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13 March 2007G. Rakness (UCLA) 1 Minus side slice test status Greg Rakness University of California, Los Angeles UCLA phone meeting 13 March 2007.

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1 13 March 2007G. Rakness (UCLA) 1 Minus side slice test status Greg Rakness University of California, Los Angeles UCLA phone meeting 13 March 2007

2 G. Rakness (UCLA) 2 0 th order goal: redo timing using MTCC version of firmware, software… compare with Hauser/Ignatenko spreadsheet document what is done: E-log personal (electronic) logbook will go to twiki page located at… eventually to end up as CMS note specify: “how-to” what is actually happening parameter inter-dependencies

3 13 March 2007G. Rakness (UCLA) 3 Definition of timing parameters for ALCT to match with CLCT at TMB: match_trigger_alct_delay and match_trigger_window_size By keeping match_trigger_alct_delay fixed and changing match_trigger_window_size, we determine:  In order to keep the ALCT valid pattern signal in the center of the matching window, match_trigger_alct_delay and match_trigger_window_size must move together… TMB sequencer (CLCT) trigger (?) ALCT “valid pattern” signal t=0 match_trigger_window_size match_trigger_alct_delay Using MTCC trigger and window size, we measure same value (6) as was used for MTCC… (noted last week…)

4 13 March 2007G. Rakness (UCLA) 4 Relative timing of Local Track Candidates from Muon Port Card to Sector Processor At each L1Reset: The MPC sends 128bx of negative signals to SP  The SP automatically times in these signals relative to each other scan was done (D. Holmes, Florida) to tell SP when to first start looking for the signals (i.e., shortest path)  Difference of this parameter to MTCC phase 2 was 3.5bx (consistent with 20m fiber shorter overall path…)  N.B. This parameter has no affect on SP (L1A) latency CCB MPC SP TTC 150m fiber (160m in MTCC)

5 13 March 2007G. Rakness (UCLA) 5 Definition of timing parameters of L1A signal receipt at TMB: tmb_l1a_delay and tmb_l1a_window_size By keeping tmb_l1a_delay fixed and changing tmb_l1a_window_size, we determine:  In order to keep the L1A in the center of the window, tmb_l1a_delay and tmb_l1a_window_size must move together… TMB pretrig (?)l1a arrives t=0 tmb_l1a_window_size tmb_l1a_delay

6 13 March 2007G. Rakness (UCLA) 6 Measurement of L1A timing at TMB HV on ME-2/2/17 only ALCT*CLCT pretrigger, ALCT*CLCT trigger (as at MTCC) tmb_l1a_window_size = 7 (as at MTCC) MTCC value = 157, we measure 150 Can we account for this? Expect -2bx due to (one way) fiber length reduction from 160m  150m Another handle? TTCrxCoarseDelay (delay for TTC signal into CCB) is set for a fiber length of 160m. If set correctly for a 150m fiber, this will add 2 to the delay of the L1A into the TMB, which is 2bx in the correct direction. Try to change parameter TTCrxCoarseDelay… no change! Under study… N.B. if it works, we will still be 3 bx off…

7 13 March 2007G. Rakness (UCLA) 7 Current status Chiller broke yesterday  NO LV power to peripheral crates or chambers Working again today, under investigation as to cause of failure…

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