bodhgaya Birhar, India  Prince Siddhartha Gautama founded Buddhism in 460BC  Dalai Lama is a spiritual term meaning a Political.

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2  Buddhism First began in Bodhgaya Birhar, India  Prince Siddhartha Gautama founded Buddhism in 460BC  Dalai Lama is a spiritual term meaning a Political Leader.  The current Dalai Lama is #14, he was born in the year 1935, in Tibet.

3  In 1926 a man named THICH NHAT HANH was born. To this day he is known as one of the greatest teachers of the Buddhist religion.  He has Published over 100 books through his time. Also in 1960 he founded a school of youth for social services in, Saigon. Master Cheng Yen is considered one of the most accomplished Female Buddhist leaders. She was born in 1937.

4  Buddha is not a God. The Buddha was an unordinary man, who which 2500 yrs, ago saw nature’s reality clearly.  Being a Buddhist you are encouraged to test what is read and heard.  Some Buddhist school contain may Gods.  Life is exists on its own and in itself.  Meditation is a very important factor for Buddhist groups, it helps calm our minds.  The Buddha said, “it was more important to take the steps into ending your suffering.  Instead of the endless roads.

5  Karma is a belief in the Buddhist religion, this can ultimately affect your life.  The Buddha himself learned not to be strict, due to the act of Karma. Four Noble Truths 1. Truth of suffering(Dukkha) 2. Truth of the origin of suffering( Samudaya ) 3. Truth of the cessation of suffering ( Nirodha ) 4. Truth of the path to the cessation of suffering (Magga)

6  The people normally meet where a certain prayer is given.  Mankind built indestructible structure to worship Gods.

7  Pre-Marriage, the family of the Groom must ask the Brides family for their assents.  Nexted is the Bethrothal ritual.  Marriage, the Groom`s familymust carry the trays of food and jewellery.  Lighting of two candles indicates the symbolizing of the families.  The bride also recites a traditional undertaking, inscribed in Sigilovdda Sutta This is now concluded by recting a blessing to the newlyweds.  The dead go through transformation in through they discover death.  Then prepare for rebirth.  Cremate the Body  Prayers are weekly DEATH

8  Sacred symbols include: OM MANI PADME HUM meaning praise to the jewel in the lotus. Also the Buddha`s Eyes symbolizing the omniscience of the Buddha. Sacred text include: Buddhist Bible

9  The status of motherhood was considered suffering.  The Buddha would consider the role of women Fruitful.  Having a daughter meant there was misfortune in the family.  Having daughters meant worry and despair.

10  400 million people practice Buddhism in the world  5.9 percent of the world’s population  Zimbabwe 12,311,143 Population: 12,311,143 Buddhists: 0.1% Total: 37 people

11 Who was not a God? What was considered suffering ? What percent of the world practices Buddhism ? Having daughters meant ______ and ________?


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