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SECOND GRADE JOKES By Mrs. Nelsons Class 2010 Why do mummies like the holidays?

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Presentation on theme: "SECOND GRADE JOKES By Mrs. Nelsons Class 2010 Why do mummies like the holidays?"— Presentation transcript:


2 SECOND GRADE JOKES By Mrs. Nelsons Class 2010

3 Why do mummies like the holidays?

4 Cause all the wrapping

5 What do mice use for bad breath?

6 Mouse wash!

7 What is black,white and red all over?

8 A news paper.

9 What do cats put in their drinks?

10 Mice cubes

11 Why did tigger look in the tolit?

12 He was looking for Pooh!

13 How do you make a tissue dance?

14 Ya put a little boogie into it!

15 Why do golfers wear two pair of pants?

16 In case they get a hole in one!

17 What do you get when two peas fight.

18 Black eyed peas.

19 Why do hummingbirds hum?

20 Because they dont know the words

21 What do cats eat for breakfast ?

22 Mice - crispies

23 What kind of key doesnt open a lock ?

24 A monkey

25 What letter is found in a cup?

26 T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

27 Why was six scared of seven ?

28 Because 7 8 9!

29 Why did the orange go to the Doctors?

30 Because it wasnt peeling well!

31 What do you call a snail on a ship?

32 A snailor!

33 What do elves learn in school?

34 the elf abet

35 What is math teachers favorite candy?

36 Measure-mints!

37 Why was the nose sad?

38 Because he did not get picked!

39 Where does a sheep go to get a haircut?

40 To the baa-baa shop.

41 What do you get if you cross a cat with father christmas?

42 Santa claws

43 When is an apple not an apple?

44 When it is a pinapple

45 What is black and white and read all over?

46 A zebra with a rash.

47 What is a dogs favorite part of a tree?

48 Bark!

49 Where does the cow family go for a good time?

50 They go to the moo-vies!

51 Where did the cows go on there date?

52 To the moo - vies

53 What kind of phone does the ocean have?

54 A shell phone

55 We hope you had a good laugh!!

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