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Improved socio-economic services for a more social microfinance.

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1 Improved socio-economic services for a more social microfinance

2 NAVNIRMAN COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTRE – Kolkata, India NAVNIRMAN COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTRE – Kolkata, India Regional Meeting Manila, Philippines - 25 th November 2013

3 November 2013 3 Who we are, what we do, what’s new? NCRC is a non profit organization targeting low income family in urban slums of Kolkata and Howrah; Mission To improve and strengthen the living condition of low income families in supporting them build their autonomy, enhance their social responsibility and realize their wishes. What’s new after 2011? Family follow up services strengthened, Skill training workshop, Business Counseling, Cooperative, New training modules, Organizing Camp

4 November 2013 4 What we offer regarding socioeconomic services Non financial services o Economic Services:  Business training  Business networking  Skill training workshop o Business development program  Vocational training  Business counseling o Social Services:  Familyfollow-up  Health training  Social awareness camp/workshop  Referral to institutions

5 November 2013 5 Our main challenges and our main objectives Main on-going challenges in 2013  Raise revolving funds.  Staff turn over among field officers is very high.  Volatile regulation about Microfinance.  Lack of resource of the family follow up.

6 November 2013 6 Some figures and key indicators Number of members (outreach) Number of active borrowers Partner Loyalty Rate Portfolio At Risk (PAR) 30 days 7,404 5,358 5 22 72% 0.1% Number of participants per training (estimate) Number of Credit Officers 6 Number of SES Officers (trainers, social workers...) On September 30th, 2013 17,309 Number of participants in training sessions in 2013 3,2012 Number of training sessions delivered in 2013 1,336 Number of participants in other SES in 2013 Gross Outstanding Portfolio (in US$) 387,000

7 November 2013 7 Our main challenges and our main objectives Expectation from the seminar 1. To get lots of suggestions in order to improve our program and propose better services to poor families, 2. How to follow up of trainings and other NFS services

8 Improved socio-economic services for a more social microfinance

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