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Unit 2 Review Review session after school in room 203 3:20-4:15.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2 Review Review session after school in room 203 3:20-4:15."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2 Review Review session after school in room 203 3:20-4:15

2 Demographic transition model Stage 1: Both death rates and birth rates high (around 40) Stage 2: Birth around 30 (or higher)/ death around 20 (or lower) Stage 3: Birth around 20/death around 10 Stage 4: Both around 10

3 What stage in 1955 and 1990?

4 Question 1 How many people are there in the world and what 2 countries are most people concentrated in?

5 7 billion China and India

6 Question 2 Name a specific climate people live in and a climate people don’t live in

7 Live: Marine west coast, semi arid, tropical Don’t live: Arid, sub arctic, tundra

8 Question 3 What is the definition of crude birth rate?

9 Number of births per 1000 people in a year

10 Question 4 If CBR is 30 and CDR is 15; what is NIR?

11 1.5%

12 Question 5 In the US a woman will have an average of 2.2 children. What is this an example of?

13 Total fertility rate

14 Question 6 Life expectancy is much higher and infant mortality is much lower in which types of countries?

15 Developed

16 Question 7 What five factors do population pyramids show?

17 Location, year, gender, ages, population

18 Question 8: The pyramid below represents which type of country?

19 Developing

20 Question 9:In 2000 did Japan have a bigger or smaller population?

21 Bigger

22 Question 10 What information does a Demographic Transition Model show?

23 Change in population over time using CBR, CDR, and NIR.

24 Question 11 The following describes which stage of the demographic transition model: – High birth rates and high death rates (both about 40)

25 Stage One

26 Question 12 The following describes which stage of the demographic transition model: – Birth rates decline sharply (to about 17) – Death rates decline a bit more (to about 10 or less) – Note growth still occurs, but at a reduced rate

27 Stage 3

28 Question 13 What is on of the reasons a country might transition from Stage 2 to Stage 3?

29 Urbanization, family planning

30 Question 14 Describe Malthus’ theory on population.

31 The world will become overpopulated because food will run out

32 Question 15 Define each of the following: – Push factor – Pull factor

33 Push factor: Induces (causes) people to move out of their location. Reasons to leave a location. Pull factor: Induces (causes) people to move into a new location. Reasons to move to a new location

34 Question 16 What are three major categories of push/pull factors? Provide an example for each.

35 Economic – Economic opportunity, jobs (many or not enough) Political – Wars, slavery Environmental – Climate, natural disaster, natural resources

36 Question 17 Define migration, Immigration and Emigration

37 Migration: a permanent move to a new location Immigration: migration to a location Emigration: migration from a location

38 Question 18 What do we call the difference between the number of immigrants and the number of emigrants

39 Net migration

40 Question 19 You move from Hyde Park to Oak Park (a suburb of Chicago). Is this intra- or inter- regional migration?

41 Intraregional.

42 Question 20 What are some of the reasons someone might want to move to the suburbs?

43 More space, quiet, house/yard, perception of greater safety

44 Question 21 From 1700-1840, two distinct groups of people immigrated to the US. Name them.

45 Africans as part of the slave trade British colonists

46 Question 22 Which groups make up the immigration wave of the 20 th and 21 st century?

47 Immigrants from Latin America (Mexico), Asia (India, China, Philippines).

48 Question 23 Describe a major effect of the Great Migration.

49 Civil Rights movement, changed demographic in northern cities

50 Question 24 What is a refugee and why do refugees migrate?

51 Refugee: a person who has been forced to migrate from their homes and cannot return for fear of persecution based on their race, religion, nationality, membership in a social group, or political opinion.

52 Question 25 Name a region that has a high number of refugees

53 Africa, Middle East, SE Asia

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