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Airbus vision of future ASAS Christophe MAILY – Airbus ASAS in a future ATM system Rome, April 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Airbus vision of future ASAS Christophe MAILY – Airbus ASAS in a future ATM system Rome, April 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Airbus vision of future ASAS Christophe MAILY – Airbus ASAS in a future ATM system Rome, April 2006

2 © AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Tous droits réservés. Document confidentiel. Page 2 ATM challenges Main challenges for ATM  significantly increase capacity (2-3 times) –Airbus market forecast & others –Enroute, Airports - use of 2 nd, 3 rd etc level airports, runways  increase the absolute level of safety  social acceptance – environment  improve predictability  improve robustness of user schedule  ensure global interoperability

3 © AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Tous droits réservés. Document confidentiel. Page 3 Performance based ATM Full exploitation of aircraft capabilities CNS improvements are key enablers  There is a continuous evolution in aircraft performance –Precision navigation. i.e. the ability of the aircraft to operate more independently of the ground infrastructure and to navigate planned 3D/4D profiles with increasing precision. –Collaborative operation. i.e. the ability of the aircraft to increasingly communicate with the ATM system and to be increasingly aware of the surrounding operational environment. –Safe Operation: i.e. the ability of the aircraft to operate more independently of a local infrastructure and to rely on avionics systems that improve or complement the safety of the operations This does not imply autonomous operation  Using a dense, but defined route (‘tunnel’) network = capacity and efficiency  Execution of planned schedule = predictability and robustness  Less dependence on ground infrastructure

4 © AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Tous droits réservés. Document confidentiel. Page 4 Major trends of avionics CNS evolutions CNS Enablers Navigation  Precise  Required Nav Perf Communication => Numerical => Required Com Perf Surveillance  ADS-B Traffic, Terrain, Weather, etc. Aircraft will fly more precise 3D routes within a denser network Aircraft operate more independently of ground infrastructure. Ground will be able to better predict trajectories (time => 4D) Controller/Pilot exchanges will be unambiguous, standardized, possibly complex and digital Aircraft trajectory predictions can be shared between air and ground More frequent usage of instructions relative to other traffic Flight crew will have enhanced situational awareness Some tasks will be transferred to flight crew

5 © AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Tous droits réservés. Document confidentiel. Page 5 Airbus views on ASAS role in future ATM Main enablers of capacity improvement :  Increased navigation performance –Sequencing, synchronisation, transitioning between routes  Collaborative and safe operation Conditions :  Airspace optimised to use new navigation capabilities  Collaborative processes (airline, ATC, aircraft) to ensure predictability  Adequate tools to assist controller monitoring  Delegation of tasks/responsibilities to the flight crew ASAS is also a key enabler  for specific situations (e.g. sequencing&merging in approach)  to relieve controllers from their tactical tasks

6 © AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Tous droits réservés. Document confidentiel. Page 6 ADS-B Airbus roadmap 1. ADS-B Out A/C information broadcasted for ground use in a first step ADS-B ADS-B Receiver Air Traffic Control ADS-B 2. ATSAW Display of other aircraft ADS-B Info in the cockpit AAL1255 +30  3. SPACING A/C instructed to maintain Spacing with target aircraft AFR6512 A320 M 323 +11 4. SEPARATION A/C instructed to maintain Separation with other aircraft

7 © AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Tous droits réservés. Document confidentiel. Page 7 ADS-B Roadmap – Industrial aspects Mode S 1090? TCAS with ADS-B-in Displays FMSFMS APAP Spacing 3 rd step Spacing Dev Cycle > 3 years after launch ATSAW 2 nd step ATSAW Dev Cycle 2 years after launch TCAS with ADS-B-in Mode S 1090 DisplaysDisplays ADS-B Out 1 st step ADS-B Out Today Mode S 1090 Separation 4 th step Separation ??? ??????

8 © AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Tous droits réservés. Document confidentiel. Page 8 1 st step: ADS-B OUT Airservices Australia, Eurocontrol, CASA, Honeywell, ACSS, Collins, and Airbus  Support initial ADS-B out certification and operations based on existing equipage (DO-260) as long as they satisfy the safety, performance and interoperability requirements –No retrofit –Solution available in a short term period –Reduced cost for airlines, XPDR suppliers and Airbus. Target date for certification on Airbus aircraft: end 2006  Hypothesis: existing equipment accepted for NRA application (i.e. EASA/RFG)  Airbus certification schedule based on Australian needs

9 © AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Tous droits réservés. Document confidentiel. Page 9 Need for certification of ADS-B OUT capability NRA in Australia  Implementation of 5Nm separation en-route using ADS-B OUT 1090 MHz (NRA Application) from end 2006  Jet Star A320 already separated with ADS-B OUT (based on their current equipage)  Mandate planned Ground applications (NRA, RAD) foreseen in other places  Mediterranean region  Asia/pacific e.g. Nouvelle Calédonie, New Zealand, etc  Indian Ocean e.g. La Réunion  Gulf of Mexico

10 © AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Tous droits réservés. Document confidentiel. Page 10 2 nd Step: ATSAW ATSAW is achievable in the short term  Less demanding (cert level, ADS-B performance data)  Existing ADS-B Out seems sufficient Promising benefits  Oceanic : Fuel burn reductions  Visual approaches (e.g Frankfurt, USA) : Capacity increase  Surface : Enhanced safety  In all environments => Enhanced safety ATSAW will help gaining experience (flight crew, technical) on ASAS Target date for certification on Airbus aircraft: end 2008

11 © AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Tous droits réservés. Document confidentiel. Page 11 3 rd step: Spacing Sequencing & Merging S&M has promising benefits Airspace redefinition needed before S&M to  Anticipate merging and sequencing  Take advantage of aircraft navigation capabilities  Provide early benefits even before S&M is implemented Automatic guidance is a must for routine operations  Design feasibility to be assessed  Certification level to be determined Standardization material to be completed Regulatory aspects to be defined (responsibilities, time based separation) Aeronautical community to gain from UPS experience (Merging&Spacing)

12 © AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Tous droits réservés. Document confidentiel. Page 12 4 th step: Separation & Self Separation ASAS Separation is in the Airbus roadmap  At first where FMS Predictions are not required (e.g. Sequencing, not Merging)  CDTI Approach Visual Separation (transient traffic visually lost)  SEP – Sequencing, SEP – ITP, etc. But Self separation requires much more R&T for a decision to be made  Concept issues –Concept leads to unpredictability => Future ATM needs predictability –Transition between FFAS and MAS may generate more problems than it solves –Recovery procedures unclear  Technical issues –Today, FMS Predictions for strategic use only –Integrity of own predictions to be determined –Integrity of other predictions –Interval of prediction update not deterministic (average is 15 sec) –Level of certification => Radical change in architectures  Major modifications not justified by low density airspace operations

13 © AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Tous droits réservés. Document confidentiel. Page 13 How to support the changes CASCADE pragmatic approach is an example  Work-programme priorities driven by concrete implementation plans  Standardization : Worldwide interoperability is a must  Validation / Implementation : Federate European efforts SESAR shall provide  Commitment for medium term changes –Institutional & Process –Necessary enablers  Funding mechanisms –Some infrastructure enablers may have long return on investments

14 © AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Tous droits réservés. Document confidentiel. Page 14 ADS-B OutCPDLCRNP Conclusion ASAS is a key enabler to future ATM but ASAS is not the unique magic solution We need dreams and long term visions but Dreaming of the future should not delay intermediate steps Others?ATSAWAir/grd trajectory sharing Advanced ASASCollaborative processes Enhanced ATM processes

15 © AIRBUS FRANCE S.A.S. Tous droits réservés. Document confidentiel. Page 15 The content of this document is the property of AIRBUS FRANCE. It is supplied in confidence and commercial security on its contents must be maintained. It must not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied nor may information contained in it be disclosed to unauthorised persons. It must not be reproduced in whole or in part without permission in writing from AIRBUS FRANCE. The statements made herein do not constitute an offer. They are based on the assumptions shown and are expressed in good faith. Where the supporting grounds for these statements are not shown, the Company will be pleased to explain the basis thereof.

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