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Communication in Rural Minnesota. Minnesota Snowdrift.

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1 Communication in Rural Minnesota




5 Minnesota Snowdrift

6 Emergency Planning Improve Communication Capability in Our Regions

7 How to Link Local Health Departments Local Health Departments Tribal Health Agencies Tribal Health Agencies Hospitals Hospitals EMS Agencies EMS Agencies Rural Clinics Rural Clinics County EOC’s County EOC’s

8 Northwest Minnesota 13 Counties 13 Counties 3 Indian Nations 3 Indian Nations 11 Local Health Departments 11 Local Health Departments 15 Hospitals 15 Hospitals 21 EMS Agencies 21 EMS Agencies 3 Clinic Networks and Private Clinics 3 Clinic Networks and Private Clinics

9 NW LHD’s and Hospitals

10 Communication Options Telephones Telephones Cell Phones Cell Phones Internet (Email) Internet (Email) Radios Radios –VHF, Ham, 800 MHZ, UHF, low band Sat Phones Sat Phones

11 How to Communicate When There is no electricity There is no electricity Telephone landlines are down Telephone landlines are down Cell phones are all busy Cell phones are all busy The internet is down The internet is down

12 Obstacles Distance and Topography Distance and Topography Weather Weather Outdated equipment Outdated equipment Technical Knowledge Technical Knowledge Line A (Canadian Border) Line A (Canadian Border) Money Money

13 Critical Decisions Use Hospitals as the Communication Backbone Use Hospitals as the Communication Backbone Upgrade Hospital System Upgrade Hospital System Use VHF for Other Health Organizations Use VHF for Other Health Organizations

14 Objectives Link the health system via radios Link the health system via radios Each hospital to communicate with 2 other hospitals Each hospital to communicate with 2 other hospitals Compliance with FCC narrow band regulations Compliance with FCC narrow band regulations Dual use Dual use

15 Survey Equipment Equipment –Base Stations –Cabling –Antennas Coverage Areas Coverage Areas Interoperability Issues Interoperability Issues FCC Compliance for the Future FCC Compliance for the Future –Wide Band vs Narrow Band

16 Coverage Maps

17 NW LHD’s and Hospitals

18 Coverage Circles

19 Hospital Path Study-Bemidji

20 NW LHD’s and Hospitals

21 Coverage Circles

22 Path Study-Roseau

23 Actions To Date Purchased base stations, antennas, cabling for hospitals Purchased base stations, antennas, cabling for hospitals Radios for EMS providers Radios for EMS providers Radios for remote clinics (>20 miles from nearest hospital) Radios for remote clinics (>20 miles from nearest hospital) Radios for LHD’s Radios for LHD’s HAM radios and antennas HAM radios and antennas

24 Yet to be Done Possible Repeater(s) in the north Possible Repeater(s) in the north Higher Towers in the north Higher Towers in the north More Radios for LHD’s More Radios for LHD’s Training, training, training Training, training, training Drills, drills, drills Drills, drills, drills


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